Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 73 Level 5 Human Talisman

Mo Xun took the incomplete book handed over by Su Yunshang. It was called an incomplete book because there was only the first half of the book, and the second half seemed to have been torn off.

The edges of the book were already broken and yellowed, as if it was quite old.

After unfolding it, the four big characters at the beginning of the chapter attracted his attention.

"E-level Human Talisman"

Human Talisman? Could it be?

Thinking of a possibility, Mo Xun hurriedly looked down, and as he read deeper and deeper, the expression on his face changed from initial shock to confusion, and then to regret.

After a long time, he raised his head and said excitedly: "Here are several methods of making talismans."

"Is it this yellow talisman?"

Su Yunshang then took out a stack of talismans, which contained about a dozen pieces.

Mo Xun took it and looked at it. After comparing it with the book, it was indeed consistent with what was recorded there.

Presumably, Yue Qingfeng's talismans came from this incomplete book.

The reason why he was confused was that after he had a superficial look at some methods of making talismans, he was a little confused about the principles and explanations.

And the regret was that in addition to recording some preparations and essentials for making talismans at the beginning, the book also introduced the drawing and use methods of several commonly used talismans.

But due to the incompleteness, only seven talismans were left.

The first three of them were relatively simple, which were the Qingxin Talisman, Fireball Talisman, and Thunder Talisman refined by Yue Qingfeng!

These three types can be drawn only at the initial stage of Qi Refining.

Of course, this does not represent the power of the three talismans, which is only equivalent to the initial stage of Qi Refining. With the improvement of the realm, the talismans drawn will naturally rise.

And the initial stage of Qi Refining is just the realm requirement of mastering the three talismans.

In fact, it is just the entry, but in theory, as long as you step into cultivation, you will meet this condition.

Mo Xun had seen the Fireball Talisman and the Lightning Talisman. In fact, after he broke through the late stage of Qi Refining, he could release flames. At that time, the effect would probably be similar to that of the Fireball Talisman.

The Lightning Talisman did attract some of his interest, but it seemed that the power of this Talisman was very limited when used by Yue Qingfeng. At that time, it only made him numb for a short time.

The Heart-Clearing Talisman seemed to be the most useless. It could only help people to clear their minds and concentrate their minds. What use was it for cultivation or fighting?

I'm afraid it could only make some charlatans!

There are four more types that can only be made after the realm reaches the middle stage of Qi Refining.

They are the Water Bomb Talisman, the Bodyguard Talisman, and the Giant Strength Talisman.

The Water Bomb Talisman, judging from the name, should be an offensive Talisman that can release water bombs, and I don't know how powerful it is.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but have some doubts again.

There are five elements in the cultivation of immortal spirit roots, and those jade stones are also divided into five elements. So does this talisman making technique also have five elements requirements?

For example, the Water Bullet Talisman, can only be drawn if one has a water spiritual root?

But then again, if the talisman technique corresponds to the spiritual root, then what about the Lightning Talisman, can only the Lightning spiritual root work?

According to Yue Qingfeng, he does not have a Lightning spiritual root!

The book does not clearly state this, and we can only wait until we have time to study it in the future.

The Giant Strength Talisman, this is much more straightforward. According to the book, once used, it can increase strength by several times or even dozens of times.

Of course, the specific effect depends on the talisman-making level of the person who draws it.

The amulet is the most promising talisman, because it is the only defensive talisman in it.

After it is cast, a defensive magic shield can be formed around the human body, which is a great weapon to save life when encountering danger.

The seventh type is called the Positioning Talisman, which is a bit strange to say. It can also be drawn in the middle stage of Qi Refining, but if you want to use it, you have to wait until the late stage of Qi Refining.

When using it, split it in two, place one half at the desired location, and carry the other half on your body. Even if it is a hundred miles away, it can still fly and lead people to the original location accurately.

Speaking of which, it seems to be a useless existence.

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