Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 705 Accident in the Mountains

In the deep mountains!

Yunniang lifted the bamboo basket on her back and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

Her small body looked even thinner under the scorching sun.

She was lucky today. Not only did she pick half a basket of herbs, but she also encountered a rabbit that had crashed into a tree stump and died.

She could have meat again in the evening!

She had a great time these days. She picked some wild flowers on the way and made a wreath for herself.

Just as she was about to go back, her eyes suddenly lit up and she found a solitary wild grass growing on one side of the cliff.

The wild grass was very strange, as if it had grown from the cracks in the stone.

There were no other weeds within a few feet around. It stood alone in the wind, which was particularly conspicuous!

Yunniang recognized it immediately. It was the herb that Mo Xun had risked his life to pick before.

She showed a hint of surprise at first, and then climbed up along the stone without any hesitation. She almost fell from mid-air on the way.

When she finally dug out the herbs after great efforts, she smiled knowingly.

She was going to put the herbs in the backpack, but she was worried that they would be lost.

She took out a handkerchief, wrapped the herbs and the soil together, and then carefully hid them in her clothes, and then slowly climbed down from the top.

This unexpected harvest seemed to make her happier than digging out a basket of herbs!

But when she reached the halfway point of the mountain, she suddenly heard a rustling sound behind her.

She looked back and almost screamed in fright.

In the bushes in the distance, there was a sturdy black bear hiding, slowly approaching her, and with a fierce look in his eyes, he seemed to have regarded her as a delicious delicacy.

Fortunately, Yunniang grew up in the mountains since she was a child, and this situation was not encountered once or twice.

After a brief fright, she retreated towards the towering rock wall not far away, and took out a pocket crossbow in her hand.

The man and the bear stood face to face for a moment in a strange way.

Then Yunniang suddenly ran away!

Seeing this, the black bear no longer hid its body and chased Yunniang madly in the direction of her escape.

Its huge body was like a beast, splashing pieces of mud along the way, and those small trees were directly uprooted by it.

In the quiet jungle, it was like a ground dragon suddenly sprang out!

Yunniang ran to the rock wall with a gasp, and climbed up with her hands and feet.

The children in the mountains can't do anything else, but they have the ability to climb rocks and trees without a teacher!

When they reached about two meters, perhaps because the rock wall was smooth and there was no grip, plus she was carrying a bamboo basket behind her, it was difficult to continue climbing.

However, this height was enough for her to escape this crisis.

The black bear chased after him with a roar, and wanted to climb up with him, but his fat body was too clumsy, and he only climbed one or two feet each time, and then fell down heavily.

But this guy seemed to be very determined. After trying several times, he still had no intention of giving up. He just stayed there and would raise his head from time to time and roar with his mouth wide open.

Yunniang was also feeling uncomfortable at this moment.

Her body was tightly pressed against the steep rock wall, and she dared not move. She looked up at the towering rock top, and she really couldn't go up or down.

Because her hands and feet had been exerting force for a long time, they were already a little sore and numb.

If the beast didn't leave, she might not be able to hold on for long, and she would fall down by herself.

Although she had a crossbow in her hand, she didn't dare to shoot the arrow rashly.

The black bear was already so furious, and if she angered it again, it would definitely not end well.

But this was not a solution!

Just when she was in a dilemma, she suddenly noticed that the black bear below was sticking out its long tongue and licking a stone in a very strange way.

Out of curiosity, she noticed that it was the hare behind her, and the blood dripped on it.

She immediately thought of why the black bear was chasing her.

There was a deep pit a little further away!

With this in mind, she quickly took out the hare from her backpack, shook it in the air, and threw it hard after attracting the black bear's attention.

As the hare was thrown far away, the black bear really chased it.

Yunniang felt relieved, and without bothering to check other things, she slid down the rock wall in a few seconds and ran in the opposite direction.

But she underestimated the appetite of the beast.

Not long after running, the black bear caught up again.

Yunniang was out of breath and suddenly panicked.

If there was a big tree, it could help her escape.

But the hillside where she was now, only a few scattered weeds grew, and there was not even anything to cover her.

Just at this moment, she suddenly twisted her foot, and because of losing her balance, she rolled down the slope.

After rolling down for seven or eight feet, she finally stopped.

Her whole body was bruised and her face was covered with blood.

Her body seemed to fall apart!

Fortunately, the black bear might be tired of chasing, and it didn't catch up this time.

Yunniang lay in the grass with soreness all over her body. After resting for a stick of incense, she barely climbed up.

However, the backpack behind her had disappeared, and the herbs were scattered somewhere.

And the hare, which was originally prepared for the two of them to have a snack, is now a pity!

Thinking of this, she hurriedly touched the handkerchief in her lapel.

When he saw that the weed was intact, he let out a long sigh of relief.

As for the wounds on his body, they seemed to be secondary at the moment.

After a while, she went to the nearest location and briefly treated her bleeding arm.

After checking every part of his body, he found that his ankle was twisted and his calf had a cut.

But these are all small things after all, as long as everyone is fine.

He raised his eyes and looked around, and found that he was at the bottom of a canyon...

While Yun Niang was experiencing this accident, Mo Xun was still in Qi Ruyan's boudoir.

"Mr. Mo, as for the way to leave this place, I really don't have a clue, but I can restore your mana!"

When Mo Xun heard this, he suddenly stood up.

"Is this true?"

Qi Ruyan did not answer in a hurry. Instead, she changed the subject and said, "Before that, can I ask you a question first?"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows. Although he wanted to know the answer, he suppressed it for the time being.

"you say!"

"I wonder how old sir is now?"

Mo Xun was immediately confused by the other party's jumping thoughts.

Why did this topic suddenly come up while we were talking?

"What do you mean, ma'am?"

Qi Ruyan's cheeks turned red.

"Okay, Sir, let's first guess my age."

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