The next day, there was a beautiful and elegant female clerk in the store.

But many people couldn't help but feel sorry after seeing her. Such a fresh and refined woman was actually a mute!

It really makes people shake their heads and sigh!

The two seemed to have returned to the quiet days in Nanshan Village before. Mo Xun worked in the backyard during the day, and Yunniang took care of cooking and welcoming guests.

From the original man farming and woman weaving, it has become the current husband-and-wife shop!

But in this relationship, there is a little more strangeness that both sides can feel.

Even if Yunniang is stupid, she can know that Mo Xun is not an ordinary person.

But what about her?

She is just a mountain girl with a low status who can't even speak clearly.

The greater the gap between their identities, the further they may go in the future.

But even so, Yunniang still obeyed everything Mo Xun arranged for her.

Learn to speak, read, come into contact with those magical spells, and eat those fruits that can make her whole body hot.

Although she didn't quite understand what these were, as long as Mo Xun asked her to do it, she would do it with all her heart.

She also wanted to become powerful, like Mo Xun, who could make the wind and rain fall with a wave of his hand.

At least in this way, she would feel that she was not so far away from Mo Xun.

Because Yunniang could not communicate smoothly for the time being, everything in the store was marked with a price.

In fact, there was nothing much, because so far, Mo Xun had not mastered the refining of several weapons.

Almost every day, he had to go out to exchange materials for some beast cores, and at the same time purchase weapons for research.

It was really that his absorption of blood energy was a bit too fast now.

So fast that even he felt incredible!

In just seven or eight days, with a total of 27 levels of exercises, he felt that he was about to touch the bottleneck of the first level.

And his skin surface seemed to have undergone slight changes.

Of course, this should be related to his own certain foundation of horizontal training.

It’s just that the consumption of beast cores in this process is equally surprising!

After entering the green gourd every night, the beast cores exchanged that day were quickly used up, forcing him to stop practicing and start studying blood formations and weapons again.

A few days later, there was a double happiness.

Not only did he break through to the second level in body refining, he also got some knowledge of weapon casting.

Then it became more and more uncontrollable, and the goods in the whole store began to increase.

With Xuantian True Fire smelting and mana to assist material fusion, he was many times faster than those outsiders in casting.

Often, he could easily make a piece in a short time.

Another half a month passed, and the originally empty shop was occupied by all kinds of weapons.

Because he almost didn't have to worry about materials, the selling price was 20% to 30% lower than the same type in other shops.

So soon, this originally inconspicuous weapon shop became famous in several surrounding streets.

The daily income was also rising continuously.

But this touched the interests of some people.

This day, Mo Xun was hammering in the backyard as usual.

The purpose of doing so is nothing more than making some noise to avoid arousing suspicion from others.

If it is quiet every day, but there is a steady stream of weapons for sale, I am afraid that someone will find something strange in a few days.

He has been thinking about whether he can develop a puppet driven by blood and qi as a substitute.

Unfortunately, he has no experience in mechanical puppets and has not figured out a clue.

At this moment, a hairy-faced black-clothed strong man came to the shop.

Yunniang hurriedly greeted him and said "hello" with a little slurred speech.

After more than a month of familiarity, Yunniang can now understand some words, but many pronunciations are still unclear, and she can't speak too long sentences, most of the time she speaks one or two words.

Language training, no matter how talented you are, cannot be mastered in a short time.

The strong man stared at Yunniang nakedly, without hiding the badness in his eyes at all.

He first walked around the shop, and then his eyes fell on a sharp broad-backed broadsword.

"How much is this?"

In fact, this question was a bit redundant, because the price was already marked next to each weapon.

But Yunniang still politely pointed to the wooden sign next to it, which read "Bright Silver Wind-beating Blade, 25".

There was no mark on the beast core level, which meant that low-level was fine.

The strong man picked up the broadsword and chopped it towards the side in the void, which frightened Yunniang and made her step back quickly.

"Can I try it?"

Yunniang nodded gently.

Generally, those who come here to buy weapons often have this request.

In the corner of the shop, there are also some stones and black iron, which are specially used to test the power.

Ordinary mundane weapons mostly only focus on weight and hardness.

This wind-beating knife is a low-level item. If you want to try it, as long as you can easily split the stone after injecting blood and energy, it will be fine.

If you want to chop the black iron, it's no problem, but at most you can only leave a mark on it.

To chop the knife directly, you must be a master-level strongman.

But then again, if a master came here, he would definitely not choose a weapon of such a price.

The shop also accepts custom orders. Customers only need to leave the drawings and requirements, and they can come to pick it up the next day. The price is just a little higher.

Yunniang pointed to a stone not far away and answered softly: "Yes!"

But the sturdy man did not intend to test it with a stone, but took out a short knife.

He held the knife in one hand and the blade in the other, and then without saying anything, he used the short knife to directly chop at the blade of the Pufeng knife.

Then there was a "bang" sound, and a spark flew out. The Pufeng knife broke into two pieces, but the short knife was intact!

Yunniang looked at this scene in astonishment and did not react for a while.

The shop has been open for so long, but this is the first time I have seen someone test the knife like this.

The sturdy man sneered and threw away the broken knife.

"It seems that the quality of this knife is not up to standard!"

Although Yunniang did not understand what he said, she could see what he meant from the provocative look of the other party.

She was a little at a loss at the moment. The key was how to calculate the money?

If he asked them to pay, it was indeed because their knife had not been tested, but if he did not pay, it was obviously not in compliance with the test rules.

The sturdy man glanced at Yunniang coldly, and then picked up a dragon-patterned sword next to him.

This time, he didn't ask, and still chopped down with the short knife.

With a clang, the dragon-patterned sword broke.

Yunniang was completely stunned. This sword was more expensive than the wind-fighting sword, and it required thirty-five beast cores.

In just a few breaths, two weapons were damaged.

But the strong man still didn't seem to want to stop.

Seeing this, Yunniang quickly stopped him.


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