Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 722 No Spiritual Roots

Although Mo Xun didn't understand what this gesture meant, he could roughly guess its meaning.

But at the moment, he didn't know how to explain it.

He saw his palm slowly brushing in the air, and the tears on Yunniang's face disappeared instantly.

He gently pulled Yunniang's wrist and passed a spiritual power into her body.

But soon, his brows frowned slightly.

It was not because of Yunniang's muteness, but because there was no spiritual root in her body!

He carefully explored Yunniang's body several times, but got the same result.

Without spiritual roots, it is impossible to practice, which means that you can only be a mortal for the rest of your life.

More importantly, it is a limited lifespan!

This result is obviously not what Mo Xun wants to see, but he can't do anything about it.

Mo Xun raised his head and looked at her, his eyes full of indescribable complexity.

It's like he is guarding a mountain of gold, but he can't provide the other party with a bowl of bran to survive, and can only watch her die slowly in front of him.

He rarely felt this kind of powerlessness.

But at this moment, it filled his heart.

Yunniang felt the fluctuations in his emotions, but she suddenly smiled, as if telling him that death is death, so what?

Yes, who has not died one day?

Just like his pursuit of the great way, he is just trying to grasp that illusory immortality. Who can guarantee that he will not fall in the next moment?

Mo Xun showed a bitter smile.

He has lived for hundreds of years and seen through everything, but he can't resist the word "death".

If he hadn't got the half-volume of the book and hadn't left Xunyang County, he would have turned into a handful of yellow soil.

How many of those familiar people could escape such a fate?

I don't know what he was thinking, he suddenly hugged Yunniang in his arms.

He couldn't give the other person forever, so why should he be stingy with this short-term care?

It seemed that from this moment on, the two were destined to the next ending.

After a long time, Mo Xun finally recovered from his depression. All he could do now was to let Yunniang hear the sound first.

The two slowly separated, and Mo Xun looked into her eyes.

"Some strange things may happen next, don't panic then."

When Mo Xun finished this sentence, Yunniang was suddenly stunned.

It was like a bolt from the blue, passing directly through her mind.

Because Mo Xun's words contained the fluctuation of mana, not like ordinary sounds, but directly transmitted to Yunniang's mind.

It was like a stone suddenly dropped into a pool of water that had never rippled.

The effect produced was no different from a storm!

Mo Xun smiled.

It was not difficult to cure Yunniang, but it would take a process for the other party to accept the existence of the sound.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, if the little girl had spiritual roots, it would be great.

This world is destined to be imperfect, which is why he rarely takes the initiative to touch feelings in the world of immortal cultivation.

As he cultivates, his life span will increase slowly, and he may even leave this world in the end.

But it would be so painful to watch the one he loves grow old and die in front of him.

Perhaps he should not be here, so Yunniang would always be on his own life track.

Maybe he would be a mute for his whole life, but he would have fewer troubles.

He even wavered in some of his previous ideas. Next, should he take Yunniang away from here?

Back in the world of immortal cultivation, he can be high above the clouds, but Yunniang can only look up at him in a limited number of years.

Of course, he can find some elixirs to prolong life.

But how much meaning does that have?

Both of them will feel pain in their hearts!

Although he can accompany the other person for a short life, Yunniang will never be happy once she knows that she is just a passer-by in his life.

And he will also leave a deep scar in the endless years.

"Don't worry, you will get used to it after a while."

Yunniang cried again, not knowing whether it was because of panic or the joy behind the voice.

Because she had never heard any sound since she was born.

She didn't even know what sound was.

She realized that she was different from others, because every time she saw people communicating, they seemed to understand everything just by moving their lips.

At first she thought it was because she was stupid, but later she slowly realized that she couldn't do that.

Yunniang wiped her tears and suddenly smiled like a child.

Mo Xun sighed in his heart. He wanted to give her more, but this was the end of his ability.

A question that had troubled him for many years lingered in his mind again.

Is it true that without spiritual roots, you can't cultivate immortality?

Perhaps only true immortals have this ability to penetrate the heavens and the earth!

Mo Xun raised his hand and gently touched the other's neck. Yunniang, with all kinds of emotions gathered in her heart, slowly closed her eyes and fell into Mo Xun's arms.

Until a stick of incense later, Mo Xun injected spiritual power into her body again.

Yunniang slowly opened her eyes, and Mo Xun was still by her side.

But the world she perceived was completely different.

She turned her head suddenly, because she clearly sensed that there was a movement behind her that she had never felt before.

Over there, Bai Ze was holding a bright yellow peach, chewing it in his mouth, making a rustling chewing sound like a mouse.

It's as if there is suddenly an extra pair of eyes behind you!

She quickly turned around again and saw that on the other side, the spring water was gurgling, and there was a pleasant and clear tinkling sound.

It was as if the most beautiful melody in the world was beating in her ears.

She had another dream-like hallucination!

It seems that she is really dead. Otherwise, why would my perception change so wonderfully?

What made her a little sad was, why did Mo Xun accompany her?

"He should live well!"

Thinking of this, Yun Niang burst into tears.

This is the third time she has shed tears since entering this place!

Mo Xun looked at her like this, and he didn't know how to feel in his heart. It was like he had tried his best to wake up a unconscious person, but he knew clearly that the other person would slowly appear in front of him in the near future. Die.

Fortunately, all he could do was to keep the little girl in the present moment forever.

As for what will happen next, he doesn't have any good ideas.

Next, Mo Xun temporarily handed over Yun Niang to Bai Ze.

"You should follow Xiaobai during this period. She will teach you something."

The little girl has just come into contact with sounds and needs a buffering period, as well as subsequent learning to communicate and speak, which cannot be completed in a short time.

As for him, he also has his own things to deal with.

Hehe, I will make up the chapter tomorrow!


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