Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 744 Mysterious Man

Hearing the word "designated", Mo Xun immediately sneered in his heart.

It seems that this old guy really set a trap for him!

But what's the purpose?

Are you having fun and don't want to pay?

Mo Xun shook his head secretly, fearing that the other party's real purpose was him.

As Huangfu Xin spoke, he clapped his hands gently, and then a maid came in holding a wooden box.

"There are five high-level beast cores here, which are regarded as deposits. As I said, no matter whether Pavilion Master Mo succeeds or not, these things will be yours."

Mo Xun smiled.

"Aren't you afraid that I will take something and do nothing?"

Huangfu Xin said confidently: "I believe that the master of the pavilion is not a short-sighted person. Even if he really misjudges his vision, it will only be the loss of a few beast cores, and it will not cause my Tianyilou to suffer."

As soon as Mo Xun walked away, the old man in black from before appeared again.

"Sir, will this person go?"

A flash of light flashed in Huangfuxin's eyes, and he gently stroked his beard under his chin.

"He will, but he may not fully comply with our requirements. But as long as he goes, things will be at our pace."

Having said this, he suddenly waved his hand.

"Let's go to the dungeon!"

In the dark and damp cell, with the faint flames dancing, the surrounding scene was hazy.

The entire cage occupies a small area, only about two feet square.

However, the surrounding walls seemed to be made of copper and iron.

In the corner, a man with disheveled and dirty hair was lying.

Beside the man, there were some meat bones and leftovers scattered around, as well as an empty wine flask.

Not far away, there was a bucket, making the smell in the already airtight cell seem even more turbid.

The iron door opened with a "bang" sound. The man opened his eyes lazily, and then slowly closed them again.

The whole process was motionless, like a dead person.

A figure flashed in front of the cell door, and Huangfu Xin and the old man in black appeared one after another.

After smelling the smell inside, Huangfu Xin frowned slightly, and the old man in black behind him very discerningly handed over a handkerchief, and Huangfu Xin covered his mouth and nose.

"He has already promised, and now you should fulfill your promise."

The man opened his eyes again, but there was a bit more energy in his eyes. After a moment, he said: "Bring a pen and paper!"

Huangfu Xin rushed behind him and motioned, and soon someone placed pen and ink on the desk in the cell.

The man slowly sat up, stretched and burped.

"Are you sure he will go?"

Huangfu Xin nodded lightly.

"The reward I gave him is enough to make him excited. If he still hesitates, I will find another way to get him to work for me. But are you sure he can get what you want?"

The man looked like a drunk who had just woken up, his whole body was weak.

He rubbed his head and slowly stood up, staggering towards the table that had just been placed.

"If what you said before is true, this person is most likely to be a monk from the outside world like me. Not to mention a stone, even a mountain, he can find a way to move it out. Even if the information you gave is wrong, right It’s not a big loss for you, the worst thing you can do is kill him in the future.”

As the man spoke, he dipped his pen into ink.

"I can give you the skills first. After I get the things, I will teach you how to practice."

Huangfu Xin raised his eyebrows.

"You mean that after I have the technique, I still can't practice it?"

The man sneered.

"If the Avenue of Immortality is so easy to realize, the world will be full of gods. This technique must be practiced in conjunction with special magic weapons, and both are indispensable."

Huangfu Xin suddenly slapped the table in front of the man.

"If that's the case, what's the use of just having this technique?"

Looking at Huangfu Xin's angry eyes, instead of showing any fear, the man smiled coldly.

"You should be glad that the magical weapon is not in my hands now. Otherwise, I would have recovered my magic power long ago, and how could I be your prisoner? I ask you again, do you want this technique or not? Or do you Kill me now and go find that person to teach you how to practice."

Huangfu clenched his fists with strength, and after a long while, he suppressed the anger in his heart.

The man in front of him was brought out from the prison of the city lord's palace with great effort.

Because something very similar to the theft of Akabane Gate happened to this person.

Also overnight, under the eyes of everyone, hundreds of bottles of animal blood were lost from a store in this city.

When the culprit was found, he was almost completely consumed by the opponent.

Back then, because the new city lord was taking over, the entire Shangwu City was undergoing an amnesty. This man was lucky enough to survive, but he has been imprisoned to this day.

If Huangfu Xin hadn't participated in the investigation back then, he would have almost forgotten about it.

Of course, there may be others who have thought of it together with him, but none of them are as fast as him.

This time, in order to bring this person out and erase the evidence that this person was alive in the world, he really spent a lot of effort.

Of course, the rewards he received were enough to make him crazy.

After some communication, the other party revealed a huge secret.

It turns out that this person is not from Tiankui at all, but from a place outside called the Immortal Realm.

There, few people practice physical training.

They all practiced through something called spiritual energy, and each of them called themselves immortal cultivators. As the name suggests, their ultimate goal is to achieve immortality.

Once they succeeded in their practice, they could call the wind and rain, and ride on clouds and mist above the nine heavens!

The key is that they will have an endless life span and coexist with this world forever.

When he heard this, he was completely dumbfounded!

He practiced martial arts for nearly a hundred years, regardless of the cold and heat, just for the legendary three or four hundred dynasties.

Compared with others, it was like the difference between heaven and earth.

He was immediately moved, and quickly asked this person to teach him the method of cultivating immortals.

But the next sentence almost sank his heart, which had just been heated up.

"If I can still practice now, how can I be locked up here by you mortals?"

Huangfu Xin asked hurriedly: "Why is this?"

After a brief excitement, he naturally realized the problem quickly.

The man said that because of the loss of something, he could no longer practice normally, which led to the exhaustion of mana in his body. As long as Huangfu Xin could help him find that thing, he would teach him the art of practice.

This thing was the huge stone in the City Lord's Mansion.

And according to the man's suggestion, since Mo Xun was able to steal dozens of boxes of treasures from the Chiyu Sect quietly, he was probably a cultivator like him, so this task could be attributed to Mo Xun.

At the same time, this method was also used to verify Mo Xun's true identity.

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