Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 717 Flat and Rugged

The old patriarch raised his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

After the old man in gray thought for a moment, he said after careful consideration: "Maybe this matter can be an opportunity for my Nanshan Village!"

The old patriarch seemed to realize what the other party was about to say, and his expression immediately darkened.

"what chance?"

The old man in gray looked at a few people carefully.

"If we hand that person over and explain everything that happened tonight, not only can we avoid the blame from the City Lord's Mansion, but we are also likely to award a reward. Then..."

"shut up!"

The old patriarch suddenly shouted angrily.

Although the other party did not name him, everyone knew who he was talking about.

"Do you know that our Nanshan clan's ability to escape this crisis is entirely dependent on this person? If we do such a thing of repaying kindness with hatred, how are we any different from animals? Our Nanshan clan has been passed down for thousands of years, although it is withering away now. The clan members are getting worse from generation to generation, but which ancestor has ever done such a despicable thing?"

These heart-wrenching questions left the old man in gray speechless!

In the heart of the old patriarch, Mo Xun was just like the messenger sent by his ancestors to protect the clan!

In such a critical situation at that time, it was he who prayed for the ancestral tablets that brought down such a god-like savior.

"Don't mention this matter again. Also, don't attend the next clan meeting!"

The old patriarch's words undoubtedly sealed the matter.


After burning incense, under the arrangement of several clan elders, the injured people were given priority to go back for treatment. As for the remaining people, regardless of men, women, old or young, they all got busy.

As the old man in gray said, the disappearance of the two Wuling Army could easily be linked to this catastrophe.

All they have to do is erase all traces overnight.

As for the people who died in the village, there is a way to solve it, which is to deliberately create the illusion of a monster attack after two days.

As long as the time when the two things happen is artificially staggered!

In the ancestral hall, Mo Xun stood opposite the old patriarch.

"It's embarrassing to say that the strong man has been in this village for so long, but the old man still doesn't know what to call him?"

The old patriarch smiled slightly, his face very warm.

Mo Xun raised his hand.

"My last name is Mo!"

Mo Xun naturally refused to hold it when the other party respected him, even though the old man in front of him who looked like a vicissitude of life was much younger than him.

The old patriarch didn't seem to mind much about saying only his surname but not his first name.

He even said that he would rather not know Mo Xun's name.

After living for most of my life, it is impossible to say that I have made any achievements, but I still have some ability to judge people.

The person in front of me obviously has a background.

Such people are capable, but they are also dangerous.

The Nanshan clan has multiplied so far and can no longer withstand the turmoil.

No matter what the other party's origins are, he doesn't want his tribe to get too involved.

"I would like to thank the brave man for helping our village first. If there were any shortcomings in the past, I hope he can be tolerant."

Mo Xun nodded.

"Clan leader, you're welcome!"

"I have prepared some thank-you gifts here. If you don't mind, please accept them!"

Mo Xun glanced at the small box placed next to him, and still nodded lightly in response.

Although he probably won't need these, he doesn't bother to push them around.

In fact, his action this time was more for Yun Niang and Jiang Po next door.

Yun Niang had saved his life, and Jiang Po also took good care of him during this period.

Immediately, the old patriarch changed the subject and asked: "Does the strong man know the identities of the two people he killed earlier?"

"I just heard it from other people, and I roughly understand it. The clan leader came to me this time. I'm afraid he is worried that this matter will affect Nanshan Village?"

Mo Xun didn't like beating around the bush, and he didn't have time to talk about anything else.

This fight gave him a deeper understanding of blood energy. He needed to think carefully and decipher the arrangement of the bleeding array as soon as possible.

There was also Yun Niang. The little girl was very frightened tonight, so he wanted to go and have a look.

"In that case, what are the warrior's plans?"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

"Whatever the patriarch wants to say, just say it!"

The old patriarch couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly. He knew that any capable person would be accompanied by a weird temper.

But keeping strangers away like this still left him quite speechless.

But since the other party likes to be direct, he has nothing to say.

"Now that the strong man has understood it, he should know that the Wuling Army is not easy to mess with, especially for me in Nanshan Village. Don't say offend on weekdays. Even if you encounter it on the road, you must be respectful. This matter is now under the pressure of the old man. Maybe no one dares to spread it, but after all, there are many people and it is impossible for us old guys to keep an eye on everyone. Therefore, according to the old man's opinion, in order to avoid any trouble, it is best for the warrior to leave the village and Take Yun Niang away together, and even if someone comes to investigate, you two will be able to escape this crisis. "

When the old patriarch said these words, he felt somewhat lacking in confidence.

They had just saved their clan, and now they were driving them away. No matter from any perspective, it was a bit unjustifiable.

But right now, it’s a helpless move!

If the City Lord's Mansion really found out about this, he would not be able to hand over Mo Xun.

It's better to let him go away. If someone comes to the door, all the responsibilities can be put on Mo Xun.

This is good for Mo Xun and Nanshan Village!

Mo Xun nodded again, obviously having guessed this result.

What was unexpected was that the other party would let him take Yunniang with him.

This inevitably made him hesitate!

He was a loner, used to being alone, and it would not be long before he had to leave this world, so what would happen to Yunniang?

Even if he took Yunniang out, would he bring her back to Nanjiang?

Not to mention how difficult and dangerous the journey was, he had so many enemies outside.

Seeing Mo Xun silent, the old patriarch thought he was unwilling to leave, and then pointed to a wooden box beside him.

"If you think the money here is not enough, I can ask someone to add some more."

Mo Xun sighed and shook his head.

"No need. I will take Yunniang away as soon as the sun rises. I have disturbed your village in the past few months!"

"No, it is my Nanshan clan that should thank you!"

Coming out of the ancestral hall, the sky was already slightly bright, and the first rays of the morning sun were shining at the end of the distant sky!

Under the big locust tree at the door, there was a thin and beautiful figure waiting anxiously.

The sun shone on her face, crystal clear and soft!

A very lonely figure, it makes people feel a little distressed.

Who knows whether the next road will be smooth or rugged?


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