Then, a stream of blood flowed down his chest, staining the front of his shirt red.

Mo Xun frowned slightly!

It's not that he was unable to dodge, but in the moment just now, he wanted to check the recovery of his body.

If it were in the past, let alone a mortal weapon, even a magic weapon would hardly hurt him.

It seems that with the disappearance of magic power, the strength of his body has also shrunk significantly.

Seeing this, the strong man was also a little stunned!

Mo Xun was wearing soft armor, but he clearly felt the short knife piercing into his flesh, and blood was flowing out.

But the question is, why can't it pierce in?

Could it be that it just pierced the bone?

That's not right, whose ribs are so hard?

"You... you are a body refiner..."

Before he finished speaking, Mo Xun grabbed his wrist holding the knife, and the other hand was clasped on his neck.

Then there was a click, and the man's pupils gradually became dilated in astonishment, and his head drooped.

"Body training?"

Mo Xun's eyebrows twisted again, and after muttering something, he gently released his palm.

The man then collapsed and fell down, no longer breathing.

Yunniang stared at the scene in front of her blankly, and her face turned pale in an instant.

But soon, she reacted, and hurriedly lit the oil lamp, and hurriedly took out several porcelain bottles and white cloth from a small box, and pulled Mo Xun to lie down while talking and gesturing.

In a hurry just now, Mo Xun's wounds on his body burst open, and now his whole body was covered in blood, which was particularly creepy.

Looking at the whole body stained with blood, Yunniang's tears flowed out all of a sudden.

At this time, she didn't care about her thin and broken clothes, and began to apply medicine and bandage for Mo Xun.

When she opened Mo Xun's shirt and saw the deep wound on his chest, Yunniang was already crying.

If tears can burst out, it would be like this now!

Even when applying medicine, his fingers were shaking constantly.

From beginning to end, Mo Xun looked normal!

He had experienced so many injuries, not to mention this knife wound, even his limbs had been broken several times.

What he was thinking about was the body training mentioned by that person!

It seems that there should be cultivators in this place.

As long as there are immortal cultivators, he will have a way to restore his cultivation!

When he thought of this, a glimmer of hope suddenly rose in his heart, and he couldn't help but smile.

Seeing this miserable smile, Yunniang was not relieved, but thought that Mo Xun was forcing himself to comfort her, and tears could not stop flowing out again.

This night was not peaceful after all!

Yunniang took the body of the strong man to the vegetable garden in the backyard and buried it before dawn.

Mo Xun wanted to help, but was stopped by the little girl.

Seeing that frail body taking so much effort to finish all these, Mo Xun didn't know whether to sigh or feel helpless.

It wasn't until a few days later that he found out from the neighbor Jiang Po.

The strong man who broke in that night was a lazy rogue in the village.

After he disappeared, he mobilized the whole village to look for him in the mountains for two days.

Since this incident, Yunniang seemed to be a little different in getting along with Mo Xun.

Although in many cases, the two of them still talked at cross purposes, it was more natural than before.

As for Mo Xun, he was already planning that once his injuries improved, he would try his luck in the city, maybe he could find a way to awaken the magic power in his body.

The two of them got up almost at the same time in the morning of this day.

It was because they had agreed the night before to go with Yunniang to the place where she usually collected herbs.

Unexpectedly, this trip actually gave him a huge surprise.

After a month of recuperation, Mo Xun's external injuries had healed almost completely.

The mountain road was rugged, and it was naturally not a big deal for the two who grew up in the mountains.

Yunniang carried a bamboo basket on her back and walked along the way. Although she didn't say anything, she gave people a feeling of comfort and leisure.

Yunniang was very happy. Every time she arrived at a place, she gestured to Moxun, or introduced the situation of the place, or talked about what she had found here before.

Moxun was confused and guessed, but he could understand a little.

On the way, he encountered a small snake. Moxun thought the little girl would be afraid, but he didn't expect that Yunniang would open her belly and take out the snake gall in a few seconds.

Although this girl looks weak, she is not squeamish at all.

Perhaps because she grew up alone, she can basically handle many things that men should do.

The herbs picked by Yunniang were all ordinary ones. At least Moxun didn't find any spiritual herbs.

Tired of walking, the two rested by the stream for a while.

Yunniang even used local materials, found some wild vegetables, and directly lit the smoke in the mountains.

The stove was even simpler, a clean thin stone and a few sticks were enough to make a fire.

Looking at the girl's skillful appearance, Mo Xun couldn't help asking, "Do you usually come here like this?"

Yunniang didn't understand and could only smile back.

It was hard for Mo Xun to imagine how such a girl could survive after losing all her relatives at the age of eight.

Her world was quiet and her life was lonely!

She went up the mountain alone, collected herbs alone, went home to cook alone, and waited for the silent night alone.

Mo Xun couldn't help but think of himself.

Since he left home in his teens, he has walked alone to the present.

Shengguo, Lantian City, Xihezhou, Liangyi Sect, Xuanyuan City, the boundless sea of ​​monsters, and now the Tiankui Realm.

More than two hundred years of cultivation, sometimes a retreat would last for several years or even decades.

During this period, no one talked to him.

Cultivation is lonely, and isn't it the same for a person's life?

Although he knew that the other party couldn't understand, Mo Xun still spoke.

"You are very strong. A kind girl like you will definitely find a good destination in the future..."

At this point, he suddenly thought of a possibility.

He is unable to mobilize his magic power now, most likely because his meridians or golden elixir are damaged.

Then why not guide Yunniang to practice?

Once Yunniang cultivates magic power, she can open his storage bag. As long as he takes out the Huntian Divine Liquid, he will be able to recover quickly.

But in a moment, he denied this idea.

First of all, even if Yunniang has spiritual roots, communication is a big problem, and it is difficult to accurately transmit the law.

Secondly, his storage bag was sealed with spiritual consciousness, and it could only be opened after building the foundation and cultivating spiritual consciousness, and knowing the means of prohibition.

This was too slow, and he didn't have the patience to wait.

By noon, perhaps the nearby herbs had been collected, and Yunniang planned to go to a farther place.

Mo Xun knew that in the past month, because she needed to cook for him, Yunniang had to go back every time at this time.

So she rarely went to the deep mountains!

Today was different, there was no need to rush back.

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