Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 710: Scattering Spirit Formation

"What did you use to make this?"

Bai Ze saw that Mo Xun was interested, and hurriedly said proudly: "There are Tongxin grass, Yuhuan fruit, Qiyun purple flower..."

The little girl counted more than a dozen kinds with her fingers. When she mentioned a spiritual medicine called Liuyang Red Blood Grass, Mo Xun suddenly turned his head and looked at the medicine garden.

Soon, he found a red spiritual herb among all kinds of messy plants.

When his consciousness fell on the spiritual herb, his eyebrows could not help but raise slightly.

This turned out to be a herb that mixed spirit and blood.

No wonder!

It seems that blood also exists in the world of cultivating immortals. Perhaps it is because it is rare, or because everyone is used to cultivating spirit, so few people pay attention to it!

According to this logic, Tiankui Realm should also grow this kind of herb.

It seems that I need to pay attention to it when I go out this time!

Thinking of this, he snatched the jade bottle from the little girl and asked, "How did you make this kind of elixir?"


After listening to the little girl's introduction, Mo Xun did not dare to delay any longer.

He quickly took out the Huntian Divine Liquid and poured two drops into his mouth.

This time he was able to recover his magic power, which at least showed that his foundation was not damaged in the previous injury.

But he could clearly feel that there was still a hidden disease in his body that had not been cured, but he had no time to check it in detail, so he could only deal with it hastily like swallowing a whole fruit.

He tried to communicate with Yutian Sword and Sanqing, but did not get any response.

The only thing that excited him was that Chili had awakened!

But now the Xuantian True Fire was too weak, and in the past few months in the Tiankui Realm, he could not get any spiritual energy to replenish it, so his original essence had not recovered.

Mo Xun had to leave it in the gourd and let Xiaobai take care of it for the time being.

"Uncle, is the soil expired? The seeds I planted in it last time haven't sprouted yet!"

Bai Ze was referring to the black soil in the medicine garden.

Hearing this, Mo Xun's heart trembled, as if he had thought of something.

After a simple check, he immediately felt a sense of crisis.

The little guy planted some ordinary spiritual herbs.

It is said that this kind of low-level spiritual medicine can sprout in a few days under the ripening of black soil, but now it is still in the form of seeds.

If the little girl remembered correctly, then the problem is serious.

Although the green gourd is against the sky, it also needs spiritual energy to nourish it.

Once it leaves the spiritual energy, it will naturally be affected.

If it is just that the ripening effect is temporarily lost, it will be fine. If it affects other spiritual objects, it will be troublesome.

Many of the plants planted here are his lifeblood.

For example, the crimson cloud fairy vine almost determines whether he can successfully form a baby in the future.

After Mo Xun paced back and forth for a few steps, he suddenly slapped his forehead.

Then he took out hundreds of thousands of spirit stones and scattered them around according to certain formation directions.

The whole space was suddenly filled with rich spiritual energy.

Since it was impossible to obtain it from the outside world, he could only use this scattered spirit formation to deal with it temporarily.

But he estimated that this might not be a long-term solution!

It’s not that he was reluctant to give up the spirit stones, but the gourd seemed to absorb more than just spiritual energy from the outside world.

If there were other things that were lacking here, even more spirit stones would be useless!

But at the moment, it seemed that there was only such a stopgap measure!

I hope he won’t be trapped here for too long!

A moment later, when Mo Xun came out again, he was already carrying a large bag of things behind him.

His bag seemed to be made of some kind of animal skin. I don’t know what was in it, and the texture on the animal skin was torn and deformed.

Feeling the spiritual energy still in his body, Mo Xun breathed a sigh of relief. There was still time.

After removing the restriction, he saw that Qi Ruyan in front of him had undergone subtle changes.

Her skin seemed to be whiter and tighter than before, and even her face seemed to be rounder and fuller.

Mo Xun suddenly stepped forward, stretched out his two fingers, and tapped directly on her brow.

Then he saw that Qi Ruyan's appearance and temperament were changing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Some black impurities gradually seeped out of her body surface.

In just a few breaths, the other party seemed to have completely changed, exuding a very youthful breath from the inside out.

At the moment when Mo Xun withdrew his hand, a snapping sound came from his ears.

The blood-red light around him also dimmed at the same time, and the originally crisscrossing silk threads quickly faded.

And the magic power on Mo Xun's body was like a flood that broke through the dam, and it disappeared completely in the blink of an eye!

"So it is true!" Feeling the strange changes in his body, Mo Xun whispered to himself.

Qi Ruyan, who had been keeping her eyes closed before, suddenly woke up at this moment.

After swallowing the pill just now, she felt as if a strange energy had rushed into her body.

This energy traveled along her meridians, making her feel unprecedentedly happy, and she couldn't help but close her eyes comfortably.

"Mr. Mo, what's wrong with me?"

Mo Xun habitually cast a water mirror in front of her, but when he raised his palm in the air, he found that his spiritual power was empty.

"Find a place to wash first!"

Qi Ruyan opened her mouth in confusion, and just as she was about to say something, she suddenly found that her whole body was covered with a sticky thing.

This woman loves beauty more than life, how could she tolerate such filthiness, and immediately screamed.

Next to the carriage, Mo Xun took out the jade bottle snatched from Bai Ze.

Before opening it, another scream came from the stream in the distance.

He shook his head gently, and then poured the pill into his palm.

Soon, a little disappointment appeared on his face.

The pill in front of him, no matter the color or taste, was completely different from what he had seen in the gourd before.

In fact, he had expected this in his heart.

Although this pill contains blood, it also has spiritual energy.

After the spiritual energy dissipated, it naturally became like this.

After half an hour, Qi Ruyan came over in disbelief.

She touched her face, with both surprise and uneasiness between her eyebrows.

The surprise was that her current appearance was even brighter than when she was in her twenties.

Looking at the reflection in the stream, she almost couldn't believe that it was herself.

As for the uneasiness, it was because she was afraid that this was just a dream!

"Mr. Mo, is this really me?"

"Madam, don't doubt it. I used my magic power to cleanse your marrow. It is better than simply taking the anti-aging pill. But I suggest that you put on some makeup and restore your original appearance. Otherwise, returning to the city like this may cause some unnecessary trouble!"

Qi Ruyan is not a fool. She understands the meaning of Mo Xun's words.

But her lifelong pursuit is this face. Now that she has regained her youth, she must show it to others. What's the point of covering it up?

"Thank you for your reminder, sir. I know my limits!"

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