"Thank you sir!"

Qi Ruyan looked at the formation disk above his head, his hands holding the beast core trembling.

She was really nervous!

On the one hand, she was worried that the blood array would not be able to activate normally, and on the other hand, she was afraid that Mo Xun's elixir would only make her happy in vain.

After all, she only knew about Zhuyan Dan through a few words in her ancestor's handwritten notes, as well as Mo Xun's words.

If you talk about a few beast cores, it would be a waste.

But her desire for appearance was completely shattered.

As for cultivating immortality, she doesn't have much interest in it. If cultivating immortality can restore her youth, then she will become an immortal cultivator no matter what the cost.

Otherwise, no matter how long you live, what's the point?

Mo Xunzi couldn't understand this slightly twisted psychology, but he didn't need to.

The other party helps him restore his mana, and he fulfills the other party's wishes, and that's enough!

When Qi Ruyan put the last beast core into the array plate, several red lights suddenly flashed around him.

Immediately afterwards, several array disks began to tremble slightly.

Then, centered on the array plate above his head, along the transparent silk threads looming in the air, blood energy slowly spread out.

The silk thread was immediately dyed red when the blood energy passed through it.

Within a few breaths, the silk threads that were originally as dense as a spider web became like the dense blood vessels in the human body, intertwining in vertical and horizontal directions.

In those "veins", different weird runes flashed out.

When Mo Xun saw this, his previous thoughts were confirmed.

The body refiners here mainly focus on cultivating blood and energy.

Although this blood energy is similar to spiritual energy, it is a completely different thing. At least there is one big difference, that is, it cannot spread by itself in the air.

The function of those array disks should be to stimulate the blood energy in the beast's core.

The silk thread in the air is like a medium. Because blood cannot diffuse outside the body, several array disks can only be connected through silk threads and simulate the law of spiritual energy distribution to achieve the array effect.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun was almost certain that the so-called blood formation was actually a helpless improvement of the formation in the world of immortality.

Just as he was thinking, magic power that he had not felt for a long time suddenly gathered in his body.

Mo Xun couldn't help but feel happy, this array was really useful!

Although this amount of mana is really just a drop in the ocean compared to what he originally had.

It is even said that even the wind blade is not enough to send out, but for now, it is enough.

As his mana recovered, his consciousness gradually began to recover.

As soon as his thoughts changed, two more things suddenly appeared in his hand.

One is a bottle of elixir, and the other is a high-level spiritual stone.

Although he didn't know where the magic power in his body came from, he didn't know much. In order to seize the time, he absorbed the spiritual energy from the spiritual stone and handed the medicine bottle to Qi Ruyan's hand.

"You should take it now!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand to create a layer of invisible isolation and restraint around him. At the same time, he recited an invisibility spell, and then his whole person suddenly disappeared in front of his eyes.

Qi Ruyan was stunned by this scene.

In fact, she had never seen an immortal cultivator before, and when faced with such a miracle, she felt as if she had encountered a ghost.

Is this the magic of immortal cultivators?

It is not like she has never seen a strong body-refining person in this world, and she has many top-notch body-refining techniques, but none of them can make people disappear out of thin air.

If those Henglian masters encountered such a person, they would probably be defeated before the fight even started.

Although Qi Ruyan runs the Kung Fu Pavilion, she has never been involved in body training.

If she had the master state now, she would find that it was not as simple as she thought.

This invisibility technique seemed a bit mysterious, but it didn't mean that Mo Xun really disappeared from where he was.

A master-level body refiner, even without spiritual consciousness, can easily sense Mo Xun's existence through spatial fluctuations.

After a brief moment of shock, Qi Ruyan suddenly woke up and hurriedly opened the medicine bottle.

At this moment, Mo Xun was already in the green gourd.

"Huh? Uncle, why are you here just now? I also want you to see the newly refined elixir I have recently made!"

As soon as he entered, Bai Ze, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, rushed towards him.

We haven't seen each other for two years, but the little girl hasn't changed much.

I don't know how much spiritual grass he spent, but he didn't even grow a little.

Fortunately, the medicinal garden in the distance was full of spiritual energy and lush flowers and plants, so it was not harmed by this guy.

Mo Xun didn't have time to talk to her. After a brief greeting, he went straight to the medicine garden.

He first needed to plant the two green underworld grasses. Although Qi Ruyan gave them a jar to preserve them, it was not a long-term solution after all.

"Uncle, are you taking me out this time?"

Mo Xun waved his hand.

"There is some trouble outside. You should stay here and continue refining alchemy for the time being. I will let you out after a while."

"Oh well!"

The little guy's feeling of disappointment was fleeting, and he quickly brought out a bunch of pills and presented them to Mo Xun like a treasure.

But at this moment, how could Mo Xun have the time to talk to her?

He had already thought about what he would take when he came in.

All spiritual things are naturally excluded by him first.

"Uncle, look, this is the hair growth pill I refined. After eating it, you can grow very long hair. If you take it to the monk's temple, you will definitely sell it for a good price."

Mo Xun thought to himself, it would be weird if he didn't get beaten out!

But he still said casually: "Well, not bad!"

"And this one, I named it Itchy Pill. After eating it, your whole body will itch. It won't stop for ten days and a half."

"Very good, keep up the good work!"

Mo Xun picked out items that he could use now from his storage bag.

Among them, gold and silver are indispensable. Even if he can't use them all, he can still leave some for Yun Niang.

Speaking of Yun Niang, he had no intention of getting medicine for the little girl this time.

Because it’s useless to take it out!

If possible, he would bring Yun Niang into the green gourd for treatment.

Of course, if he develops a longer-lasting blood formation, he can also help Yun Niang recover in the blood formation.

"Uncle, why are you in such a hurry? Why don't you try the super concentration and calming pill that I recently developed, which is guaranteed to calm you down quickly."

Mo Xun rolled his eyes and remained calm. Maybe it was a high dose of Mongolian sweat medicine!

In fact, when it comes to good things without spirituality, he has a lot of them.

But the problem is that the storage bag cannot be accessed by the outside world, so carrying it is a big problem.

"Uncle, why don't you take a look at this powerful pill, it will make you very powerful after taking it!"

Mo Xun just wanted to wave his hand, but was suddenly stunned.

Because he actually felt a trace of blood in the dark red pill in the little girl's hand.


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