Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 745 Huangfu Lingxuan

In simple terms, if Mo Xun is a cultivator, he would have the means to bring out the entire boulder.

And the man said that the stone contained the necessary cultivation tools.

Then, under the guidance of the man, he would capture Mo Xun alive, so that he could kill several birds with one stone.

If he guessed wrong, Mo Xun was just an ordinary body cultivator, so once he broke into the City Lord's Mansion, he might not be able to get out, and Huangfu Xin would only lose a few beast cores at most.

However, judging from what Mo Xun showed, the former undoubtedly has a great chance.

Looking at the thousand-word technique in his hand, Huangfu Xin was so excited that he trembled.

But when he thought that this thing needed to be cultivated with a magic tool, he wanted to break into the City Lord's Mansion immediately.

After carefully putting away the technique, Huangfu Xin asked again: "If you get the things in the boulder, can you take this person down?"

The man showed a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

"According to what you said, this person is at most a foundation-building cultivator, and I have already formed a pill more than a hundred years ago. As long as I recover a little bit of mana, even if it's just a finger, I can easily kill him, so you don't have to worry about this."

Huangfu Xinxin was somewhat unconvinced.

If this person is so powerful, why did he lose his cultivation tool and end up being caught?

But as the saying goes, it's better to be safe than sorry.

He has fought with Mo Xun before. Although he feels that the other party is a little strange in his skills, he is definitely a match for him.

If this person can really kill Mo Xun easily after getting the giant stone magic weapon, doesn't it mean that he can also kill him easily.

Then, can he still control this person at that time?

Don't work so hard, and in the end not only will you get nothing, but you will also lose your life.

It seems that many of the previous plans need to be changed.

In fact, he still has another choice, which is to find Mo Xun to learn skills.

After all, judging from the previous tests, Mo Xun's skills are at least within the controllable range. Even if the negotiation fails in the end, he can still get away with it.

But all of this is based on the premise that Mo Xun can steal the boulder from the City Lord's Mansion.

Because only in this way can it be confirmed that Mo Xun does have the ability of a cultivator.

After coming out of the cell, Huangfu Xin immediately entered the secret room for retreat.

He wanted to study the new cultivation method carefully, and weigh the pros and cons again.

But he was such a smart and calculating person, but he overlooked a huge loophole in the whole thing.

It was the one in the dungeon who had been imprisoned for more than ten years and had never revealed anything to others. But after being brought here by him, he only heard about Mo Xun's affairs in Chiyumen and immediately revealed such a huge secret.

This is too strange!

But at this moment, Huangfu Xin had been knocked unconscious by the Great Dao Changsheng, so how could he notice these details?

As for Mo Xun, after coming out of Tianyi Building, he did not rush back, but went to Qi Ruyan's shop first.

There were still some questions that he had to ask again.

But he was stopped by a woman halfway.

This person was the Seventh Miss who was held hostage by him before.

The other party's name was Huangfu Lingxuan, a little daughter that Huangfu Xin loved more.

Huangfu Lingxuan stood in front of Mo Xun with tears in her eyes, holding a delicate long sword in her hand, and kept shaking.

"Why did you do this?"

Mo Xun simply clasped his fists.

"Miss, please forgive me for any offense I caused before. Now I have talked to the owner of Huangfu Building, and the misunderstanding has been resolved. If I still can't calm the girl's anger, I can make some compensation."

Although Mo Xun said this, he didn't feel much guilt in his heart.

After all, the cause of the whole thing was Tianyi Building!

Since the other party is from Tianyilou, he must bear some joint responsibility.

And he only held the other party hostage for a moment and did not hurt the other party, so it was not too offensive.

Huangfu Lingxuan suddenly drew his sword and pointed it at Mo Xun.

"Why did you do this?"

Mo Xun looked at the willful young girl in front of him, frowned slightly, and prepared to go around from the side.

He still had a lot of things to ask Qi Ruyan, so he didn't have time to get entangled with such people.

But Huangfu Lingxuan pushed hard with his feet, holding a long sword in his hand and stabbed directly at Mo Xun.

At this moment, people were coming and going on the street, and the movement of the two immediately attracted the attention of others. .

Especially in the crowd, there were many old people and children, but Huangfu Lingxuan seemed to be crazy, and stabbed without caring.

Mo Xun snorted in his heart!

This is really like father, like daughter!

My father abducted people into the mansion in broad daylight, and my daughter injured people with a sword in public.

The crowd immediately cried out in surprise, and they hurriedly dodged under the silver light of the sword. Mo Xun took a step forward and disappeared immediately.

When he reappeared, a hand had already firmly grasped Huangfu Lingxuan's wrist.

Then there was a click, the sound of bones dislocated, and the long sword fell to the ground.

Mo Xun even raised his leg and kicked, and Huangfu Lingxuan flew out in the eyes of everyone.

After doing this, he didn't say much, and turned around and left.

But behind him, there was a woman's heart-wrenching roar.

"Why did you do this? Why did you let him make that choice? You ruined him and me. I will not let you go!"

Mo Xun shook his head speechlessly. It turned out that the other party's purpose of looking for him was not for the previous hostage, but for the final life and death decision made by the young man in white.

Although it was just a teasing, he insisted that he did a good thing.

At least let this seventh lady recognize the true face of that person!

The most untested thing in this world is probably the love between men and women.

When she came to Qi Ruyan's shop, the panic on the woman's face had not faded until now.

"Tell me the details!"

Mo Xun came here to ask about the cause and effect. Since he had to deal with Tianyi Tower, he had to have a clear understanding of the owner of Huangfu Tower.

The course of events was simple, and the main process was similar to what Mo Xun thought.

There was only one detail that caught Mo Xun's attention.

After Qi Ruyan was brought into the mansion, she had a brief coma.

Mo Xun originally thought that the owner of the Huangfu Building was impatient and wanted to do something shameful, but during this period, according to Qi Ruyan, she seemed to be taken to a place.

Because her thoughts were blurred, she didn't remember it very clearly.

But vaguely, she smelled a very bad smell, and someone was talking next to her.

She couldn't hear what those people said clearly, but there was only one sentence that was particularly loud.

After thinking for a long time, Qi Ruyan said: "It seems... that there is no root, and there is no way to practice!"

"What root?"

Mo Xun frowned secretly, but the next moment, he suddenly raised his head, and two words suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Spiritual root!"

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