Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 725: Death and Life

"Why, since you are selling weapons, are you still afraid of being tested?"

Yun Niang's face turned red and she wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to express it for a long time.

"You... are wrong..."

A sinister smile appeared on the corner of the strong man's mouth, and then he turned around and shouted outside the store.

"Everyone, come in and take a look. This store is deceiving customers. The weapons it sells not only cannot withstand beatings, but also prevent customers from trying the weapons."

Although this voice was not loud, it was heard on the street.

The next moment, more than a dozen people rushed in, as if they had made an appointment in advance.

The strong man cupped his hands in front of everyone.

"Everyone, please comment. I wanted to buy a handy weapon when I came here, but even when I tried the sword and sword, they were like paper. They broke into two halves with a little force. When I wanted to try the next one, But this girl stopped me, do you think anyone does this kind of business? Or are you saying that the items sold in this shop are all made of wood and cannot stand the test of customers? "

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden noise all around, and people were talking about Yun Niang.

The key evidence is here, the broken sword is still lying on the ground.

Yun Niang panicked immediately. She had never encountered such a situation before. She wanted to explain, but no words came out. She was so anxious that she almost cried.

The strong man turned around.

"Little girl, I won't embarrass you and ask your shopkeeper to come out. As long as he admits face to face that everything in the shop is waste, the matter will end here. Otherwise, I can only report the matter to the city lord's palace, and the city lord will Your Excellency makes the decision, our Shangwu City’s reputation of thousands of years cannot be ruined by your shop!”

Yun Niang's eyes were red, and her ears were full of those people's pointing fingers.

At this moment, she actually had the idea of ​​becoming deaf again.

I thought that by becoming a normal person, I would be able to get many of the things I envied before, but I never thought that besides pleasant sounds, there would be such annoying things in the world.

"You... you..."

Seeing Yun Niang's anxious look, everyone became more and more noisy.

The strong man's unscrupulous eyes kept wandering over Yun Niang's body.

"Little girl, since the shopkeeper doesn't want to come out, I have no choice but to smash all the rubbish in this house!"

After saying that, the strong man stepped forward and pushed Yun Niang to the side.

The poor little girl is thin and weak. Although she has eaten some Qianyuan Fruit recently, she cannot withstand the strength of such a warrior.

Yun Niang screamed and was pushed directly onto a pile of weapons, blood immediately flowing from her arms.

The strong man laughed, and slashed hard at the green dragon whip with the short knife in his hand.

With a stabbing sound, the soft whip was cut into two pieces and fell from the wooden frame.

It wasn't over yet, the man had his sights set on a three-pronged steel fork, but just as he was about to cut it down, his arm was grabbed in mid-air.

When he saw the person's appearance clearly, the strong man frowned, and as his blood boiled, he formed a fist with his other hand and punched it out.

With a bang, the two fists met in the air, and then they each retreated.

The person who came here was naturally Mo Xun.

Mo Xun's expression was solemn. With just one move, he judged that the opponent's physical strength was definitely not inferior to his, and was even stronger.

"Why, your Excellency is finally willing to come out?"

The strong man moved his wrist slightly, and it was obvious that the hasty punches caused him some pain.

Mo Xun first helped Yun Niang up. When he saw the blood seeping out of the little girl's clothes, his face suddenly sank, and there was a murderous intent in his eyes!

Even if this person is a master, there is no way he can leave the store today.

Seeing Yun Niang talking and gesticulating anxiously, Mo Xun waved his hand.

"You wait nearby for now!"

The little girl didn't know who should be blamed for what happened today?

I just felt that I had lost several weapons because I didn't take good care of the store, and my brows were filled with self-blame.

She knew that these weapons were all made by Mo Xun's hard work. Even if one of them was damaged in her hands, it would be a waste of Mo Xun's hard work.

How could she not feel guilty?

After helping Yun Niang aside, Mo Xun looked at the strong man with cold eyes.

"Are you here to cause trouble?"

Since he had trampled on his bottom line, Mo Xun had no intention of asking about the cause and effect.

The other party’s life must be kept today!

The strong man laughed disdainfully.

"If the things in your house are not beaten, isn't it polite?"

As soon as these words came out, the dozens of people around him immediately started making noises.

"That's right, you dare to pass off inferior quality and deceive us martial arts practitioners!"

"Who says it's not the case? I think it's better to close the door as soon as possible!"

"People like this should be reported to the City Lord's Mansion for handling!"


For a moment, everyone seemed to be boiling. You and I kept talking.

Looking at this formation, Mo Xun probably understood something about it.

Ever since he sold weapons in a high-profile manner, he had expected to encounter such a situation, but since he dared to open the door for business, he was not afraid of finding trouble.

When everyone had finished talking, Mo Xuncai said coldly: "Who asked you to come?"

A look of uneasiness flashed across the strong man's face, but it was quickly covered up.

"What do you mean by this? I'm sorry that I'm not clear. I've just tried it three times in a row. Your things are like mud. They couldn't even withstand a blow from my short blade, so they all broke into two pieces. Now that the facts are before us, do you think you can get away with it by being so considerate? The city lords of all generations have set rules that all businesses operating in our Shangwu City must be based on integrity. Isn't it necessary for you to be like this? Damn this city’s reputation?”

A sneer appeared at the corner of Mo Xun's mouth.

He had noticed the short knife in the opponent's hand before, and could tell at a glance that it was of extraordinary quality.

Maybe other people have noticed it too, but most of the people watching are just pretending to be dumbfounded!

I'm afraid they are all waiting for him to give in and smash his sign!

After hundreds of years of practice, what storms has he not seen?

He picked up the severed sword from the ground and said calmly: "Since you think the weapons I forged are like clay, do you dare to use the knife in your hand to strike with me?"

Mo Xun's words once again caused a commotion among the crowd.

A short sword versus a broken sword, this is a bit new.

The key is that the broken sword was just cut off by a short sword.

Seeing Mo Xun's confident expression, the strong man's heart suddenly jumped for no reason, but then he recovered.

Mo Xun had seen the details of his punch just now. Didn't he understand the opponent's strength?

The two of them got similar results. The strong man thought he was better than Mo Xun.

Moreover, in his hand was this seven-star sword that was as sharp as clay.

That being the case, what is he afraid of?

"Have you thought about it?"

There was no fluctuation on Mo Xun's face, and he just nodded calmly.

"Whenever force is used, injuries cannot be avoided. You and I need to sign a life and death agreement in advance. If we are injured or even killed, it has nothing to do with the other person. How about that?"

The strong man laughed.

"What's the problem? Just bring a pen and paper!"

Soon, the two signed a life-and-death contract on the counter and pressed their fingerprints.

After doing this, Mo Xun suddenly took out a black glove from his arms and put it on his hand.

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