Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 733 Mysterious Weapon Pavilion

Mo Xun hurriedly asked: "Do you know where the compass is now?"

Fang Fengyao showed a bitter look on his face. If he knew, he would not have stayed in the sixth level of body refining for decades.

Instead, he would have stepped into the next level with the red feather like those sect masters hundreds of years ago.

"This thing has been lost for hundreds of years. I have been looking for it for a long time, but I have got some clues recently. If you are willing to let me go, I will tell you the truth."

Mo Xun sneered in his heart.

This person's desire to survive is really strong. He even said such a low-level lie.

But it is worth the trip to get this good news!

It seems that he has another way to leave here!

"Anything else to say?"

Seeing a strange flash in Mo Xun's eyes, Fang Fengyao's heart jumped immediately.

"What do you mean?"

"Hehe, it's nothing, I just want to tell you... you can get going!"

After the words fell, Mo Xun suddenly took a step back, and then the whole person disappeared.

But in the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Fang Fengyao again.

However, the person who appeared, although he looked exactly like Mo Xun, had changed his clothes, and his eyes were full of dullness, like a puppet.

This person was the incarnation of the devil, Mo Hun!

As for Mo Xun, he had come to the anxiously waiting Yunniang and explained to her briefly.

Until a stick of incense later, Mo Hun walked out of the barrier covered in blood.

His incarnation had condensed a golden elixir with the Lanxin lotus seeds many years ago. Although he had neglected to practice in recent years, he had already broken through to the middle stage of the elixir.

After comforting Yunniang, Mo Xun immediately went to look for Chiyu, who had been thrown in before.

But when he found this thing, he was stunned.

Because the blood-red feather was wrapped in a blue-white feather, the endless blood was absorbed into the feather bit by bit.

He didn't expect that the treasure he had worked so hard to get was taken by Sanqing before he could use it.

Mo Xun shook his head and sighed, and his robe sleeves brushed past, putting both feathers into the storage bag.

In any case, Sanqing's current fall was inseparable from him, and it was not an exaggeration to say that he saved his life.

It was just a feather, and it was absorbed by the other party.

Perhaps this opportunity was originally for Sanqing!

After dealing with Fang Fengyao, he didn't dare to stay in the gourd for a long time.

Since the Chiyu Sect didn't know what was good for them, they had to be prepared to pay the price!

Let's not talk about the others, the two shadows who brought him here must be recorded in this account.

After leaving the secret room, the first place Mo Xun went to was the treasure place mentioned by Fang Fengyao.

He could not destroy the Chiyu Sect, but he would accept the treasures inside.

Fortunately, in the entire sect, only Fang Fengyao was above the sixth realm. Although there were some strong people, none of them had reached the master level.

This was obviously another sleepless night!

When someone found three bodies in the mansion, the entire Chiyu Sect, from top to bottom, was completely in a panic.

Because among the bodies, their sect master was lying!

At this moment, Mo Xun had already returned to his shop quietly.

To say that the Chiyu Sect is also very profound.

Not to mention all kinds of gold, silver and jewelry, the boxes of beast cores alone were enough to shock Mo Xun.

There were 80,000 low-level ones, 2,000 mid-level ones, and even 20 to 30 rare high-level ones.

Such a wealth might not help him cultivate to the master level, but it was almost enough.

He couldn't help but feel a little bit of expectation, hoping to see another sect like this.

Earning beast cores in this way is much faster than simply selling weapons.

He was even thinking, should he be more arrogant and make more enemies like this?

In fact, there was a bit of luck involved this time. If he met someone like Qi Ruyan who knew how to summon the spirit blood array, he might not be able to keep his identity as a cultivator.

Not long after, the sky brightened.

It has been the third day since leaving the store.

In other words, the Nanjiang Weapon Pavilion closed for a day yesterday for no reason.

It should not be a big deal. After all, it is common for shops to close down on the street.

But the recent movements of this boss have already entered the ears and eyes of many bigwigs, so it is inevitable that some people have paid attention.

Before dawn, the news that the leader of the Chiyu Sect was lying dead at home quickly spread throughout the Shangwu City.

Then, the forces of all parties suddenly became agitated like a pot of boiling water.

There were doubts and shock among those people!

It can be said without hesitation that, except for the one in the City Lord's Mansion, the Sixth Realm Grandmaster is already the ceiling of the city.

Moreover, he is a strong man who has entered the Sixth Realm for many years and is almost half a step away from entering the Seventh Realm.

On the second day, all kinds of messy news and speculations were reported to the helmsmen of various forces like snowflakes.

A Grandmaster was killed, and was killed silently at home, how could it not make people puzzled?

As for the two shadows, they became the second.

Then, the news of the theft of the Akabane Gate treasury also spread like a plague.

This is even more shocking!

During this period, no carriages entered the mansion, and no one saw workers carrying things in and out.

But those boxes of treasures and valuables are really gone!

It seems that they all disappeared overnight!

If it wasn't a ghost, I'm afraid no one would believe it!

The bizarre and weird things made all the heads of the family lose their minds.

But there are some sober ones among them.

Soon someone linked this matter to Mo Xun.

There are two reasons.

First, it is the relationship between Fang Fengyao and Hu Tianchuan, and Hu Tianchuan happened to be beheaded by Mo Xun a few days ago.

In other words, the two had a grudge not long ago.

Secondly, the day before Fang Fengyao died, the Nanjiang Weapon Pavilion closed for a day for no reason.

These seemingly vague connections were immediately thought of by those who were interested.

In their opinion, Mo Xun probably took advantage of the day when the business was closed, and used some unknown means to first rob the Chiyu Sect, and then killed Fang Fengyao silently at night.

But as for how he did it to conceal his tracks, no one knew.

As soon as this speculation spread, the mystery of the Nanjiang Weapon Pavilion in everyone's mind became like wild weeds growing wildly, becoming more and more uncontrollable.

Some people even raised Mo Xun's body refining cultivation to the seventh realm!

Perhaps only the seventh realm master can have such mysterious means.

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