There is actually another kind of talisman on the last few pages of this book, but it was lost due to incompleteness.

This is a talisman that can only be drawn in the late stage of Qi Refining, called the Earth Escape Talisman.

According to the introduction, after casting, you can cleverly use the mud under your feet to instantly move to a distance of several feet or even farther. It can really be called a magic weapon for escaping.

But now it seems a bit of a pity!

For some reason, Mo Xun has always had a special liking for these life-saving spells or magic tools.

"Are there any interesting talismans?"

Mo Xun threw the incomplete book to her: "Look for yourself!"

Su Yunshang flipped through a few pages and frowned and said: "They are all ghostly talismans, so ugly!"

Mo Xun ignored her, but was thinking about the talisman making method introduced in it.

The first is the material problem.

Talisman paper is made by mixing some old herbs, but according to what is said on it, it should be called spiritual grass.

Mo Xun immediately thought of the recipe for the Heart-Protecting Pill. Presumably, the herbs used in it should also be called spiritual herbs.

However, in his opinion, the so-called herbs and spiritual herbs are just different names, and there seems to be no obvious boundary.

After all, most of the herbs in the recipe are often used in the mortal world. Perhaps in the world of immortal cultivation, they are just called spiritual herbs!

And the pen and ink used to make talismans are not ordinary things.

Take the talisman pen, for example. It is already a magic weapon, but it has no offensive or defensive properties and is limited to making talismans.

Thinking of this, he glanced at the ground and easily found a gray brush, which was the one Yue Qingfeng used to make talismans.

Holding the talisman pen in his hand, he slowly injected a trace of spiritual power, and felt that the spiritual power disappeared as soon as it entered the pen, and the pen did not change at all.

"Look, what is this?"

While thinking, Su Yunshang was holding a small white porcelain bottle in her hand and handed him a gray pill at the same time.

Mo Xun took it in his hand, put it to his nose and smelled it. He could not feel any smell, but there seemed to be a trace of spiritual energy in it, very weak!

"This is a pill. Look for it and see if there is any pill formula or something like that?"

"What does the pill formula look like?"

"It's almost the same as a medicine formula!"

Su Yunshang said "Oh" lightly, and then she started to search inside. Not long after, she handed Mo Xun a piece of yellow paper.

"Is it this?"

Mo Xun opened it and took a look. He was immediately delighted. Isn't this the Bigu Pill that Yue Qingfeng mentioned?

Then the pill in his hand should be it!

The record in the pill formula is very simple. Bigu Pill is not like the cultivation pills such as Baoxin Pill. There are only a dozen common medicinal materials, but the age requirement is higher!

It is even easier to prepare. I am afraid that in the world of cultivating immortals, this kind of thing cannot be called a pill.

Su Yunshang picked up a pill and asked eagerly, "What kind of pill is it?"

Mo Xun nodded, "This is a fasting pill. You won't have to eat for a few days after eating it!"

Su Yunshang thought about it, but shook her head and said with some boredom, "What's the point of not eating? Wouldn't it be impossible to enjoy delicious food?"

Mo Xun shook his head helplessly. Although this pill was a bit useless, it was very useful for the hard-working monks. At least it saved time for eating.

"Do you think there are any other pills or recipes?"

The two searched again, and finally found only a small bottle of ink, and the rest were all miscellaneous useless things.

Mo Xun was inevitably disappointed. For him at present, finding a new pill is his top priority.

But it is understandable that if there were better pills or recipes, Yue Qingfeng would not have stayed at the fourth level of Qi Refining.

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