Because Mo Xun was a new member, he randomly joined a group.

Almost every team had a hunting dog, and many people had a bamboo whistle hanging around their necks, which should be used to call for help.

In a hurry, Mo Xun just took the hatchet that Yunniang had just used.

This thing was actually not very useful to him at all.

If he encountered a low-level monster, he could solve it with his fists, but if he encountered one that he couldn't beat, even if he was given a machete, it would be useless.

Under the reflection of dozens of flames, everyone was like lighting a row of torches and searching towards the deep mountains in the south.

Not long after, a roar came from not far away.

Then there was a messy whistle.

Then he saw the flames flickering over there, and shouts and sword sounds were heard!

Because it was not far away, Mo Xun was just about to go over to help.

But at this moment, a shadow like a whirlwind suddenly rushed towards his small team from the darkness.

Mo Xun's body shook reflexively, and the whole person rushed forward like a sharp arrow that broke through the air.

In mid-air, he raised the hatchet with both hands and chopped it down fiercely.

It was not until he flew closer that he could see what the thing looked like.

It was twice as big as an adult, with four claws on the ground, and it was more than half a foot high with a light jump. The whole appearance was like a large toad.

Under the moonlight, the whole body was dark green, and the back was covered with flesh sacs like pustules, which looked extremely disgusting.

Mo Xun's knife went down and chopped on the toad's front limbs.

Blood splattered, and the broken limbs as thick as buckets flew out of the air. A heart-wrenching wail came out of the beast's mouth. As its body swung, its tail swept across and hit Mo Xun hard.

With this slap, Mo Xun was directly knocked out.

After staggering to the ground, Mo Xun's face was relieved.

Although the monster was quite strong, it was still within his tolerance.

The key point was that its body was not as strong as his.

After a short fight, members of other nearby groups immediately came over.

The people in his team were stunned when they saw this.

It was the first time for them to see someone dare to fight a monster like this, and they had the upper hand.

In a few breaths, the monster was surrounded by seven or eight people, and no one gave orders, and several crossbows were shot out.

The toad broke a limb, bleeding wildly, and was hit by several arrows. It immediately roared and fled far away.

Mo Xun sneered when he saw this!

He suddenly exerted force on his feet, and the whole person jumped two or three feet away. The hatchet was chopped down again in the air, and this time the target was directly the beast's head.

With a click, the blade broke, and the toad's head was chopped off by half, splashing a column of blood.

With a shrill wail, the toad staggered and fell to the ground.

Mo Xun threw away the hatchet, stepped forward and punched the remaining half of the head.

Everyone was shocked by the bloody scene in front of them, and couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

Is this still the monster they fear like a tiger?

Everyone naturally knew about the strange man who suddenly appeared in Yunniang's family.

Sometimes after dinner, they would chat about the roots of gossip and laugh at the dumb girl for picking up a man.

But no one expected that this man would be so fierce!

For a moment, everyone's eyes were only in awe!

Mo Xun would naturally ignore these things at the moment. He had plotted against the monster king, let alone this low-level monster.

If he had magic power at this moment, he wouldn't have to spend so much effort. A wind blade would be gone, and even the most powerful character would be beheaded.

Because of the close combat, Mo Xun was covered in blood at this moment, like a killing god.

He jumped onto the dying toad, took a quick look at it, and then reached down with his bare hands. His entire arm penetrated the toad's chest and reached directly into the toad's body. When he pulled it out, he was already holding a walnut-sized beast core with sticky blood.

The beast let out a final whine, and then it completely died.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked again!

They naturally knew that thing, and they also knew that it was worth a lot of money, but at the moment, no one dared to show a covetous look.

"Good job!"

After several breaths, someone stood up and said this.

While the other party was talking, he also threw a machete, which was usually used to kill pigs.

Mo Xun nodded to the other party, and immediately focused his attention on the big ball of fire on the other side.

The others realized that it was not just one monster that came this time, but a group of them.

With this neat kill, a group of people soon followed behind Mo Xun.

These people naturally admire him, but more of them understand that following such a fierce man can give them more security.

Because after this short fight, several young men in the village have lost their lives.

The entire Nanshan Village was a scene of blood and fire, and fell into a very tragic fight.

Whenever Mo Xun arrived at a place, he would immediately become the focus!

Because his fighting style was so brutal and bloody!

A monster was actually blasted in the head by his punch.

These guys who usually terrified and frightened everyone, but they couldn't last a few moves in Mo Xun's hands.

Originally thought that the battle would last all night, in less than an hour, the village entrance was already full of corpses and blood.

Mo Xun, on the other hand, became more and more courageous as the battle progressed!

In fact, his physical strength was already equivalent to that of a body refiner of the third or fourth realm.

Coupled with years of combat experience, he was naturally much more courageous than others.

What he lacked now was the magical power of horizontal training. Although he seemed to be fighting vigorously, it was a bit exhausting.

It was like hitting a mosquito with a hammer. He exerted a lot of strength, but the gains were very small.

Fortunately, there were a constant supply of beast cores, so he could replenish his blood and energy while fighting.

"Brother, you did a good job. After this disaster, I will definitely let the clan leader recommend you for merit!"

Mo Xun and Jin Ye had heard such compliments at least a dozen times.

They were all simple men in the mountains, and they admired such bravery and ability the most.

Mo Xun wiped the blood off his face. Because he gave his outer robe to Yunniang, his snow-white shirt had already been dyed red.

Fortunately, the blood was non-toxic, otherwise fighting like this would be tantamount to seeking death.

At this moment, someone in the distance suddenly shouted.

"A monster has gone to the back mountain!"

In an instant, everyone's face changed.

Now, the back mountain is full of the elderly, women and children in the village, and even the whole family of these villagers.

You know, there are not many capable young people there. If a monster breaks into the ancestral hall, it will definitely be a disaster!

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