Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 728 Alarming Shangwu

Fang Fengyao snorted coldly.

"I already know about this matter. It is said that the man is a master of body refining in the six realms. It is also your fault that your incompetent son is already in his thirties. He has not learned much about his skills and is still causing trouble everywhere. How do you ask me to replace him? He makes the decision?"

The woman cried and said: "How can you blame Chuan'er? He doesn't want to help the family's business. If this person disrupts the market price, how will our Akabane family do business in the future? Besides, does dad really think that Can he become a master at the age of twenty? This person must have used some kind of deception. If the father refuses to come forward, the daughter will go to him personally. "

On the woman's ferocious face, an undisguised trace of resentment flashed across her face.

Fang Fengyao frowned.

To be honest, it's not like he hasn't thought about this possibility.

After all, Mo Xun's age looked too young!

Even if you start training from your mother's womb, it's not so outrageous!

Of course, it’s not like there haven’t been such geniuses in history.

There once was a 30-year-old Seventh Realm Grandmaster. If he had not been arrogant and was besieged by more than a dozen strong men, he might have been able to break through to the Eighth Realm, and even the legendary Ninth Realm was unknown.

Fang Fengyao couldn't help but fell into silence.

What is the background of this man? He seems to have jumped out of the cracks in the rocks out of thin air. If he has such ability, why was he unknown before?

He has already sent someone to investigate the specific situation of that store.

Thinking about it, there are definitely not a few people who have the same curiosity as him at this moment.

He was just a grandson, so he was dead. What he cared about was what impact this person's emergence would have on the original distribution of power in the city.

Now that he is in this position, he is no longer as lonely as he was back then, and he can do whatever he wants.

If many things are not carefully considered, he will not be the only one to suffer, but a whole bunch of people.

Now this family fortune was obtained by him only after escaping from death countless times.

"You go back first, and I will send someone here to check his details. If this person is really being mysterious, he will definitely not let Chuan'er die in vain!"

As soon as the woman heard this, her heart froze.

She knows her father's nature best.

I thought that back then, just because of an insulting word, I wiped out a whole family, but now, I just said that I wanted to check it out.

If that person is really a master, can this matter be forgotten?

The woman was sad and wanted to say more, but Fang Fengyao flicked her long sleeves, stood up and left.

In a few steps, he had already stepped more than ten feet away. His whole body was as fast as flying and his momentum was like a rainbow. It was impossible to tell that he was already a hundred-year-old man.

Behind a rockery, Fang Fengyao suddenly stopped when he saw no one around.

Immediately afterwards, two black figures appeared out of thin air beside him.


The two men were dressed in black from head to toe, and even their faces were covered with a layer of gauze.

Fang Fengyao said in a deep voice: "First find someone to secretly monitor the weapons pavilion. If there is a chance in the past few days, you two will go and meet him in person to see if this person is really capable. Just do it according to your ability. It’s just a test, no need to fight hard!”

The two black figures said yes at the same time and then disappeared.

As for Mo Xun, it has become much quieter since such a farce during the day.

At night, he entered the green gourd again. While practicing, he began to instill things related to body training to Yun Niang.

Since the little girl's language system has not yet been fully established, he can only explain while talking.

This kind of thing cannot be rushed.

Starting from the second day, something unexpected happened slowly.

First, he received invitations from some strangers, inviting him to visit him, but he threw them all aside.

Some people with a little bit of respect even took the initiative to visit him.

Because they were not buying anything, he kicked them out.

Fortunately, after that incident, his shop became famous in Shangwu City, and its business increased two or three times compared with before.

There was another family who spent a lot of money and bought more than 200 weapons of various kinds.

Mo Xun naturally knew what these people were planning, and while he was sneering in his heart, he was happy to see the results.

His purpose is to collect beast cores, no matter what method, as long as the more, the better.

He is not afraid of falling into any whirlpool. At worst, he can just take Yun Niang and leave here.

Perhaps a month or two ago, he would have been timid.

Now that there is a way to use spiritual power in this Tiankui world, there is nothing to worry about.

The reason why he didn't see anyone or pay attention to anyone was because he wanted to maintain a sense of mystery.

As long as he doesn't expose his identity, with the methods he showed that day, no one will dare to make trouble again in a short time.

It wasn't until a few days later that Qi Ruyan suddenly ran over anxiously.

In fact, she was paying attention to every move Mo Xun made here.

From the opening of the Weapons Pavilion, to getting on the right track, to Hu Tianchuan's provocation a few days ago, she didn't dare to say how detailed she knew it, but she definitely knew it better than others.

After all, she is the only one in the Tiankui world who knows the true background of Mo Xun.

She was doubtful that Mo Xun was a six-level body refiner.

In her opinion, the other party probably used the method of cultivating immortals to hide it from everyone.

Of course, she didn't come to Mo Xun this time to ask anything.

She also knew that even if she asked, she might not be able to hear the truth, and it might even arouse people's dissatisfaction.

In fact, during this period of time, she not only provided help to Mo Xun in many aspects, but also used all her means to collect strange stories from all over the place, and on the other hand, to find out how to leave this place.

Every once in a while, she would send some news to Mo Xun.

But so far, there is still not much clue.

The reason why she came here this time is mainly because many people have investigated her.

Even the City Lord's Mansion sent someone to ask once.

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows slightly.

"How did you get rid of them?"

Qi Ruyan took a deep breath and said: "Just say that you rented my store, and I don't know anything else, but...but..."

Hearing this hesitation, coupled with the unnatural look on the other party's face, Mo Xun snorted coldly and said directly for her: "But after seeing your current appearance, I'm afraid no one will believe that you have nothing to do with me, right?"

This is also where Qi Ruyan is uneasy.

An old woman in her sixties suddenly turned into a young girl. Even a fool can see the unusualness in it.

Mo Xun wasn't at all curious about the fact that someone would investigate.

He had even expected that the flaw would come from Qi Ruyan.

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