Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 726: Body Refining Master

This glove is jet black and looks like it is made of some kind of metal.

But it is very soft when worn on the hand.

If you look closely, you will find that there are many strange textures carved on its surface, like runes.

The only thing that seems awkward is that the material is very thick.

The strong man didn't care too much about it. After all, Mo Xun is not the first person to wear protective gear on his hands.

Not to mention his hands, even in the arena, there are people wearing armor.

This sudden appearance of swords and guns, not only did not surprise everyone, but they were excited to watch the excitement.

Everyone consciously stepped back two steps to make enough space for the two.

The name of this city is "Shangwu", but it is not without reason.

According to the rules of the city, any grievances between anyone can be resolved by fighting.

As long as a life and death contract is signed and there are witnesses, it is a reasonable and legal thing.

In other words, this is a world that takes into account the law but only recognizes fists.

Yunniang hurried forward and hugged Mo Xun's arm.

With tears on her face, she kept shaking her head, and she was shouting "no" incoherently.

Mo Xun patted her shoulder gently, but before he could say anything, the strong man spoke again with a mocking tone.

"I think people like you are better off hiding in the land of gentleness!"

As soon as these words came out, the crowd burst into laughter.

Mo Xun pushed Yun Niang aside expressionlessly, and sneered in his heart.

Seeing this, Yun Niang was worried, but she also knew that if she tried to persuade him again, Mo Xun would only suffer more ridicule.

In this situation, she knew that the only thing she could do was not to go up and make trouble.

If Mo Xun really had any problems, she would just die!

"Little... be careful!"

Mo Xun nodded gently. Since he dared to take the initiative to provoke life and death, he must have some confidence!

Whether here or in the world of immortal cultivation, the strong are respected. If he is as wretched as before, it would be okay to keep a low profile.

But now, if he wants to collect enough beast cores in the shortest time, he can only snatch food from other people's mouths, so conflicts will become an inevitable process. If he endures it today, I am afraid that there will be more blind people coming to his door in the future.

Today, he wants to establish his prestige!

He dare not say that he can intimidate everyone, but at least he will reject those who want to take advantage of him but are not up to standard.

"It seems that you are ready, but don't blame the sword for being blind later!"

The strong man's eyes showed a bit of cruelty, and it was obvious that he was also murderous.

Mo Xun held the broken sword with one hand and glanced at the gloves on his hand.

No one would know that there was a small soul-summoning blood array hidden in it, and several intermediate beast cores were embedded inside.

This thing can block the outside world in a small range, so that the palm can restore spiritual power for a short time.

This thing is the movable blood array that he finally improved after many days of research.

Once he has magic power, he is not incapable of fighting even if he is a master-level strongman.

Mo Xun raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth!

The two men almost rushed at each other at the same time, and the weapons in their hands flashed a faint light.

However, one was a colorful halo with a faint blood flow, while the other was surrounded by a faint silver light.

Both of their faces were full of ferocity and determination.

At this moment, the crowd held their breath.

Even if this was a small-scale conflict, it was still full of attraction for these after-dinner spectators.

Growing up in a martial arts environment, everyone has a bloodthirsty impulse.

Only Yunniang, who was beside him, had her heart in her throat.

The slender nails almost pinched a blood mark on her palm.

She had rarely seen Mo Xun take action, even when the monster attacked the village last time, she only saw a vague outline under the moonlight.

She knew that Mo Xun had some incredible means, but what confused her was that once she left the mysterious green world, she had never seen Mo Xun use it.

In the blink of an eye, the two weapons met in midair.

Yunniang wanted to close her eyes, but she forced herself to hold back.

She was afraid of seeing the bloody scene, but she was even more afraid that when she opened her eyes, she would see Mo Xun lying on the ground.

In a short moment, she seemed to have made the shortest decision in history.

If anything happened to Mo Xun, she would kill him even if she died!

In her clear and weak eyes, she revealed a moving determination at this moment.

But the next scene stunned everyone.

The precious sword that could cut iron like mud was like thin paper in the silver light. It was easily cut off by the broken sword in Mo Xun's hand, and it didn't even make the sound that everyone expected.

The whole sword seemed to cut through the air directly without any obstruction.

"How can it be..."

The strong man said the last few words of his life in fear.

But before he finished speaking, a bloody head fell to the ground with a bang.

Then the sturdy body also fell down with a bang.


Surprisingly quiet!

Everyone was like petrified, staring at the bloody scene in front of them in amazement.

Even many people hadn't seen what was going on before the fight was over.

Because it was too fast!

Mo Xun's palm, which was full of magical power, was almost as fast as that of a master of the seventh realm.

I don't know whose weapon fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

"You... you actually killed Master Hu!"

After a short silence, someone finally reacted. One of the middle-aged men with a pointed face and monkey cheeks immediately pointed at Mo Xun in horror.

At this moment, Mo Xun's eyes were still murderous. When he stared at this man, the other party immediately broke out in a cold sweat and retreated behind the crowd tremblingly.

He snorted in his heart.

Another man named Hu!

He then glanced at the crowd, and flicked his gloved hand, and two fireballs flew out immediately.

In a few breaths, the corpse and the head on the ground were burned clean!

This shocked everyone!

Immediately, a voice shouted incredulously: "Blood...blood condenses into fire, he is a master of body refining!"

Everyone was shocked, and when they looked at Mo Xun again, they were surprised and a little afraid.

Blood transforms into form, and then picks leaves and flies flowers, or condenses fire into Gang, which is the sign of body refining above the sixth level.

And above the sixth level, they can be called masters.

Strictly speaking, Mo Xun's current physical strength may not have reached the fourth level.

Even so, it was achieved after consuming countless Qianyuan Fruits.

As for his cultivation in horizontal training, it is even worse. So far, his Dharma Golden Body Art has only been cultivated to the second level, and his body skills are probably only about the same as the second or third level.

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