
Mo Xun took a closer look at the charming woman in front of him.

This was the first time he encountered this kind of problem, and it was with a woman.

What is the other party’s intention?

With doubts, Mo Xun muttered and said: "Madam is naturally beautiful, dignified and beautiful. Forgive me for being stupid, it is really difficult to guess."

"Sir, you misunderstood me!"

Qi Ruyan smiled bitterly, looked sadly at the bronze dressing mirror beside the bed, and touched her face charmingly.

"The only reason I can maintain this condition now is by taking precious medicinal herbs all year round. But time is irreversible after all. Every birthday is the day I least want to spend..."

She suddenly sighed.

"Now, I have passed the age of sixty. I think it won't be long before the hair on my head can no longer be covered!"

Hearing this, Mo Xun seemed to understand a little bit what this woman meant.

"I ask this question just because I want to get a definite answer from my husband. Can that kind of beauty elixir really keep people young forever? And will it still be effective at my age?"

Feeling the heat in the other person's eyes, Mo Xun just said lightly: "I don't remember the specific age, but when I formed the elixir, I was already more than 140 years old. I have been traveling everywhere in the past few years, and I have been in seclusion. A Jiazi, roughly calculated, should still be there at the age of two hundred and ten. As for whether it will be effective for you, there is no doubt about this. Even if you don’t have the Zhuanyan Pill, as long as you practice to a certain level, you can forcibly reverse your appearance!"

When he heard the first half, Qi Ruyan was stunned!

You can fit an egg in your mouth!

"This...if you put it this way, aren't you older than my great-grandfather?"

Mo Xun rolled his eyes secretly. Although this was true, it made people feel uncomfortable. It felt a bit like scolding him for being old and immortal.

"About this, madam, there is no need to doubt that people like me are everywhere in the world of immortality. Not to mention me, even a five or six hundred year old young man with gray hair, I have never seen him before. Once you can help me, I will restore my mana, and in addition to the Beauty Pill, I will also give you some additional cultivation resources."

Qi Ruyan's heart became hotter and hotter the more he listened.

She may not understand what immortality is, but just the fact that her appearance lasts forever is enough to make her crazy about it.

"Okay, as long as you don't bully me, I will do my best to help you!"

More than half an hour later, Mo Xun left the store.

But instead of relaxing, his brows became even tighter.

The more he learned about this world, the more difficult he found the problem.

He originally thought that Qi Ruyan's recovery of mana was in a special place or through some kind of treasure, but who knew it was something called a blood array.

This has to mention one thing.

Beast core!

Beast cores are the main currency for trading body refining resources, and their source is from the bodies of local monster beasts.

According to the level of monsters here, they can be divided into four levels!

They are low-level, intermediate, high-level, and beast crystal!

For the local body-refining monks, the beast core has a wide range of uses. Not only can it directly absorb the power of blood in it, but it can also be integrated into various weapons to increase the power of the weapon.

The so-called blood formation is a special formation arranged with beast cores.

The blood array that just wants to restore mana must at least be a high-level beast core or beast crystal.

A high-level monster, its strength is not weaker than that of a six-level body refining master. Even if it is placed in the outside world, it is almost equivalent to the existence of the early stage of pill formation.

The key point is that even if the formation is successful, the blood in the beast's core can only last for a period of time.

In other words, there is a time limit!

So, what does it mean to him?

Once the blood energy is exhausted, the mana in his body will disappear immediately.

Even if you take out the required treasures from the storage bag, your spirituality will be lost and there will be no use for it at all!

Of course, he could take advantage of the short time to enter the green gourd.

The gourd is a world of its own, and you can practice as usual inside.

But he has to come out, right?

The more Mo Xun thought about it, the less meaningful it became.

The root of the problem is to find a way to leave this place.

Qi Ruyan told him that it would take some time to prepare, probably to collect high-level beast cores.

During this period, he needed to investigate everything about Tiankui World in detail.

Fortunately, today was not completely fruitless. From the woman's hand, I got a jar for temporarily storing medicinal herbs.

In addition, there are a few beast cores.

He needs to study this thing carefully and figure out what blood energy is.

Maybe he can get some unexpected gains with his formation skills.

According to Qi Ruyan, this place was an isolated place of exile many years ago.

Since he is isolated, he is very likely to be in a large formation with a very wide range.

As long as it is a large formation, there will be formation eyes.

It's just that for some reason, the birth gate was destroyed!

As for the reason, it is very likely that it was the war in ancient times.

Since the four states were divided and separated during the war, it is reasonable for a mere place of exile to be divided.

In these complicated thoughts, Mo Xun had no choice but to take one step at a time!

If it really doesn't work, you have to find a way to sneak into the City Lord's Mansion and look for relevant clues.

He didn't believe that he was the only one who had been stranded here for tens of thousands of years. If other cultivators had come in, they would definitely find ways to get out and investigate useful things. This might also be a way.

When he returned to the mountain village, the sunset had already set.

The farmers were either leading oxen or carrying farm tools, casting long shadows under the setting sun.

This scene evoked Mo Xun's long-lost memories.

Once in Xiaoling Village, every day was so peaceful.

Work at sunrise and rest at sunset!

Life is as simple as a blank sheet of paper!

If he succeeds in the great way one day and doesn't have to rush for immortality, he would be willing to return to such a time.

When he walked into the small courtyard surrounded by the fence again, he couldn't help but be stunned.

Through the opened window, he could see a figure sitting alone in his room.

The figure was thin and frail, staring blankly at the bamboo flowerpot on the windowsill, motionless.

The sunset glow shone on her body, revealing a sense of loss and loneliness!

Two lines of wind-dried tears left faint traces on her face.

Her hair was messy, her clothes were a little torn, and the blood on her body gave her a very embarrassed feeling.

In her hand, she tightly grasped a wild grass that seemed to be withering.


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