Just imagine, if it is so difficult for Mo Xun to draw according to the map, how difficult must the person who created the talisman be?

He shook his head. Why did he, a young cultivator in the Qi training period, think so much?

Pushing the door open, Su Yunshang was lying on a bamboo chair, drinking tea and basking in the sun leisurely.

Mo Xun walked over, and before he spoke, the other party closed his eyes and said, "The food is in the kitchen, heat it up yourself!"

"No, I took the Qigong pill!"

Su Yunshang raised her eyelids and said "oh" lazily.

"I have something to tell you!"

Another light "oh".

Mo Xun looked at the mountains around him. It has been almost three years since he came here!

"I'll take you back tomorrow!"

Su Yunshang didn't seem to hear it, and the atmosphere became quiet for a while.

After a long time, Yunshang still just answered with a simple "Oh!"

Mo Xun looked at her calm appearance and asked curiously: "Shouldn't you be happy?"

Su Yunshang looked up at him and her mouth suddenly opened.

"Hehehe, is this okay?"

After saying that, she couldn't help but roll her eyes at Mo Xun and closed her eyes again, not knowing what she was thinking.

Mo Xun blinked, who had offended her?

The two didn't talk for most of the day, each packing their own bags, in fact, there was nothing to pack.

Mo Xun had nothing, so the important things were all in the storage bag, and Su Yunshang's family was rich, so these old things would naturally not be brought with them.

It was late at night, and I remember that when I first came here, it was also in the summer.

Two bamboo houses and a circle of fences, it seems that there is nothing more than when they were built.

Just outside the bamboo house, there is a swing, which was built for her two years ago when Su Yunshang was bored and begged Mo Xun to build it for her.

At this moment, she was sitting on the swing, looking at the bright moonlight above her head, and she didn't know what she was thinking!

"Why don't you rest yet?"

Yunshang didn't feel any surprise at Mo Xun's sudden appearance. Now, with the improvement of her cultivation level, her hearing and vision have already surpassed ordinary people by a lot.

"The moon is so round tonight!"

Mo Xun looked up, and there was no dark cloud.

The moonlight fell, and Su Yunshang's fair cheeks looked a little lonely!

A breeze blew past, blowing away her hair at the temples. It seemed that it was the first time that she showed such an expression.

Quiet like a lady from a noble family!

"Be careful not to catch a cold!"

Su Yunshang tapped the ground lightly with her feet, and the swing swung slightly.

"Do you think you will have a chance to come here again in the future?"

Mo Xun shook his head: "I don't know!"

"I want to ask you a question!"

"Ask it!"

Mo Xun waited for a long time, but she didn't speak, just staring blankly at the mountains in the distance.

"What's wrong?"

Su Yunshang suddenly smiled faintly: "Forget it, I won't ask!"

Mo Xun opened his mouth, but didn't say anything. He didn't know why, but he felt a little disappointed.

He vaguely guessed what Yunshang wanted to ask, but he was looking forward to her asking it, but he was also afraid that she would ask it.

Three years is not long, but not short. I'm afraid that even if you wear a piece of clothing for a long time, you can develop some feelings.

He comforted himself like this!

No words were spoken that night, and the sun rose as usual the next day!

But this hidden bamboo house in Cangming Mountain was already empty. No matter it was noisy or laughing in the past, everything returned to its original silence.

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