Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 716 Seeking Death

"Looking for death!"

A cold light flashed in Mo Xun's eyes, and he grabbed the arm that was stretched out, and his other hand grabbed the other's neck.

The speed was as fast as lightning!

Fang Xinyi's heart trembled, and he didn't expect Mo Xun to really take action.

Fortunately, his reaction was not slow, and he hurriedly tried to break free and retreat, but his arm seemed to be locked by a huge force, and the whole person could not move at all.

"You dare..."

As soon as the terrified voice fell, Mo Xun had already pinched his neck.

Yan Qing saw this scene from a distance and shouted angrily: "You are so bold, let go of Captain Fang!"

As he spoke, the warhorse neighed, Yan Qing pulled the reins, and pulled out a big knife from his back very neatly, and then rode the horse and rushed over.

There happened to be two women next to them, and they were knocked over by the horses before they could react.

Wherever the warhorse passed, the crowd screamed and became a mess!

The old patriarch's head buzzed, and he froze in place!

In just a breath, the fierce horse under the opponent's crotch had knocked down four or five people.

Among them, there was even a boy of seven or eight years old!

Seeing this, Mo Xun took a long spear from the person next to him without hesitation, and then gathered blood and threw it hard.

Before the others could see what was going on, they heard a puff.

The long spear pierced through the man's chest directly, splashing a ball of bright blood in the air.

Yan Qing still maintained the posture of rushing with a knife, but the whole person was frozen on the horse's back, spitting out blood between ups and downs.

A pair of eyes, was full of fear and confusion!

What was terrifying was that he saw the bloody hole in his chest, and what was confused was why he didn't feel pain?

Mo Xun made a move, but did not stop there!

Because the fierce horse without the control of its owner was still rushing towards this side.

Along the way, people were still knocked to the ground!

He picked up Fang Xinyi, kicked his foot hard, and the whole person was like an arrow from a bow.

Then, in the surprised eyes of everyone, Mo Xun directly hit the galloping horse with his back.

Amid the piercing neigh, Yan Qing fell to the ground with his horse, shaking up a cloud of dust!

When the dust slowly dissipated, a figure stood there like a steel nail.

He was still dragging a person in his hand!

But at this moment, the man was already dying, and it seemed that he only had one breath left.

"You... who are you? You dare to kill my Wuling Army. The commander... the lord will not let you go!"

Mo Xun sneered. With this little ability, he still wanted to do the business of robbery.

A hint of cruelty flashed in his eyes!

At this moment, the old patriarch hurriedly shouted loudly: "Wait a minute, brave man!"

Just as the voice fell, a snapping sound rang in everyone's ears, and Fang Xinyi's head drooped down.

Mo Xun threw the body away casually, and when he looked at Yunniang, the little girl was also a little scared.

Yunniang had not seen the cruelty of Mo Xun's killing of monsters before, but now, she really saw him killing people, and killed two people in a row!

Just like that in public!

The means used were the same as those used to kill the drunkard!

This man seemed to like to break other people's necks.

Everyone who saw this scene was also stunned!

The sky showed a trace of fish belly white, and the flickering firelight reflected a jumping shadow.


Hundreds of people gathered in front of the ancestral hall, but no one spoke.

It seemed that the silence could hear bursts of heartbeats!

Two Wuling soldiers, just like that... died?

This was the dull reaction in everyone's mind at the moment.

As for Mo Xun, the focus of the whole thing, he just glanced around lightly at this moment, and there was not much expression on his face.

Many people swallowed dryly, especially those old, weak, women and children who had never seen Mo Xun take action!

As for the men who had fought with him before, although they were shocked, they were not shocked!

For a killing god who even killed monsters as easily as slaughtering chickens, killing people was nothing?

They were just shocked that Mo Xun dared to take action.

You know, that was the Wuling Army, the private army of the city lord!

Trouble, definitely trouble!

Some people began to tremble unconsciously in their hearts.

If the city lord's mansion knew about this, it would undoubtedly be the extermination of the entire Nanshan Village.

After a short silence, the old patriarch finally recovered.

"Get rid of the body as soon as possible. If anyone dares to leak a word about what happened tonight, I will kill his whole family!"

Although the voice was not loud, it was full of irresistible majesty.

The old patriarch looked at a young man who was still in a daze in the distance.

This man was the young man he had sent to get reinforcements.

"Ah Hu, come in with me!"

After saying that, he walked towards the ancestral hall with his crutches. When he passed by Mo Xun, he sighed with a very complicated tone.

In the ancestral hall, in addition to Ah Hu, there were several elderly elders.

"Ah Hu, where did you find the two Wulingjun?"

The old patriarch asked this question, obviously thinking of a key question.

In theory, even if the speed is fast, it will take more than three hours to go back and forth between here and Shangwu City.

But it has only been more than two hours since the monster entered the village.

Ahu is not very old, about twenty years old.

His face was already pale at this moment!

"I met these two adults halfway before I arrived at Shangwu City. They seemed to have just drunk some wine and were on their way back to Shangwu City. After listening to what I said, they immediately agreed to follow me."

The old patriarch heard this and asked hurriedly: "Does it mean that you didn't go to Shangwu City at all?"

"That's right, I dare not lie about this matter!"

"Did anyone see you with them?"

Ahu shook his head.


The old patriarch exchanged glances with several elders next to him, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"You go down first, remember not to tell others about this, let them bury the people as soon as possible, and kill the two horses together, and don't leave any traces."

Ahu responded and ran out.

"What do you think?"

The old patriarch glanced around and exhaled a long breath of turbidity.

One of the old men with half white hair and dressed in black said: "Since it has not been discovered by outsiders, just keep the news secret. It's also his greed. Not only did he get the reward for nothing, but he also wanted to take advantage of Yunniang!"

The others nodded in agreement.

But at this time, a slightly younger man in gray, who looked only about fifty years old, frowned.

"The monster's invasion tonight must be unconcealed, and the two Wuling soldiers happened to be missing. If someone with ulterior motives connects them together and follows the clues, what will happen?"

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