To say that the other party knew the storage bag, Mo Xun didn't show much curiosity. The key was his tone.

Could it be that there are no immortal cultivators here?

Refining the body without cultivating immortality, what kind of place is this?

After a brief silence, Mo Xun said: "Yes, this is indeed a storage bag, but I am not sure whether I come from the outside world you mentioned. I only know that this place is very different from the place I came from."

Seeing Mo Xun's generous admission, the woman immediately became happy and stood up from the chair.

"You really are from the outside world!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows, as if he had guessed something.

"So, you are an immortal cultivator?"

Mo Xun nodded slightly, and after the woman calmed down, he asked: "Where is this place? Have you never seen anyone like me before?"

After a long time, Mo Xun roughly understood what was going on.

While I was shocked, I couldn't help but feel a chill in my heart.

This woman's name is Qi Ruyan, and she is also the owner of this shop.

As I learned from Jiang Po before, this place is called Tiankui Realm, which is another place completely independent from the world of cultivating immortals.

Mo Xun finally figured out that it was not because his golden elixir was damaged that he could not sense the spiritual energy, but because there was no spiritual energy here at all.

Not only does it not exist, but due to special reasons, nothing spiritual can exist here.

According to Qi Ruyan, this place was originally a place of exile a long time ago.

The exiled subjects are all immortal cultivators who have committed crimes in the outside world.

The entire Tiankui world has not only been drained of spiritual energy, but also isolated by formations. Not only is there no spiritual energy at all, but once any spiritual thing enters it, it will be drained of spiritual energy and turned into a mortal object.

To put it simply, this is a dead place where cultivation is impossible!

Ancestor Qi Ruyan used to be the caretaker here. Later, for unknown reasons, Tiankui Realm completely lost contact with the outside world, turning this place into a completely isolated place.

The human race here today are the descendants of those criminals back then.

Because they are unable to practice, many people find another way and find the method of body training.

This is also the reason why local body training is so prosperous!

I don't know how many thousands of years have passed, but most people have long forgotten about cultivating immortals or have lost their knowledge. The reason why Qi Ruyan knows so clearly depends on a piece of handwriting left by his ancestors.

When Mo Xun heard this, he couldn't sit still.

"Do you know how to leave this world?"

This is obviously what he is most concerned about at the moment. If it is true as the other party said, he will never be able to recover his magic power in this place.

Qi Ruyan sighed softly.

"If there is a way to leave, do you think anyone would be willing to stay here? But..."

Having said this, Qi Ruyan paused for a moment.

"But what?"

"The city lord may know more, but since he can't even leave, it means that even if there is a way, there will be a huge price to pay."

Seeing Mo Xun's thoughtful look, Qi Ruyan added: "But I advise you not to go find him."

Mo Xun frowned.


Qi Ruyan didn't answer and asked instead: "Do you know the realm of body refining and the distribution of forces in the entire Tiankui world?"

Mo Xun shook his head slightly, not knowing which question he was answering.

Although he didn't know much about body refining, he still knew something about it.

As for the distribution of local power, it was a blur.

Qi Ruyan explained in a calm and unhurried manner: "I don't know about the outside world, but the body training here is divided into nine realms. The first to fifth realms are body refiners. Most people practice for a lifetime, and that's the end of it. , those who are above the Sixth Realm can be called a Grandmaster, and their longevity will be doubled accordingly. They are all leaders of all forces. As for those in the Nineth Realm, they call themselves Grandmasters of Henglian, and there is no one in the entire Tiankui world. Reached, this may also be related to the lack of spiritual energy in this place."

Mo Xun looked thoughtful, which was similar to what he knew about the ninth level of Henglian.

The master of the Sixth Realm can already defeat the alchemy monks with the power of his physical body.

"There are three cities in Tiankui Realm, all of which are similar in size. Those who can occupy the city lord are at least above the seventh realm. If you feel that you have the strength to fight, you can try it. Otherwise, I think that The city lord is definitely not as easy to talk to as I am."

Seven realms?

Mo Xun secretly touched his chin.

If this realm is similar to what he knows, the strength should be similar to the peak of Dan Jie.

If he has not lost his cultivation, he has nothing to fear.

"Didn't your ancestors have a way to leave behind?"

Qi Ruyan smiled bitterly and shook her head.

"Perhaps there was once, but after countless years, it has long ceased to exist. Moreover, the ancestors did not go out at that time, and there is nothing we can do about it. If I didn't have that handwritten note, I might still be alive until now, and I still don't know that there is someone else outside. Ichiban World.”

Feeling the depression in the other person's mood, he is like a prisoner who has been trapped for a long time, full of desire for freedom!

After a long time, Mo Xun couldn't help but ask: "What do you want to gain by telling me this?"

No matter where you are, there is no problem in saying that you can’t afford to be early without benefits.

The other party brought him here and told him so many secrets to please him, so it was impossible for him to ask for nothing.

Qi Ruyan didn't hesitate at all, and said calmly: "I need a book on cultivating immortals, and the calmness you are showing now is completely inconsistent with your appearance and age, which means you must have taken some magical medicine like Zhuyan." Medicine, I need some too.”

Mo Xun raised his head and glanced at the other party. This woman was very observant.

Ordinarily, these two things are nothing to him now.

Even now, there is not a trace of mana worth.

"Mrs. Qi, since you recognize this thing, you should know its function. And the two things you mentioned are also there, but they are all in this."

While talking, Mo Xun had already taken off his storage bag and placed it on the table in front of the two of them.

"But according to you, the entire Tiankui world cannot retain spiritual energy. Without spiritual energy, I can't open the storage magic weapon, and naturally I can't take it out. There are also cultivation techniques. Even if you get it, it will be useless. Things, as for the beauty elixir, it is not a valuable thing to me, but you just said that once any spiritual thing enters this place, it will immediately lose its spirituality, and may have changed before you take it. "

Mo Xun stood up slowly and sighed.

"So if we don't solve the spiritual energy problem, everything you and I are talking about now is just a castle in the air. Of course, if you can find a way to leave this place, I can take you with me when I go out."

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