The morning sun was like fire, and the fog that had accumulated in the mountains for a night slowly dissipated.

It felt like the blue sky was seen through the clouds!

The remote mountain village has regained its former tranquility.

Who would have thought that not long ago, this place had just experienced a war between humans and demons, and hundreds of people in the entire village were almost slaughtered!

At this moment, smoke had risen from the roofs of many houses.

Only the air was filled with a faint smell of blood.

Mo Xun stood in the bamboo house where he had lived for several months, looking at the high mountains in the distance.

Birds flew through the air, and a chirping sound came to his ears.

Yunniang was packing things in the room for a long time.

In fact, there was nothing to pack, perhaps because she couldn't let go of this place where she grew up.

The courtyard door was pushed open with a creak, and Jiang Po walked in with gauze wrapped around her forehead.

"Xiao Mo, are you really leaving?"

Yunniang didn't have anyone close to her in the village, except for the Jiang Po family next door, who had taken good care of her over the years.

Since she was leaving, she had to say hello.

Mo Xun nodded.

Jiang Po sighed and handed over a small bundle in her hand.

"This is the pancake I just made. Take it with you on the road!"

Mo Xun didn't refuse and simply said thank you.

He had a good impression of the old woman in front of him.

After staying in the immortal world for a long time, everyone would unconsciously develop a utilitarian heart, and they would weigh the pros and cons when interacting with others. Such simple mountain people are rare.

Jiang Po looked into the inner room, and then pulled Mo Xun aside.

"Yunniang is a miserable child. Although she can't speak, she knows more than anything else in her heart. Don't let her down in the future."

Mo Xun was a little embarrassed to respond to this.

He himself was living on the edge of a knife, not knowing where the future was, so how could he make any promises?

Jiang Po sighed softly.

"This child has lost her relatives a long time ago. People in the village say that she has a hard life and anyone who gets close to her will die. That's why no one has proposed marriage to her at such an old age. They are afraid that she will kill them. But these are all nonsense. You don't have to believe them. Otherwise, with this girl's appearance, I don't know how many young men would be thinking about her. When you two get married in the future, you must not let her suffer any grievances!"

As she spoke, Jiang Po wiped away her tears.

"Yun Niang is soft-hearted. If she really suffers any grievances in the future and can't say it, and leaves her hometown, how can you let her live outside?"

Mo Xun sighed in his heart. Even if such neighbors are not relatives, they are better than relatives.

After a moment, he nodded gently.

"Don't worry, I know what to do!"

After an incense stick, Mo Xun sneaked into Jiang Po's house, put down a bag of things, and then quietly retreated.

Not long after, two figures stepped on the morning sun, no one saw them off, and even without anyone paying attention, they quietly left the quiet mountain village.


In Shangwu City, Mo Xun carried a fur bag on his back and looked at the wide street in front of him.

As for Yunniang, she was like a young wife who had never seen the world. She had a cloth bag on her arm and her hands were always tightly holding Mo Xun's sleeves, as if she was afraid that she would get lost in this endless stream of people if she was not careful.

The two people were like a young couple who came to the city to work. The man frowned and the woman's eyes were full of curiosity and panic.

Although this city is not far from Nanshan Village, Yunniang is here for the first time.

It can even be said that after living for more than ten years, the little girl has hardly left the mountains.

At the moment, she is like Mo Xun who entered Xunyang County for the first time that year. Everything she sees is new.

There are so many people, so many carriages, so many tall houses...

Everyone here is dressed very nicely, unlike her, who looks like a girl from the countryside.

The two of them simply spent a night in the inn. Early the next morning, Mo Xun went to find Qi Ruyan first.

The only person he knew here was that woman.

"I said I was going to find you these days, but I didn't expect you to come!"

Mo Xun shook his head secretly. This woman didn't listen to him at all.

At this moment, not only did she not hide her changed appearance, but her dressing made her more charming.

But since the transaction was completed, he couldn't interfere with what others did.

"What do you want to talk to me about?"

Qi Ruyan smiled coquettishly, and it seemed that her mentality had also changed to that of a girl.

"It's like this. After seeing my current changes, a sister of mine also wants to exchange for the elixir in your hand. I wonder if it's okay?"

Mo Xun's face sank.

"Did you tell others about me?"

Feeling the coldness in Mo Xun's tone, Qi Ruyan hurriedly said: "No, I only told her that I accidentally got a magic medicine from a wandering doctor. As for the situation of Mr., I didn't reveal a word."

Mo Xun glanced at her lightly and warned: "This matter ends here. I don't want to attract too much attention. Remember, since I can make your face stay forever, I have a way to change you back to your original appearance."

Qi Ruyan shuddered immediately!

She had seen Mo Xun's magical spells in the blood array before.

Although spiritual power cannot be used here, such a master may have other unknown means.

"I know!"

Mo Xun added: "Zi Yan is unbelievable in a place like this. You'd better keep a low profile and don't let anyone find out any clues. This will be good for you and me. In addition, Mo Mou will give me another advice, you Although your body has regained its youthfulness, your longevity has not changed much after all. If you don't make good use of the exercises and elixirs I gave you, I'm afraid you will still be unable to escape the fate of dying in a few decades at most. It will be nothing more than the corpse looking at you when you put it in the coffin. Just be younger!”

How could Qi Ruyan not understand this truth?

She had just regained her youth, and she was still in excitement and joy for the time being, so she didn't think about it.

"But there is no way to practice in this place. Even if I use the blood array, what effect will it have?"

"This is the first reason why I came to you today!"

Qi Ruyan said quickly: "Sir, please speak clearly!"

Mo Xun stood up slowly and looked out the window next to him. The downstairs was facing the street.

It’s so lively with people coming and going at the moment!

"On the one hand, you continue to investigate the method of leaving this place. On the other hand, help me collect the weird things that have happened in various places in recent years. The more bizarre the better, as well as the news about the City Lord's Mansion. Once I can leave this place, I will I will take you with me, and when the time comes to become a cultivator, I will give you an unexpected future."

Qi Ruyan was not a fool. Upon hearing these words, he roughly understood what Mo Xun meant.

"I know, sir, what else do you have to say?"

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