Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 723 Southern Xinjiang Weapon Pavilion

He first walked around the medicine garden. With the spiritual stone to ensure his spiritual energy, his growth rate recovered somewhat.

The only thing he was worried about was the Crimson Cloud Immortal Vine.

This thing is related to whether he can have a baby. Even if the entire medicine garden is destroyed, this thing cannot be lost.

The next thing he has to do is to refine the rare materials that can be used here.

This is also the fastest way for him to exchange for beast cores!

He has the help of magic power and Xuan Tianhuo, and his speed is beyond comparison with ordinary people.

There is also the refining of ordinary weapons. It should be easy for a weapon refiner like him who can even refine magic weapons.

Even if it is a sharp magic weapon from the outside world, how difficult can it be?

The only trouble is that I don't know the ratio of craftsmanship and materials, so I need to do more experiments.

Then there is the spirit-calling blood formation that goes in and out of here.

It also needs further improvement to make it consume less beast cores.

As well as the application of blood array in other aspects, he also has many ideas, which need to be verified one by one here.

One advantage here is that you can use sky fire to refine the formation disk.

I saw him taking out a beast core first, and with a slight thought in his mind, his body suddenly shook.

What surprised him was that using mana to absorb blood was much faster than the outside world.

He quickly gathered his mind, and while using the magical power of the Dharma in his body, he guided it with spiritual power. The blood in the beast's core flowed into his body like sea water pouring back.

Mo Xun was overjoyed. He didn't expect that magic power could actually assist in body training!

It seems that the unique beast core here does have some tricks.

He briefly tested it and found that if he used mana to guide blood energy, it would be more than ten times faster than the outside world.

It usually takes one stick of incense to absorb all the blood in the outside world, but now it only takes dozens of breaths.

In other words, as long as he has enough beast cores, he can quickly advance to become a body refining master, and even a grand master is not impossible!

He suddenly felt that the Tiankui world was not as bad as he thought before.

Mo Xun smiled, placed an isolation restriction on the side, and summoned the two avatars.

He didn't want to hide anything, but he was just afraid that Yun Niang would be shocked again when she saw the two of him.

Many things need to be taught slowly.

In the next day, the avatar helped to refine the materials, while he studied the refining methods of weapons.

The purpose of the shop he asked Qi Ruyan for was to do business.

Although it is easy and quick to simply sell materials, it is really eye-catching, and you still need to have a stable source of income.

Now that he has the Spirit Summoning Blood Formation, the storage bag can be used in the outside world for a short period of time, and he does not have to move it out piece by piece.

A green light flashed in the iron cage, and Mo Xun returned to the dilapidated room again.

As for Yun Niang, she was left with Bai Ze.

At least he didn't plan to take Yun Niang out until the little girl learned to adapt to the sound and simple communication.

On the second day, a store called "Southern Xinjiang Weapons Pavilion" opened silently in the city.

On the first day it opened, many neighbors came to the store asking for explanations.

Almost all of them came to denounce the various commotions caused by Mo Xun before.

After each family paid ten beast cores, everyone's anger was finally calmed down.

In this way, Mo Xun began his first experience of being a boss here.

But this shop is a bit shabby, there are only a few weapons, and there is only one clerk.

Mo Xun originally thought that with his skill in weapon refining, it would not be a big problem to refining some ordinary weapons.

But after the experiment, he realized that it was not as simple as he thought.

After the development of every industry, there are secrets that are not known to the public. Even if he has the power of a land fairy, he cannot easily crack it for a while.

Fortunately, he has always had his own way of doing things like this.

The next day, he first bought some materials, replaced the beast cores, and then purchased a large number of different body refining weapons.

From swords to axes and hammers, even hidden weapons were purchased by him in large quantities.

All he has to do is work backwards.

With the Xuantian Fire that burns nothing, he can separate its constituent materials. As for the craftsmanship, he can learn from the weapon refining techniques to simulate it.

Here, he appears to be a shameless cheater.

At night, he entered the cyan space again, while absorbing the energy and blood in the beast's core to practice the Golden Body Technique.

On the other hand, he concentrated on the study of weapon casting.

After a few days of familiarity, Yun Niang finally adapted to the recovery of her hearing, but she was still confused about the world at hand.

Especially after taking the Bigu Pill that Mo Xun gave her, she felt even more mysterious.

She never thought that a small pill could keep people from being hungry for several days.

And the spirit fruit that Bai Ze gave her would cause her body to feel slightly hot after eating it.

It was a magical feeling, like suddenly having infinite strength.

In the reflection of the spring water, she saw herself now, and she was shocked!

The skin is fairer and rosier, and the face is more delicate and perfect than before. The few freckles and blemishes seem to have disappeared.

She touched her cheeks as smooth as jade, and it was hard to imagine that it was herself.

Until she saw Mo Xun cast a spell, she was stunned and at a loss!

These few days have been really difficult for Bai Ze. After a few days, the little girl has lost her ability to express herself. She often talks nonsense. Yunniang hurriedly said a lot, but she was still at a loss.

Not long after, the little girl went on strike.

No matter what conditions Mo Xun promised, he was unwilling to teach Yunniang anymore.

Helplessly, this matter could only fall back on Mo Xun.

Yunniang's current language ability is basically the same as that of a babbling girl. The only advantage is her smart brain.

But the little girl has been deaf and dumb for too long, and the habits she has developed over the years are often difficult to change. When communicating, she still likes to gesture with her hands.

Mo Xun could only correct her pronunciation word by word, and taught her some simple words.

His plan for Yunniang was roughly like this.

Since she couldn't cultivate immortality, she could only choose to cultivate her body.

Although even if she cultivated to the ninth level of the Grand Master, her life span would only be three or four hundred years, it would still be better than the life span of ordinary people.

If he could find some natural treasures, he should be able to live for 700 to 800 years.

Speaking of this, he immediately thought of the Huanyang True Water mentioned by Fairy Yuehua.

He could only wait until he returned to Southern Xinjiang and then go back to Tianxiang Valley.

This was all he could do.

Since he wanted to cultivate his body, he had to master the most basic communication skills. At least in the process of teaching, he could understand the meaning of the technique or read it independently.

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