Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 711 Village Chaos

Because the jade slips could not be read here, Mo Xun then wrote a cultivation method for Qi Ruyan.

When he helped her with marrow washing, he also checked her spiritual roots.

This woman is lucky, she actually has spiritual roots with both water and wood attributes.

But it's a pity that she was born in the wrong place. Even if she has good qualifications, she doesn't have the external conditions for cultivation.

Anyway, the transaction is completed. As for what the other party will have in the future, that is not something he can worry about.

Nanshan Village!

Mo Xun returned in the sunset again!

When he stepped into the familiar courtyard and saw Yunniang waiting in front of the door in loneliness, Mo Xun smiled habitually.

The two looked at each other, and Yunniang also smiled.

The scene under the sunset looked like a woman waiting for her husband to return, quiet and warm!

Yunniang hurriedly ran forward, wanting to help him unload the bag on his shoulders, but Mo Xun waved his hand.

Although the bag is not big, it weighs at least a thousand pounds.

Inside the bamboo house, looking at the food on the table that had lost its temperature, it seemed that it had been prepared for a long time.

Yunniang made a few gestures, meaning that Mo Xun should rest first, while she carried the dishes and went to the kitchen to light a fire and heat up the food.

The poor girl's injuries from the previous few days had not yet fully healed. The scratches on her face had scarred, but her legs and feet were still a little unsteady.

During the meal, she also brought out a bowl of chicken like a treasure.

After asking, I learned that it was sent by Jiang Po next door.

Yunniang used to raise a few chickens, but they were all killed during the time when Mo Xun was injured.

Now, even if he wanted to eat eggs, he could only exchange rice with the villagers.

After dinner, Mo Xun returned to his room and opened his bag, which was filled with a mess of things.

The most of them were various mineral materials.

He had previously discovered in the weapon shop in Shangwu City that those blacksmiths would add refining materials from the Xiuxian world when making weapons.

Many materials are hard to find even in the outside world.

Ore is different from spiritual herbs. It does not contain spirituality and will not be affected by the special environment of Tiankui Realm.

These things will also be his first reliance to gain a foothold in the local area.

Without the green gourd, even a Yuanying cultivator would find it difficult to survive in such a place.

But he is different!

After this period of familiarity, he already has some simple plans in his mind.

When the night fell, Mo Xun handed a heavy bag to Yunniang.

The little girl was shocked when she opened it.

There were jewels and gems inside, all gold and jade.

Yunniang's face changed a little, and she pushed it back quickly, babbling and waving her hands.

Mo Xun explained for a long time, and Yunniang reluctantly took a ring.

But then, Yunniang seemed to be drained of strength suddenly, and the whole person became dazed, and just returned to her room silently.

Looking at the thin back that disappeared in front of him, Mo Xun couldn't help but feel a little confused.

Is he moved?

That shouldn't be this kind of expression!

Under the moonlight, Mo Xun took out a few beast cores.

With the faint moonlight, he drew the general outline of today's blood formation on the ground in the yard, and then recalled the strange runes in the formation.

In fact, on the way back, he had been thinking about the principle.

It's just that due to the lack of understanding of blood, many guesses cannot be verified.

However, in his opinion, the level of the entire formation is not high.

If he is given some time, it is not a difficult task.

Just as he was concentrating on cracking the runes, he suddenly heard bursts of rapid dog barking.

Then the hunting dogs in the whole village seemed to be crazy and barked non-stop.

Then, someone was heard beating a gong and shouting loudly.

"The monster is coming. All women, old men and children should hide in the ancestral hall in the back mountain. Men should bring bows and arrows to gather at the village head!"

The originally quiet and dark mountain village seemed to be on fire, and torches and lanterns lit up in an instant.

Noise and noise spread everywhere.

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows. This was the first time he encountered such a situation since he came here.

But his reaction was not slow. After a brief surprise, he rushed into Yunniang's room in a flash.

The little girl had been sleepless for most of the night. She just fell asleep and felt someone pushing her.

Yunniang's nerves have not recovered since the last time a drunk broke into the door.

It seems that she didn't even open her eyes, and she picked up the hatchet next to the pillow and chopped it.

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows, his body had already moved to the side, and at the same time, he stretched out his hand and gently took Yunniang's hatchet in his hand.

Yunniang was panicked and hurried to shout.

But when he saw Mo Xun's appearance clearly under the moonlight, he was suddenly stunned.

Mo Xun didn't have time to explain at this time. Seeing that Yunniang was only wearing underwear, he grabbed a piece of clothing from the side and put it on her, then pulled her out.

As soon as he ran to the yard, Yunniang grabbed him hard and refused to leave.

Mo Xun looked back in confusion and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

He saw that what he hastily put on Yunniang was not clothes at all, but a bed sheet, which was shining under the neck, revealing a touch of white.

Yunniang's face turned red when she saw his straight eyes.

Seeing that the outside was already in chaos, Mo Xun took off his outer robe and put it on Yunniang without saying anything.

As soon as he left the yard, the whole village was in chaos.

Mrs. Jiang's family next door also came out at this time. Her son and daughter-in-law are all working in the city, leaving only two young grandsons here.

At this moment, the old couple, each pulling the other, were running out in disheveled clothes.

At this time, Yun Niang naturally understood what happened.

After handing Yun Niang over to Po Jiang's family, Mo Xun headed straight to the village under the worried eyes of the little girl.

As soon as they arrived here, almost all the hunting dogs and men in the village had arrived.

Some were shirtless and wearing shorts.

The tools in hand are also various, including bows, crossbows and spears.

Mo Xun looked back and saw that there were more than a dozen torches moving slowly in the direction of the back mountain. This was the route that the village had arranged in advance.

It's not like Nanshan Village has never been invaded by monsters before.

So even though the incident happened suddenly, everyone did not get confused.

A middle-aged strong man stood up immediately.

"Everyone, please be quiet. This time the monsters are still coming from the south. According to what several clan elders had discussed before, three people should be lined up in a row. Those beasts must not be allowed to enter the village. The clan leader has sent People have informed the City Lord’s Mansion, so we only have to stay tonight, there will be body refiners coming before dawn, I won’t say more, everyone will split up immediately!”

Under the leadership of this man, nearly a hundred people quickly assigned teams.

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