After a moment of dizziness, the two of them landed firmly on the ground at the same time.

Where they were, Mo Xun had already set up an isolation barrier, so all they could see now was a vast expanse of blue.

The man first looked around in shock, his face suddenly full of vigilance and panic.

"What is this place? Who are you?"

At this point, it can be said that the other party's life is completely in Mo Xun's hands.

At this moment, Mo Xun finally saw the appearance of the person coming.

This is a man with half-white hair. Aside from his frightened look, he looks rather majestic.

There is a bit of domineering look between his eyebrows, and he looks like he has been in power for a long time.

It's just those triangular eyes that make people a little bit unhappy.

"My surname is Mo, what is your name?"

Mo Xun casually swallowed a drop of the Godly Liquid, and after adjusting his breathing a little, most of his internal injuries were gone.

Now that he's on his own territory, he's not in a hurry.

After a moment, the man suppressed the panic in his heart, his eyes fell on Mo Xun, who was quite leisurely, and then he cupped his hand.

"Fang Fengyao, the master of the Red Feather Sect, maybe there was some misunderstanding and I accidentally bumped into your Majesty, please don't be offended!"

As the saying goes, people under the roof have to bow their heads!

The leader of the Fang Sect knew the current situation, and when he saw that the situation was not right, he immediately began to give in.

Mo Xun put his hands behind his back and looked at the other person expressionlessly.

He couldn't help but guess that the bloody feather he obtained earlier was probably the origin of the word "red feather".

I’ll have to ask again later!

"Have I ever offended you?"

The calmer Mo Xun became, the more panicked Fang Fengyao felt inside.

In fact, the current situation has overturned his understanding of martial arts.

It was clear that he was still in the secret room just now, but now he seemed to be in a fantasy world.

Could it be that the other party's magical power is so great that he has practiced martial arts to the point where his soul leaves the body?

And what is in front of us is the soul space of two people?

With his knowledge, he could probably only imagine this possibility.

After taking a deep breath, Fang Fengyao replied: "To be honest with you, the Hu Tianchuan you killed that day was none other than grandson!"

Mo Xun was amused. This frightened the old man to the point where he didn't even dare to call him "old man".

But having said that, in front of an old monster like Mo Xun, this person really can't live up to such a claim.

"So, you are looking for me to seek revenge?"

Fang Fengyao was speechless immediately, but he definitely couldn't admit such words.

"Your Excellency, you are overly concerned. Although Hu Tianchuan is related to me, since he has offended your Majesty, he deserves to die. Besides, I don't know how many descendants I have, how can I stand up for someone with a foreign surname? I am looking for you, but I am just holding my arms. It’s just the idea of ​​making friends and has no other meaning.”

Fang Fengyao is really frustrated to the extreme right now!

Thinking of him as a majestic sect leader, others were always cautious in front of him, but how could he have been so shameless?

At this moment, I was forced to kneel down!

Mo Xun sneered.

"You sneaked into my shop late at night and stole things from me. Is this how we met?"

As he spoke, he casually flipped his palm, and a firebird burning with blazing purple flames flew out of his body.

The firebird gave a low cry, circled around Mo Xun, and then hung in the air.

A pair of wings beating with purple flames, every time they are flapped, the surrounding temperature will rise by one point.

Seeing this scene, Fang Fengyao opened his eyes wide in surprise again.

He himself is at the Grandmaster level, and he can also do things like condense fire with blood.

But as Mo Xun did, he directly condensed a living purple flame flying Luan. Not only had he seen it, but he had never heard of it.

What method is this?

" did you do that?"

Although he has no spiritual consciousness, he can clearly detect the terrifying nature of this fire luan just by relying on martial arts perception.

"It would be better if you answered my question first!"

There was already a hint of coldness on Mo Xun's face. If he hadn't been unable to search the souls of people without cultivation, he would have taken action long ago.

Fang Fengyao's breathing became a little rapid, and he knew that he must have met an expert this time.

As for how tall this expert is, it is very easy to imagine.

"This matter is my fault. Please don't be angry. I originally asked my men to invite you, but they may have misunderstood, which led to this misunderstanding. I am willing to give a large sum of money to you, even to those two idiots. It will also be handed over to your disposal.”

Now, that's all he can say.

As for the life and death of those two people, it was obviously no longer in his consideration.

He even secretly cursed the two shadows several times in his heart. In his instructions, he only said to test them, but in the end he kidnapped such a great god.

He suddenly remembered, how did the other party enter the secret room without anyone noticing?

Could it still be invisible?

After asking about the whole story, Mo Xun lost much interest.

He originally thought it was the city lord's mansion that was responsible, but he didn't expect it was just such a small sect.

"Tell me what price you can pay, who are the people in your sect, and what are their cultivation levels?"

For the next cup of tea, Fang Fengyao was like pouring beans from a bamboo tube, explaining everything clearly about what was in it and what was not.

He has been practicing martial arts for nearly a hundred years, and it is indeed hard-won that he has achieved this level of success.

Although he is already old, he still wants to go one step further and prolong his life!

After asking almost all the questions, Mo Xun mentioned the blood-colored feather again.

It turned out that this thing was indeed the treasure of the Chiyu Sect.

However, if you want to absorb spiritual energy from it, you must be at a specific time and place, and it can only be used for about one hour every month.

As for the time and place, it is not fixed.

The ancestor of the Chiyu Sect once left a compass that can calculate the time node and direction, but it was lost many years ago, and this red feather became a useless treasure.

Mo Xun's heart was already hot when he heard this.

Because this theory just corresponds to the weak period in the operation of the formation.

According to his previous speculation, the entire Tiankui Realm is placed in an extremely broad barrier.

And every formation will have more or less weak points when it is in operation.

The weak point is also the most loose place of the formation. It seems that spiritual energy leaked in, so the ancestor of the Chiyu Sect seized the opportunity.

These weak points may be fixed or changeable. If they are not controlled by anyone, they often have a certain periodicity.

He originally thought that absorbing the blood energy in the red feather must be guided by spiritual power.

It seems that this is not the case. It should be possible to use it as long as there is spiritual energy.

So in short, if he can find these places, can't he get out?

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