The noise in the ancestral hall slowly subsided. The old patriarch gathered his men and organized the men to search for the escaped villagers.

The barking of dogs was endless, and it seemed that it had not stopped since nightfall.

The shadowy torch illuminated the mountain behind.

Almost every once in a while, corpses or wounded people are carried into the ancestral hall.

This is bound to be an uneventful night!

It was still some time before dawn, and the bright moon hanging high on the branches was quietly watching the tragic scenes in Nanshan Village.

The faces of those who survived were either sad or frightened, and their cries echoed in the mountains and forests for a long time.

Although Mo Xun was anxious, his expression was extremely calm.

He had experienced life and death, big and small, countless times. At this time, he knew that he should stay calm.

Without consciousness at the moment, he could only rely on his extraordinary ear to distinguish movement.

Fortunately, the monster is huge and will definitely leave obvious traces wherever it passes.

Just after burning the incense, a violent crash suddenly came from the distance.

Immediately afterwards, the rocks shattered, rumbling, and mixed with a low roar.

The noisy intermittent crying was immediately captured by Mo Xun.

Immediately, there was wind at his feet, and his whole body suddenly disappeared from the place like a sharp arrow that was taken off its string.

When he reappeared, the butcher's knife in his hand had a cold light and he slashed it down.

But this time, there was no blood spraying as he had expected.

Instead, there was a harsh metallic sound, and there were faint sparks flying in the night. Mo Xun and a black shadow took a few steps back at the same time.

What he saw before him was still a huge toad.

But this monster has dense scales from its head to its neck, glowing with a faint green light.

The sword just hit the opponent's scales.

Intermediate blood beast?

Mo Xun shook his head secretly, no, he was probably just a guy who was about to advance to the intermediate level!

After a brief confrontation, he immediately made this judgment.

Under the night, the moonlight is like water!

The man and the beast were about two feet apart, looking at each other fearfully, with no intention of taking action for a moment.

It seemed that this beast must have been frightened by Mo Xun's knife.

The blade of the machete in Mo Xun's hand had also cracked.

There is a narrow crack on the rock wall not far away.

Children's cries came from the cracks.

Several thin figures almost curled up into a ball, hiding in the gaps in a crowded manner.

The one at the front was Yun Niang, who was holding a half-broken gun tightly in her hand, her face covered with fear and blood.

Yun Niang saw the appearance of the visitor clearly and showed a hint of surprise at first.

Then he started babbling anxiously and waving his arms to signal Mo Xun to leave quickly.

The violent movement just now was caused by the beast trying to open the crack.

Mo Xun ignored Yun Niang and focused his eyes again on the toad in front of him, which was quite a bit bigger.

This guy gave him the feeling that he was obviously more powerful than the previous blood beast.

Fortunately, he was only halfway through the advancement. If the steel-like scales covered his body, he would really have no idea what to do.

Just when he was gathering his energy and blood and preparing to attack first, an unexpected scene happened.

The other party turned around and left without any warning!

Mo Xun was slightly surprised, but soon he came to Yun Niang.

At this moment, the people inside were really in an extremely embarrassed state, especially Yun Niang, whose head and body were covered with mud and blood.

Grandma Jiang's two grandsons were also inside.

As for Jiang Po, the situation was a bit bad. Her head seemed to have been knocked and she was already unconscious inside.

Mo Xun first pushed aside the surrounding rubble and pulled a few people out.

I wanted to check Yun Niang's injury, but the moment she came out, she suddenly threw herself into his arms and started sobbing.

Mo Xun was stunned for a moment!

After living for more than two hundred years, this was the first time he encountered such a situation.

Both hands were raised in the air, not knowing where to put them for a moment.

After a dozen breaths, Yun Niang left his arms in shock, her face a mixture of blood and tears.

Mo Xun was so embarrassed that he didn't know what to say, but judging from the little girl's appearance, it should be fine.

As for the blood stains on his body, it was most likely from the toad.

After a few people hid in the crack, the monster tried to roll them out with its tongue. Yun Niang broke the gun with her hand and stabbed them desperately, which angered the beast, and then there was a violent impact from behind.

If Mo Xun had come even a moment later, they might not have been eaten by the monsters, and they would have probably been killed by the collapsing rocks.

"This... let's go back and talk about it first!"

He wasn't sure whether Yun Niang understood, so she leaned down to carry Jiang Po on her back, greeted the two children, and walked back the way they came.

This place is in the wild mountains and wild mountains. If he encounters other monsters again, he will definitely not be afraid, but he is worried that he will not be able to take care of them.

Fortunately, we didn't run into any trouble all the way back.

In the ancestral hall, most of the village people had gathered at this moment.

Groups of torches illuminated the surrounding area.

After all, the old patriarch's prestige was still there. In just a short time, most people calmed down from their panic.

When Mo Xun reappeared in front of everyone, all eyes immediately focused on him.

After this night, whether they knew him before or not, their faces were full of respect.

Especially those men who had seen him in action.

There was not only respect for the strong, but also gratitude for Mo Xun's protection of the entire village.

To put it bluntly, with the scale of the monster's attack this time, if Mo Xun hadn't taken action, the entire Nanshan Village would have suffered a catastrophic disaster!

The old patriarch walked over tremblingly with the support of his two young nephews.

There was also excitement and gratitude in his turbid eyes.

But at this moment, a burst of hurried horse hooves suddenly came from a distance.

Many people at the moment have not recovered from the blood just now. When they heard this movement, they immediately panicked again like a frightened bird.

"Where is the Nanshan patriarch? Come here to see me quickly!"

When they saw that it was three men on horseback who hurried over under the moonlight, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this, the old patriarch immediately went to meet them.

"This is me, I am honored to meet you two adults!"

Two of the three people came here in armor, carrying long weapons on their backs, with burly statures and fierce faces, and they were obviously martial artists.

Mo Xun had some impression of the other one, who seemed to be a villager from the village.

At this time, it was clear that these two were probably the reinforcements brought by the old patriarch!

However, what was a little puzzling was that the other party came so quickly only one or two hours after the monster entered the village!

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