Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 75: Talisman Conjecture

It took the two of them half an hour to sort out all the things and put them in order.

Mo Xun divided the gold and silver into two parts, and each of them took half. As for the colorful jade, since Su Yunshang only had water spirit roots, he only took a few green stones. As for the others, Mo Xun naturally put them in his pocket.

There were also books on exercises and talisman making. Su Yunshang was not very interested, so Mo Xun naturally collected them. However, all the talismans were taken by Yunshang. In the eyes of the little girl, being able to release fireballs and lightning was a very fun thing.

Mo Xun taught her how to use the storage bag, and the little girl was just like him at the beginning. Whenever she saw something, she would happily collect it in and out?

Time passed quickly, and another three or five days passed.

During these days, Mo Xun had been in seclusion, studying the method of making talismans in the room, but after consuming most of Yue Qingfeng's blank talisman paper, he didn't draw a single one successfully.

Such a waste made him feel a little painful!

It seems that the art of making talismans is not a one-day job.

However, after a few days of research, he figured out some of the techniques of talismans.

The so-called talismans are spiritual objects containing spiritual energy as carriers. The talisman drawer uses certain means to seal the magic power in the talisman. When using it, it only needs to be temporarily activated.

Of course, there are many problems involved.

Let alone the talisman itself, few people can understand how to seal the magic power.

According to Mo Xun's guess, the strange characters drawn on the talisman paper, which is what Yun Shang called the ghost painting talisman, are the main means.

A talisman is like a person. The characters drawn on it can be understood as the meridians of the talisman.

When a cultivator needs to cast different spells, it mainly depends on the different meridians of the spiritual energy in the body, so as to transform the spiritual energy into spell effects.

The same is true for talismans. If we understand those ghostly talismans as its meridians, it can be explained in theory.

The only difference is that talismans are dead objects, without independent consciousness, and need to be activated by the caster!

For example, the fireball talisman can release fireballs.

And the magic spells practiced by immortals can also release fireballs when they reach a certain level. In terms of effect, the two are connected.

But this actually brings up another problem, that is, why can only cultivators in the early stage of Qi Refining draw fireballs that can be released by cultivators in the late stage of Qi Refining?

Mo Xun thought for a long time, but he came up with a somewhat far-fetched explanation.

That is the accumulation of mana!

It's like transporting a thousand kilograms of food. One person can't move it at one time, but if he is given a day, he can transport it in batches.

This is the case with talismans.

In the early stage of Qi Refining, the spiritual power cannot be released and the fireball cannot be released. That is because in a very short time, the caster's mana is limited and not enough to support such a spell.

The talisman that can be drawn can avoid such defects.

The drawer can inject mana into the talisman little by little. When it accumulates to a certain level, the mana contained is even stronger than the caster himself!

Therefore, a good talisman is no less powerful than a magic weapon in terms of fighting the enemy.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages. The talisman cannot be used as infinitely as a magic weapon. In the final analysis, this thing is just a disposable consumable.

If Mo Xun's speculation is true, then the person who created the talisman must be admired.

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