Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 713: The Apparition of the Ancestors

The moment he heard this, Mo Xun was already running towards the back mountain.

Under previous circumstances, with the arrogant nature of those beasts, they would not bother to go around.

But Mo Xun's appearance made them feel scared.

This time, the number of monsters attacking was much larger than before. There were more than ten monster corpses of various kinds at the entrance of the village alone!

Although there is no wind control, his running speed is not slow at all!

If you are a strong master, you can climb mountains and ridges in just one meal.

There is a semi-flying magical power in the Dharma-Phase Golden Body Technique, which can jump high and glide a certain distance in the air, but he doesn't have time to practice it on the spot right now.

At this moment, he was really grateful to Gu Qingqing back then.

If it weren't for that woman, he wouldn't have been able to obtain the Qianyuan Fruit.

Without this physical strength, he is no more than a mortal in this Tiankui world.

In the dark night, suddenly a black shadow struck him.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Mo Xun slashed out with the butcher's knife.

But at this moment, two strong winds swept behind him, approaching his left and right sides.

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows, turned around in mid-air, and the general dodged two sneak attacks.

When he regained his balance, he was already surrounded by three monsters.

I didn’t expect that these guys with brains no bigger than walnuts would actually learn how to cooperate in group attacks!

Just when Mo Xun was blocked halfway, the gate of Nanshan Ancestral Hall collapsed with a crash.

Immediately afterwards, a toad monster covered in sarcoma appeared in the smoke and dust in front of everyone.

A pair of huge eyeballs, like two blood-red lanterns in the darkness.

Seeing this disgusting guy, someone in the ancestral hall suddenly screamed.

However, several elderly clan elders, who were a little calmer, immediately shouted angrily.

"Why panic? Shoot the arrow!"

As soon as he finished speaking, several sharp arrows flew out of the sky.

Fortunately, along with this group of old, weak, sick and disabled, there were also seven or eight young men in their teens. Although they were not as strong as the strong men who were fighting monsters outside, they did not mess up their position after all.

However, the archery skills of a few people are really not satisfactory.

At least half of them missed.

The remaining arrows were swept aside by the beast's tail, and only two or three arrows were finally shot into the flesh.

Moreover, the strength of a few people was limited, so they did not do much harm at all.

Seeing this, one of the young men in front suddenly took out the spear from his back, perhaps because of his passion, and stabbed it out with a quick step.

But before it even reached him, the toad stretched out its long blood-red tongue, like a thick vine, then rolled it towards the young man, and in the blink of an eye, pulled him into its open mouth.

After a scream, the boy made no sound again.

In the crowd, a woman immediately fainted with a cry.

Under this cruel scene, the women turned pale and screamed!


The gray-haired old patriarch stamped his cane vigorously and immediately ordered the others to retreat first.

While retreating, he stretched his bow and shot an arrow.

The toad did not completely swallow the boy, but only ate the heart, and then vomited out the remaining half of his body.

Seeing the bloody corpse, the scene immediately got out of control.

For a moment, screams came one after another.

I don't know who pushed down a gap in the wall next to it, and immediately someone took the lead and ran out of the ancestral hall.

But before he could get far, another monster appeared in the darkness.

Before the old man running at the front could scream, his head was torn off from his neck.

"Stand still, don't run around!"

The old patriarch stomped his cane several times angrily, but at this moment, his voice was like a small boat in the huge waves, being completely drowned before it could be heard.

"My ancestors, our Nanshan clan is going to be wiped out today, so I ask our ancestors to show their spirits and protect us!"

Perhaps there was nothing he could do. In this panic situation, instead of running away, the old patriarch turned around and knelt down towards dozens of tablets not far away.

Seeing this, the nephew next to him quickly helped him up and ran away together.

But the old man's whole body seemed to be nailed to the ground. No matter how hard others pulled him, he could not get up.

In just this moment, several more people entered the monster's belly.

To say that these beasts are indeed cruel, while killing people, they only eat the hearts and heads.

With a bang, another wall collapsed.

Without the two load-bearing parts, the entire ancestral hall began to shake, and it was about to fail to support it.

At the same time, the toad at the door stuck out its tongue again, but this time the target was a girl in the arms of a woman.

That woman was already frightened out of her wits!

All he knew was that he was running left and right with the crowd, and what was even more terrible was that he suddenly tripped under his feet and fell heavily to the ground.

The girl in her arms also flew out!

Before it even hit the ground, a blood-red tongue rolled over and headed straight for the bloody mouth amid the child's cries.


Seeing this scene, the woman's face turned pale.

At this critical moment, a figure suddenly rushed in.

There was a flash of cold light in the darkness, blood splattered everywhere, and the long tongue was cut off in the air. The figure jumped up high at the same time and took the child in his hand.

This person was naturally Mo Xun who came quickly.

I saw him holding the girl in his arms, but instead of retreating, he advanced with a knife in one hand and chopped it down with all his strength.

With a "puff", the toad's huge head rolled to the ground, and the bright red blood splashed on the two people like a bucket.

Strangely, after being so frightened, the girl stopped crying and just looked at the benefactor who saved her.

It seemed that she wanted to deeply imprint this person's appearance in her little head.

After returning the girl to the woman, Mo Xun did not stop at all and ran towards another monster outside the house again.

The bloody scene just now was naturally seen by the old patriarch.

He trembled and bowed his head!

"Thank you, ancestor, for your appearance. My Nanshan clan is saved!"

Although Mo Xun's speed was not slow, there were several more corpses around during this delay.

After solving the monster neatly, Mo Xun hurriedly looked around, trying to find Yunniang's whereabouts.

But at this moment, the people in the ancestral hall had already run away and scattered, and more than half of them had gone. Where could he see Yunniang's figure?

At this time, the able-bodied men in the village also rushed over.

Seeing the bodies lying on the ground, many people collapsed on the spot.

Although the heads were gone, they could still be identified almost completely by the clothes.

"You bunch of beasts, I will fight you!"

A middle-aged man wiped his tears, picked up the longbow and the big knife in his hands, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Mo Xun also chased out.

Not far away, he ran into Jiang Laozhang next door.

The old man limped, and his legs were full of blood.

After asking, Mo Xun's heart immediately sank.

It turned out that not long ago, Yunniang ran out with Jiang Po's family in the chaos and ran into a monster.

Seeing this, Jiang Laozhang immediately urged a few people to leave first, and he was ready to stay as bait to attract.

Perhaps because he saw that he was old, the beast just knocked him down and then chased Yunniang and the others.

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