What is the concept of a Sixth Realm Grandmaster? If we look at it in terms of cultivation in the world of immortality, it is at least similar to the early stage of pill formation.

As Qi Ruyan said, the city lord of Shangwu City may only be in the seventh realm.

Those who reach the Grandmaster level are basically at the helm of a certain force, or serving as an elder in the City Lord's Mansion.

It's just that this title is a bit weak when placed on Mo Xun.

After all, his fireball really couldn't stand too many tests.

This glove looks extraordinary, but it also has too many restrictions.

The first is that the time to summon the spirit is not only short, but also requires a certain amount of time to recover the mana after summoning the spirit. It is impossible to cast spells as you like.

For this reason, he also embedded half of a top-quality spiritual stone in his gloves.

Once the spirit-calling blood array is opened, it can absorb spiritual energy in the shortest time.

The second is the effective range of mana.

If you leave the blood formation, your spirituality will disappear quickly. For example, it is naturally impossible to use the true master's energy.

He was so high-profile this time just to shock the person behind the strong man.

"Why, you are still here, do you want to take care of our business?"

As soon as these cold words fell, everyone ran out with a crash, and the shop returned to silence again.

In the backyard, Mo Xunjian treated Yun Niang's wounds.

With this glove, he can use magic within a small area of ​​the outside world. Whether it is using a storage bag or healing wounds, it is much more convenient.

"Blame... me!"

Yun Niang wiped away her tears, her expression full of self-blame.

Mo Xun smiled slightly.

"It has nothing to do with you. This kind of thing will happen sooner or later. I will teach you the exercises after a while, and then you won't be injured as easily as today."

Yun Niang didn't quite understand what Mo Xun meant. The little girl grew up in the mountains and had almost no idea of ​​such worldly intrigues.

As for the exercises that Mo Shuo mentioned, he seemed to understand them!

Everything that happened in the shop spread quickly in the city, and even before night, it had reached the ears of some big shots.

If it's just a simple fight, even if it's a dead person, there's nothing strange about it.

But it happened that a Six Realm Grandmaster appeared here, which had to attract the attention of many people.

In a luxurious mansion, the study room is elegantly decorated with a sense of ancient charm.

"Are you sure?"

The person who asked this question was a middle-aged man with an elegant appearance. He was wearing a green robe and was thin, but his eyes were quite sharp.

At this moment, standing in front of him respectfully was a servant dressed as a butler.

"The villain has verified that there were more than 20 people present at the time, and they all saw the young man throwing the fireball out of thin air and burning Hu Tianchuan's body on the spot. There should be no problem with this."

The middle-aged man stroked his beard and smiled, putting down the book he was holding.

"This is quite interesting. He can condense his blood into fire at the age of twenty. He is really a formidable young man. There has been no such person in Shangwu City for a long time. I will post a post for me tomorrow. I would like to meet him."

In another wealthy family in the city.

Judging from the background, this house is still very luxurious. It is just decorated and decorated, but it is full of martial arts style.

In the martial arts arena, a middle-aged strong man seemed to have just finished a boxing set and was taking the towel handed by a servant to wipe his sweat.

Not far away from him, there were piles of large and small stones scattered.

The bluestone beneath his feet was torn to pieces by the messy footprints.

"How old did you say this person was?"

The servant next to him quickly bowed.

"Sir, I heard he is only in his twenties!"

The middle-aged man continued to ask: "Did you really cut off the seven-star sword with one sword?"

"Exactly, and I heard that the sword was turned into a useless sword by Hu Tianchuan before. That man was holding the broken sword in his hand, and with just one move, he chopped off the Seven-Star Sword and Hu Tianchuan's head. Come down."

The middle-aged man nodded thoughtfully.

"If the master really takes action, even a branch can become a magical weapon. I have also heard of this seven-star sword. It is said that it is Fang Fengyao's favorite thing, and Hu Tianchuan is this person's grandson, so he must take over. There’s a good show coming down!”

The servant quickly asked: "Master, should we take this opportunity to help him?"

The middle-aged man pondered and said: "Don't worry, wait until you see this person's true strength. But on your side, you might as well order some weapons from him in the name of the family and have a brief contact with him first. Didn't you say last time Do you want to replace a batch of people in the treasury? It's just a favor to sell him. It should be noted that most people of this level have a certain degree of arrogance. It would be a bit deliberate to show friendship directly. "

"The villain knows..."

Scenes like this are gradually happening in many places in the city.

The Akabane Clan can be regarded as one of the top forces in this city.

The sect leader's name is Fang Fengyao, and he is said to be over a hundred years old. Not only does he not look old on the surface, but he also practices martial arts and is extremely domineering.

This person had already cultivated to the Sixth Realm Grandmaster decades ago.

In the meeting hall, Fang Fengyao was really annoyed when he heard the crying noise in his ears.

The person crying on the side was a woman in her forties or fifties.

This woman was dressed in silk and satin, and she was kneeling down with a look of grief, anger and sorrow on her face.

"Dad, you must make the decision for Chuan'er. I won't get up until those two bitches are cramped and skinned."

Fang Fengyao looked only a few centimeters older than the woman, but they were actually father and daughter.

And the other party was the youngest daughter of the Fang Sect Master.

Fang Fengyao's life was quite legendary. He had walked out of the mountains since he was a child, and later joined the sect by chance.

Because of his decisiveness and ruthless means, he was soon noticed by the previous sect master and became his disciple.

But what this person did later was somewhat difficult to describe.

The previous sect master was not only his master, but also his father-in-law.

With the support of his father-in-law's family, Fang Fengyao not only learned well, but also gradually gained a foothold in the sect.

However, no one expected that this person, because he coveted the position of the sect master, actually designed to poison the old sect master.

Later, even the daughter of the previous sect master, that is, his wife, disappeared inexplicably.

This person was not only cruel and ruthless, but also extremely lustful.

Since taking charge of the sect, he has married dozens of concubines.

He had a lot of sons and daughters, and as for grandchildren, they were too numerous to count.

The woman in front of him was particularly favored by him because she had a child in her old age.

Otherwise, he would not have given the Seven Star Sword directly to a grandson.

Fang Fengyao was extremely angry when he heard about this, and almost went to kill her without asking why.

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