When there were many opinions in the city, only Qi Ruyan was absolutely convinced that it was Mo Xun who did it.

If a master died, this matter could be big or small.

But this person happened to be the master of a sect, so the impact would inevitably spread.

This would involve the redistribution of power!

Many shares that originally belonged to the Chiyu Sect, such as territory or business, were immediately targeted by some people.

And the first to get into chaos was actually the Chiyu Sect.

As the saying goes, when one person gets the Tao, the chickens and dogs will rise to heaven, but once the one who gets the Tao dies, the chickens and dogs who follow him to heaven will often become the first target of public criticism!

Almost the day after Fang Fengyao died, the Chiyu Sect ushered in the first wave of power struggles.

Let’s not talk about the elders in power, just the dozens of descendants alone started fighting for the successor.

It is said that several concubines and side rooms were even killed on the spot!

In this turmoil of internal and external conflicts, Mo Xun, the instigator of this incident, has returned to a peaceful life.

He has too many things to do now.

The first is to practice. Since he has obtained so many beast cores, he must transform them into strength as soon as possible.

He has an advantage in this regard!

With the guidance of magic power, he can absorb blood and qi at a speed more than ten times faster than ordinary people.

Fang Fengyao advanced to the sixth level of horizontal training in less than a hundred years. He has the foundation of body training, which means that he can reach the master level in a few years.

In addition, he also has to guide Yunniang in body training.

Although the little girl can communicate simply, she still cannot have a clear understanding of meridians and dantian.

Then there is refining weapons and running a shop, which is the simplest.

With Xuantian True Fire in hand, this kind of mundane weapon is really too easy for him.

What he is more concerned about now is the compass mentioned by Fang Fengyao.

He wanted to go to Chiyumen to check again, but judging from the current situation, he might not have the chance.

Therefore, after meeting Qi Ruyan, he handed the matter over to her.

Life seemed to return to its original track in such a calm state.

Even though the outside world had been turned upside down, this Nanjiang Weapon Pavilion was still doing business in peace with the world.

But one day a few days later, an uninvited guest came!

"I am Zhao Qiyuan, and I have come to ask to see the Pavilion Master of your Pavilion. Can you please tell me?"

Yunniang looked at the polite middle-aged man in front of her, who always had a smile on his face when he spoke. She was stunned for a moment, then frowned and asked, "What do you want to buy?"

Zhao Qiyuan smiled slightly.

"Nothing, just tell me... By the way, I am here on the orders of the city lord to discuss important matters with Pavilion Master Mo!"

During this period, Yunniang knew something.

Although she still had doubts in her heart, she still went to the back to call Mo Xun.

A moment later, in the living room on the second floor.

Since the store opened, there have been few people coming to this place. If the other party had not announced the name of the City Lord's Mansion, Mo Xun would have bothered to pay attention to him.

"Elder Zhao, please sit down!"

Mo Xun could see that although this man looked gentle, he was a martial artist from his gestures.

I'm afraid his cultivation level would not be inferior to Fang Fengyao.

According to this person, he was a guest official of the City Lord's Mansion's Internal Affairs Hall, and was considered one of the managers of Shangwu City.

Today's City Lord's Mansion is divided into two halls, the inner and outer halls, each with some elders in charge.

The outer hall is in charge of civilians, and ordinary body refiners can be competent. The inner hall commands all body refiners, and each elder is above the master.

Zhao Qiyuan's cheeks twitched slightly. There were only two chairs in the entire living room, and they were covered with dust. It was obvious that they had not been cleaned for a long time.

Not to mention tea, there was not even a table to put tea.

Normally, if it were someone else, they would probably change their attitude.

But he had investigated Mo Xun and knew that this person always lived in seclusion and rarely met guests.

Being able to receive him alone here was already an exception.

"Master Mo, you are too polite!"

Mo Xun was just thinking about the puppet in the backyard when he was called over by Yunniang. Naturally, he would not waste more time at this moment, so he asked directly: "Elder Zhao, do you have any instructions for coming here today?"

Mo Xun knew that in a place where a master could dominate a school, once his reputation spread, there would definitely be forces coming to him.

Facing being wooed by others, it was naturally indispensable.

He even thought about it. As long as it was not excessive, he could pretend to join a certain force, which could also save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Zhao Qiyuan pondered for a while, and then said: "It's like this, Brother Mo, do you know about the upcoming Tiankui Martial Arts Competition?"

The reason why Zhao Qiyuan asked this was mainly due to Mo Xun's mystery.

If it was an ordinary body refiner in this city, how could he not know about this?

In his opinion, a person like Mo Xun is likely to be a cultivator who has just come out of a deep mountain forest and has not been concerned about worldly affairs for many years.

Of course, the City Lord's Mansion has also investigated Mo Xun's true origins.

It is even said that this person has killed Wu Lingjun, which is also in the secret report.

But the source that can be found is only from the time when the other party was injured and then rescued by the mute girl.

Although Mo Xun looks only in his twenties, Zhao Qiyuan never thinks that the other party is as young as he looks, so he unconsciously adds a respectful word when addressing him.

Mo Xun nodded gently.

"I know a little, but not much!"

Mo Xun thought, this guy came here, is he going to let him participate in this conference?

As far as he knows, the martial arts competition is held about every ten years, and it is jointly organized by three cities.

This time, it happened to be the turn of Shangwu City to host it!

Last time, he thought about taking this opportunity to sneak into the City Lord's Mansion, but later he was busy with Qi Ruyan's soul-summoning blood formation, and encountered a monster attacking the village, so the matter was put aside.

If I remember correctly, the winner seems to be able to practice in a blood pool.

Generally speaking, this kind of competition is not about life and death!

As for life and death battles, he is not too worried. After all, he has been through fighting and killing for these years.

He has even done it with Yuanying Great Monk, so how can he be afraid of a few body cultivators?

The key is how much benefit this kind of thing will bring to him?

If it is just a reward of some beast cores, then forget it.

Because once he gets on the stage, if he encounters someone of a lower realm, it goes without saying, but if he encounters a strong person above the fifth realm, or even a master level, he must use the soul-summoning blood array in his gloves and boots to cheat through mana.

But all of these things are gold-eating beasts that consume beast cores.

Maybe the reward he wins is not as much as he consumes.

Besides, there are too many factors that led to his easy victory over Fang Fengyao last time.

The subsequent chapters will be added tomorrow!

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