Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 695: The Palace is closed

The two looked at each other and thought of a possibility at the same time.

This place is going to be closed!

Then their bodies began to fade, and the invisible force seemed to tear them towards a certain place.

At this critical moment, Mo Xun's hand flashed with a rosy glow, and suddenly a jade slip appeared.

He stuffed the jade slip into Xia Muyao's hand without hesitation, and just wanted to say a few words, but the whole person disappeared in the white light.

What he gave out was the "Small Zhoutian Ziwei Treasure Mirror" taken out from the suspended palace.

It should have been given to the other party earlier, but it was always delayed because of other things.

Mo Xun only felt a dizziness in his head, which was similar to the situation he encountered when he came here.

I don't know how long it lasted, it seemed to be a long transmission. When he regained consciousness, he was already deep under the sea.

Feeling the pressure of the sea water around him, he quickly made a water avoidance trick.

Then, he saw white light flashing around him, and familiar and unfamiliar figures appeared, as many as dozens.

Some were human cultivators, and some were half-human, half-beast monsters.

These people were more or less injured, and some were even missing arms and legs, looking extremely embarrassed.

After they woke up, they all showed the look of surviving a disaster.

Mo Xun looked back, and behind him was the sea gate he had entered before.

That is to say, where everyone entered from, they would eventually come out from.

After many people reacted, they all turned into rainbow light without hesitation like thieves and rushed to the sea.

In addition, some of the stronger ones actually had the idea of ​​killing people and stealing treasures on the spot, and they fought directly.

Mo Xun looked around and did not find Xia Muyao.

It was obvious that the woman was probably not in the same sea gate with him.

Just when he was about to leave first, he suddenly noticed an unfriendly look.

In the dim light, Mo Xun glanced into the distance.

Just a glance made his heart jump secretly.

This was a strange face.

He was tall and thin, with disordered breath. Although he had turned into a human form, he had a green feather on his head.

Although he didn't know the other person, the breath he exuded was extremely familiar!

In an instant, he was almost 90% sure that this person was the body of the great demon Zan Wu!

When he relaxed just now, he almost forgot that Cha Shan had entered the same sea gate with him. Although he had changed his body now, he was likely to be teleported here.

The terrible thing was that he could no longer feel Zan Wu's existence from that body!

The moment he recognized this person, he performed a spiritual wind change, and then the whole person brought an undercurrent in the water.

"Sanqing, it seems that you have lost the bet this time!"

Sanqing naturally noticed this situation and said angrily: "How could I know that he was so useless? Not only did he lose a lot of soul power of this saint, but he also ruined the reputation of my Sanqing clan. If I had known earlier, I should have slapped him to death with one palm! But don't worry, Xiao Mo, even if this beast wins temporarily, it will not be able to completely merge with that body for a while. In addition, it has suffered a lot of losses before, and it may not even be able to take your punch!"

Mo Xun was speechless in his heart!

It's time now, and he is still arguing!

If the Great Demon King was so easy to deal with, Xia Muyao would not have planned for hundreds of years, and finally killed the Purple Saint Heavenly Monarch with the help of the Green-tailed Fierce Centipede and the Fire-bathed Sky-supporting Beast.

Only Zan Wu, that idiot, has a lot of cultivation. He didn't fight with his physical body back then, and now even his soul is not his opponent.

It makes him really doubt what kind of existence the Sanqing bloodline is in the upper realm?

It's just a piece of mud that can't be helped!

"Fellow Daoist Sanqing, now that Zan Wu is dead, I guess you have given up the idea of ​​revenge, right?"


After Sanqing pondered for a moment, he said generously: "What you said makes sense, so let's spare that guy for now!"

Mo Xun shook his head helplessly. This guy is simply a living treasure!

In a few breaths, he soared into the sky from the sea.

As soon as he flew into the air, he saw a flash of swords and shadows in the distance, followed by a strong fluctuation of mana.

It turned out that there was a little demon king who was besieging and killing seven or eight demon spirits and Jindan cultivators at this moment.

Mo Xun didn't pay attention to these, and once again used the spiritual wind to change and disappeared from the spot.

Just a few thousand feet away, he just showed his figure and chopped down a huge axe head-on.

As the sound of breaking through the air came, the axe carried a vast pressure, as if it could tear this space apart!

Fortunately, Mo Xun had been through many battles, and when the axe fell, he dodged like a ghost.

But despite this, the violent aftermath still made him stagger and stagger slightly.

"Huh? This human is quite skilled!"

When Mo Xun regained his composure, he noticed that the person who attacked him was a demon with a tiger head and eagle eyes!

Faced with this sudden killing move, Mo Xun was naturally unhappy.

Before coming here, he had heard that after the ruins palace was opened, there would be people with ill intentions sitting outside to reap the benefits.

But now was not the time to fight with him.

Because he had clearly sensed that Cha Shan was chasing him from behind.

Looking at the demon in front of him, Mo Xun snorted coldly, and his face became extremely gloomy.

"Get out of here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly turned into a rainbow light and rushed directly towards the opponent.

The demon spirit was also startled. He had seen fights, but he had never seen one fight desperately right from the start.

As a demon spirit that had just advanced, he was already at a similar level to Mo Xun.

He had almost succeeded in a sneak attack by lurking in the dark before, but he was unwilling to fight head-on.

The demon spirit quickly dodged and let Mo Xun go.

Looking at the light that was escaping in the distance, he was still hesitating whether to chase it. After all, the other party could leave so desperately, which meant that he must have obtained some treasure in the secret realm of the ruins palace!

But before he could take any action, another cold snort came from behind him.

The moment he heard this voice, the demon spirit shuddered unconsciously.

Then he saw that this world suddenly started to spin.

The blue sky and the sea appeared alternately, and there was a figure rushing past him.

What surprised him even more was that he seemed to see his own body, but the body was headless, and it just fell straight down from the air.


Feeling the strange consciousness lingering around him, Mo Xun immediately summoned the Xuantian True Fire, pinched his fingers, and suddenly disappeared in a burst of fire!

Thousands of miles away, when he reappeared, he used another move of Heavenly Fire Escape before he could rest.

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