Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 703: Martial City

The main reason for bringing this thing is that the Qingming grass has already shown a tendency to wither.

If we can't find a way to restore our mana this time, we have to find a way to preserve this thing.

In front of the gate of Shangwu City, there are cars and horses shuttling back and forth, and people coming and going, which seems quite prosperous.

However, after seeing this scene, Mo Xun was discouraged.

Because what was presented in front of him was just a mortal city.

There were no traces of formations, no monsters to ride on, and no monks flying with swords in the sky.

Although most of those who entered and left the city were strong and carried all kinds of weapons, they were just dressed as warriors, and there was no fluctuation of mana.

As soon as he walked to the gate of the city, he was stopped by the guards.

Because he didn't have an identity card, he needed to provide a guarantee or pay an entry fee to enter the city.

This was a bit difficult for Mo Xun. If it was in the past, let alone a few taels of gold and silver, he could easily take out dozens of fist-sized night-shining pearls.

But now, he didn't have a penny.

The only valuable thing on him was probably the Qingming grass.

Just as he frowned, a hearty voice came from behind him.

"I'll pay for this man's money!"

As soon as the voice fell, a middle-aged man with a goatee stuck his head out from the carriage passing by and threw a piece of silver to the city guard.

"It turned out to be Master Mu. I didn't recognize the great man. Since you have the master as a guarantor, this silver can be waived!"

The guard hurriedly and respectfully sent the silver back with a flattering smile on his face.

"No need, you are also doing things according to the rules!"

Then, the man simply nodded to Mo Xun and hurriedly passed by.

Although Mo Xun was confused, he still bowed in the direction of the other party.

He couldn't help but wonder in his heart, what exactly does this man mean?

Doing a favor without expecting anything in return?

Soon he shook his head and put this brief episode behind him.

After entering the city, he was surprised again.

There were some teahouses and restaurants inside, but more of them were weapon shops!

The streets were bustling with people, and the sound of iron forging filled the air.

On both sides of the street, there were all kinds of weapons, from swords to axes.

Pedestrians holding weapons were everywhere, which just echoed the word "martial" in front of the gate.

In addition to weapons, there were also many shops selling animal blood and animal skins.

Out of curiosity, he walked in to take a look.

There were soft armor made of animal skins or animal tendon bows and crossbows hanging inside, and animal blood marked with different names and uses.

After asking, he learned that these animal bloods were actually used for body refining!

Now he finally understood the meaning of the words that man said before he died that day.

I think this place should be mainly for body refining.

But since there are people refining the body, there should be people refining the qi, but he didn't find a pill or magic weapon shop.

After wandering around for a long time, he finally found a loft that sold exercises.

After entering, it was full of body-refining exercises!

This was really a bit beyond his expectations. He didn't expect that the body-refining techniques that were hard to find in the outside world were seen here by him in dozens of ways.

After asking, he learned that these exercises were not traded with gold and silver, but something called beast core.

This place was like two different worlds from where he lived before!

At this moment, a hot woman walked down from the second floor.

This woman should be quite old, but she was very well maintained. She gave people the feeling that she was in her thirties. Her smiles and frowns exuded a mature charm.

At first, the woman just glanced at Mo Xun casually. At first, she seemed not to pay attention, but after a second glance, she was suddenly stunned.

Then she smiled and greeted him.

"If you don't mind, why not go upstairs to talk."

Although the store was not very noisy at the moment, there were several customers.

This sudden enthusiasm naturally attracted the attention of others, especially the two busy servants, whose faces suddenly showed strange expressions.

Perhaps she felt that what she said just now was a bit abrupt, and the woman quickly added: "The things you ordered last time have arrived and are placed upstairs. Please go upstairs with me to have a look."

After that, she dragged Mo Xun upstairs without saying anything.

Only then did the others react that they knew each other.

Among these people, there was a thin and handsome young man whose skin looked three points whiter than many women. After seeing this scene, he couldn't help but snorted coldly and secretly cursed "bitch"!

After hearing this, the companion on the side quickly reminded: "Don't be nosy, just leave after you have chosen!"

The handsome young man still stared at the backs of the two people who disappeared on the stairs, and muttered something, his eyes full of disgust.

At this moment, although Mo Xun was full of doubts, he did not resist at all, and was dragged upstairs by the woman.

He was so smart that he figured out the general idea in a flash.

The woman probably discovered that he was different from the people here, so she behaved so badly.

As for him, although he was on guard, he didn't take it too seriously.

Even though he had lost his cultivation, the calmness he had developed over the years was reflected at this time.

The woman was curious about him, so why didn't he have some interest in him?

Understanding the other party's intentions might be secondary. The main thing was that he was unfamiliar with this world, so he urgently needed to find someone to inquire.

At the moment, he had too many doubts in his mind.

On the second floor, there was a spacious reception room and two private rooms.

But the woman did not stay in the living room, but took Mo Xun directly into a room next to it.

The room was decorated warmly and elegantly, and there was a pleasant fragrance. It was a woman's boudoir at first glance.

The woman first asked Mo Xun to sit down, then hurriedly locked the doors and windows around, and finally even drew the curtains.

If this scene was seen by someone who didn't know what was going on, it would inevitably be full of imagination.

After doing all this, the woman bowed slightly with a little apology, and her expression changed from the previous flowery and more solemn.

Mo Xun thought that the other party would introduce himself first, or say a few words of greeting, but unexpectedly, the first sentence showed the purpose of the visit.

"Sir, are you from the outside world?"

Hearing this, although Mo Xun had expected it in his heart, he still frowned slightly.

"Madam, what do you mean? Please forgive me for not understanding. I just came here to buy some things, but was brought here for no reason. Shouldn't Madam give you an explanation first, or are you a shady shop?"

This woman is also a worldly-wise person. She was not frightened by Mo Xun's sharp eyes. She smiled slightly and pointed at Mo Xun's waist.

"If I am not mistaken, this thing should be called a storage bag, right?"

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