Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 702 Qingming Grass

Coming to the edge of a cliff, Yunniang asked Moxun to wait for a while while she grabbed the rope and went over to collect two medicinal herbs.

The herbs Yunniang mentioned were actually on the other side of the cliff where the slope was gentler.

It wasn't very dangerous.

But Yunniang was a woman after all, so she tied a rope around herself and climbed down carefully.

Seeing that there was nothing serious, Moxun came to the steep side and looked down. It was only a few hundred feet.

Just when he was quite idle, a solitary green weed about six or seven feet below immediately caught his attention.

At first glance, this green grass was no different from other weeds.

But with Moxun's eyesight, he immediately noticed that there was a black texture on each leaf of this grass.

"Qingming grass!"

This was his first reaction!

This was really a case of looking for something after searching everywhere.

When Gong Yang introduced the appearance of this thing to him, he had deeply engraved it in his memory. He had been wandering in the Demon Sea for fifty years and had traveled to almost every corner, but he still could not find the whereabouts of this thing.

Unexpectedly, it appeared here!

In this way, this place should still belong to the Boundless Demon Sea.

While thinking, Mo Xun had already leaned over and climbed down.

If it was in the past, why would it be so troublesome?

Not to mention flying in the clouds, he could pick it up with just a wave of his hand.

But now he has to be more careful!

Although his physical strength has recovered a little, it is difficult for him to be sure if he can withstand falling from such a height!

But now is not the time to worry about these. With this Qingming Grass, he can fulfill the promise he made to Gong Yang many years ago.

Counting it up, it should be about two hundred years!

From the initial use of each other by the two to the life and death brothers later, Gong Yang can be said to be the most familiar one among the people he has met.

I almost witnessed his growth process!

But this guy has been sleeping for more than 60 years, and I don’t know when he will wake up?

If he waits until he has a baby, I believe he will be shocked when he wakes up!

Just as he was climbing down the cliff, Yunniang on the other side had returned to the top.

Just as Yunniang was happily holding the herbs and wanted to show off to Mo Xun, she was stunned.

She looked around in confusion, and saw no human figure except the cold wind.

In an instant, she was a little anxious!

Because she couldn’t hear the sound, she couldn’t detect the movement on the other side. She could only babbled a few times, and then quickly dropped the herbs in her hand and looked along the cliff.

When she saw Mo Xun climbing down, Yunniang’s face suddenly turned pale.

She shouted a few times at the top of her voice, and when Mo Xun looked up, he saw her anxious face.

Mo Xun didn’t know what gesture could make her not worry, so he could only smile slightly.

The two have been together for so long, although they don't talk much, and even often don't understand what the other person is saying, but at certain times, they have an inexplicable tacit understanding.

Just like now, Yunniang naturally saw Mo Xun's comforting meaning.

But even so, in Yunniang's cognition, hanging in the air like this is tantamount to hanging by a thread, how can she not worry?

She quickly gestured a few times with her hands, as if to tell Mo Xun not to move.

Then she hurriedly untied the rope on her body, aimed at the direction and threw it down.

But the rope was a little short, and it ended halfway down.

She looked back in panic and ran to the big tree where the rope was tied, untied the rope, and ran back to the edge of the cliff.

Even so, the length seemed to be a little short.

And there was a problem, that is, there was no place to fix it around.

In a hurry, Yunniang tied one end of the rope directly to her ankle, then climbed down the cliff, with most of her body hanging in the air, her hands tightly holding a stone, and kept calling out to Mo Xun below.

At this time, Mo Xun had already picked the Qingming grass.

He looked at the rope hanging above his head, and then looked up at Yunniang who was in a rather embarrassed state, and was a little stunned.

What kind of courage could make her risk her life to save a stranger of unknown origin?

Mo Xun did not use the rope, but he did not have the heart to abandon it!

Even if he had no cultivation, he was still a Jindan cultivator after all, so this matter was not difficult for him.

In order to prevent Yunniang from feeling that his efforts were in vain, Mo Xun pulled the rope down slightly while climbing up.

In fact, he could have been more relaxed, but because he had to cooperate with this play, he was a little more strenuous.

Back on the cliff, Mo Xun was still the same as usual, but Yunniang's face was pale, whether it was because of fear or because she was a little weak from supporting her body.

Mo Xun looked at her worn hands and couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

"Thank you!"

Yunniang saw that he was fine, and while she was relieved, she showed her anger for the first time.

She babbled, pointing at Mo Xun for a while, and then pointing at the cliff, her expression was full of blame.

Mo Xun smiled slightly and signaled her to treat his wound first.

But Yunniang was relentless and scolded her for a whole cup of tea before pulling Mo Xun down the mountain with anger still not subsided.

Looking at her eyebrows raised because of anger, Mo Xun felt funny in his heart.

He was a 200-year-old old man, but he was pointed at by a little girl!

On the way down the mountain, Mo Xun took out the Qingming grass and wanted to tell Yunniang that this thing was very important to him, so the scene just now happened.

But after explaining for a long time, he still couldn't dispel the girl's anger.

When he returned home, because he didn't have a medicine storage jade box, he could only find a big bamboo tube, temporarily planted the Qingming grass in it, and then placed it on his windowsill.

Looking at this hard-won green grass, he felt quite relaxed.

At least this trip to the Monster Sea was a success!

What he had to think about now was how to restore his magic power and how to get out.

In the next ten days, Mo Xun would still go up the mountain with Yunniang every day, on the one hand, he wanted to find more Qingming grass, and on the other hand, he expected to have some other gains.

Although he had a green gourd, he was not sure when he could restore his magic power. If he killed the grass during this period, he would not even have a spare one.

Unfortunately, he didn't have such good luck again.

In his spare time, Mo Xun would help Yunniang take care of the crops and vegetable garden behind the house. He was very skilled in carrying water and planting.

Gradually, the whole mountain village knew about his existence.

Occasionally, he would greet some villagers warmly.

It was a very leisurely day for men to farm and women to weave!

On this day, he felt that his external injuries had almost recovered, so he found an excuse not to go up the mountain with Yunniang.

After a simple packing, he took the Qingming grass to the city.

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