"What should I do?"

Looking at Qing Gan, whose eyes were shining with silver light and seemed to have completely lost his mind, Xia Muyao had some plans to retreat.

As for Mo Xun, he had also wanted to leave a long time ago.

The current situation has already exceeded his control.

At this moment, Zan Wu and Cha Shan must be fighting hard in this beast body.

But no matter which side wins, there is actually no need for both of them to stay.

If Zan Wu wins, it is tantamount to revenge. If Cha Shan wins, he and Xia Muyao will be helpless with the body of the great demon king controlled by the other party, and it is very likely that they will even lose themselves.

After all, the two of them have not suffered much injury after a round of hard fighting, but their magic power is a little behind.

Now, the two have retreated thousands of feet away.

Hidden far away in the clouds, watching the Qing Gan beast that is still tossing.

The body that covers the sky and the sun is like a small mountain. Every time it hits the ground, it will cause a rumbling sound around.

Such a big commotion naturally attracted the curious monsters and monks nearby.

However, most of those people were not very skilled. After seeing this scene, they either hid far away or turned away.

Even if a mad demon king could not destroy the world, the residual power he caused was enough to almost shatter the remnant of the upper world.

Those space cracks hidden in the dark seemed to have little effect on it. They just added some wounds to the flesh.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Mo Xun asked in a deep voice: "Sanqing Daoyou, what do you think?"

"Wait a minute, since I promised to avenge that tribe, if I abandon it now, how can I, as the ancestor, face my descendants in the future?"

Mo Xun snorted in his heart.

He thought that those were your descendants, what did they have to do with me.

In fact, by doing this, he had already fulfilled his previous promise.

After all, when he agreed, he only said that he would do it with all his strength once.

Moreover, this time, he directly destroyed Cha Shan's body. No matter from which angle, he was worthy of the other party.

"What will happen if we wait?"

Sanqing chuckled.

"Fellow Daoist is so smart, can't you figure it out?"

"What do you mean?"

"Although this body is strong, it will eventually run out of strength. Even if Zan Wu is finally devoured, it will become a tiger with broken teeth. Isn't it at your mercy?"

Mo Xun raised his eyes again and glanced at the Qinggan beast that was still rolling and roaring.

He had thought of this possibility, but what if Zan Wu was defeated when Qinggan still had strength left?

This was a bit of a gamble!

Once Cha Shan took control of the body, he would surely come to deal with him immediately.

But his current relationship with Sanqing was indeed a bit special, and it could not be simply attributed to cooperation or exploitation.

After several life and death experiences, plus the six months of learning the Heavenly Rune with him, the two of them had established a close relationship.

If we act only on a few cold promises, it would be a bit inhumane.

You must know that this kind of thing is mutual!

He followed the promise today, and tomorrow, at the moment of life and death, Sanqing can completely abandon him on the premise of fulfilling his promise.

After a moment of silence, Mo Xun turned his head and said to the side: "You go first!"

Up to this point, Xia Muyao has done enough.

This matter has nothing to do with Xia Muyao after all. If he hurts others because of his willfulness in the end, he will also be uneasy.

Who knows that Xia Muyao shook her head firmly.

"No need!" Then, he looked at the Qinggan giant beast in the smoke and dust in the distance with a vigilant look.

Looking at the half cheek next to him, which was cold and a little bit delicate, Mo Xun was a little dazed for a while.

To be honest, although he had experienced life and death with the other party several times and had been inseparable for half a year, he still didn't see through this woman.

From the time they met until now, the other party was either seeking revenge or on the way to revenge.

That was all he could see!

Even though the two of them had sex twice, he still didn't know what kind of person she was.

She would do anything to get revenge, used him, and sacrificed herself to block the killing move of Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch for him. Now she was willing to take risks to help him.

The woman in front of him seemed to be a contradictory individual.

He always had a hunch that after this separation, it might take a long time for the two of them to meet again.

Even farewell forever!

This was an instinctive intuition after experiencing many things!


Mo Xun was halfway through his words, and suddenly stopped talking!

Xia Muyao felt his emotional fluctuations and turned her head in confusion.

"What's wrong?"

The two looked at each other, and Mo Xun didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly changed the topic and asked: "Can you give me the thing you promised back then now?"

Xia Muyao's face became more suspicious. After thinking about it, she really couldn't think of what she had promised.

"That's...that's the one..."

When he said this, Mo Xun's face turned red, which was rare for him, and Xia Muyao was confused.


It seemed that after making up his mind, Mo Xun mustered up the courage to say: "That...shadow wall stone!"

Xia Muyao was stunned for a moment, but in an instant, a blush appeared from her cheeks to her ears.

And it was particularly conspicuous against her fair skin.

She didn't know what the man in front of her was thinking, and why he mentioned that matter in this situation.

In an instant, her memories were pulled back to many years ago.

When the two separated, she did promise that if Mo Xun wanted the stone, he had to exchange it with the head of Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch.

Although Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch was not killed by Mo Xun now, the effect achieved was almost the same.

But how could she have the nerve to take out such a thing.

Thinking of this, Xia Muyao couldn't help but glared at him in shame and anger.

Once given out, wouldn't it mean that this hateful man would appreciate her ugly appearance again?

Thinking of this, she said in a cold voice with a little anger: "I didn't bring it!"

Mo Xun opened his eyes in surprise. What do you mean by not bringing it?

How can such an important thing not be brought with you? What if it is seen by others?

He suddenly remembered that when he met Xia Muyao before, the other party even lost the storage bag.

He couldn't help but feel a little nervous!

"You didn't lose it?"

When Mo Xun thought about this kind of thing being picked up by others and then admiring the contents inside, he felt worse than eating a fly.

Xia Muyao replied coldly: "Just take it as it is!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows and was about to continue asking, but suddenly he felt a pressure coming down from the sky.

Then, a powerful force came from all around his body, as if to suck him into the void.

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