Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 752 Chaos and Turbidity

Early in the morning of this day, the Nanjiang Weapon Pavilion, which had been closed for several days, finally opened its doors.

However, Mo Xun's face was extremely ugly.

Because during the period when he was missing, someone actually smashed his shop.

What was strange was that the weapons inside were broken or destroyed, but none of them were lost.

It seemed that this was not a looting, but a revenge!

Fortunately, now he has so many beast cores in his hands that they are inexhaustible. The whole shop is more of a cover for him.

Looking at the mess in front of him, he spent most of the day to put it back in order.

The news that Mo Xun returned to the city soon spread to the ears of those who were concerned about him.

But they all seemed to have discussed it beforehand, and no one came to the door.

These few days of disappearance were like throwing a stone into the pool. It obviously caused huge ripples, but soon, it returned to calm.

The theft of the City Lord's Mansion, after fermenting, finally caused an uproar in the city.

Speculations and rumors, like a plague, continued to sweep into everyone's ears.

But soon, it seemed to be suppressed in secret.

At noon, the Weapon Pavilion opened for business as usual.

Because of Cheng Mu's special identity, Mo Xun did not bring him out.

Now that the gang was pretending to be stupid with him, why should he provoke some people's nerves?

It's just that the gate has just been repaired, and there has been no business yet, and someone came to the door again.

He knew this person, it was the seventh lady of the Huangfu family that day.

"Mo, you ruined my marriage, I want to kill you!"

Huangfu Lingxuan held a long sword in his hand and said this directly after entering the door.

Mo Xun frowned slightly, thinking that this woman is not done yet.

Then, the delicate narrow blade with a cold light stabbed directly at him.

Yunniang screamed in shock, but the next moment, Huangfu Lingxuan flew out with her sword.

"Did you destroy my house?"

Huangfu Lingxuan fell heavily to the ground. Although Mo Xun did not exert much strength, he still kicked and broke the other's wrist.

Huangfu Lingxuan screamed like a shrew on the street. Her originally delicate face was almost distorted to the point of being deformed. Her eyes were full of resentment, as if she wanted to tear Mo Xun into pieces.

"Mo, I will make you die!"

This shout directly attracted dozens of onlookers.

Facing this crazy woman, Mo Xun felt a chill in his heart.

Until now, he didn't quite understand why the other party hated him so much.

He helped her expose the true face of a hypocrite, so even if he didn't thank her, he shouldn't have done so.

If there was no deep hatred, he really wanted to kill her on the spot.

Over the years, he has seen unreasonable women, but he has never encountered such an unreasonable one.

Feeling the murderous intent emanating from Mo Xun, Yunniang quickly hugged his arm.

Ever since she saw the drunkard being killed by Mo Xun last time, Yunniang has always had a shadow in her heart about this kind of bloody thing.

If she knew that Mo Xun had killed countless people since he started practicing Taoism, how would she feel?

"Miss Huangfu, I will give you one last chance. If there is a next time, even if your father comes in person, I will not forgive you!"

Returning to the store, Mo Xun was still somewhat angry.

He didn't quite understand. Did those people like to deceive themselves?

"Mo, that girl?"

Mo Xun let out a long breath and simply told Yunniang what he had done in Tianyi Tower that day.

After listening, Yunniang stammered out her own opinion.

"If... cheating... can make you happy, why... expose it?"

This made Mo Xun a little stunned. He had never thought about the problem from this perspective, or in his cognition, how could cheating make people happy?

After a long time, he nodded thoughtfully.

He is a cultivator. In order to avoid the inner demon, he must be clear in conscience.

His life span can be increased all the time, so he knows that lies will eventually be exposed.

But mortals are different. They only have a short hundred years. Even if they live in a lie, as long as they are happy, it is not a bad thing?

Is he really wrong?

He sighed in his heart. Fortunately, there is only cultivation in his world, otherwise he would be dragged to death by this worldly world.

Life returned to its previous peace again!

The store is still open during the day, and at night he takes Yunniang to the cave in the mountains to practice.

Now that he has enough beast cores, quickly improving the realm of body refining has become his most important thing at the moment.

In addition to body training, he was also trying to control the Tongbao gun and practice the gun skills in it.

Even without the spirit of the weapon, this thing is a top treasure.

When Sanqing woke up again, it was seven or eight days later.

"Friend Mo, have you found a way to leave this place recently?"

Mo Xun put up restrictions around him to isolate the world in the gourd.

"No, but I found something. With your knowledge, you might as well give me some pointers."

As he spoke, a rosy glow flashed in Mo Xun's hand, and a dim and strange crystal appeared.

This time, Sanqing's soul power has recovered a lot after waking up, and he is no longer as weak as before.

"What is this?"

Mo Xun frowned and said, "I don't understand now. There is spiritual energy inside, and there is also a strange breath. It is because of the existence of this breath that this thing keeps its spiritual energy in the outside world without dissipating."

"Release the breath inside!"

Mo Xun squeezed it hard, and the crystal stone shattered directly, and then a faint gray gas floated out from it.

The gray gas condensed in the air and did not disperse, which was very strange.

And then, Sanqing's voice suddenly became a little excited.

"Chaos turbid air!"

After the voice fell, Sanqing actually flew out of Mo Xun's body, turned into his own feathers, and then circled around the gray gas.

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows, thinking that this thing had a great origin?

At this moment, Sanqing's excited voice was a little trembling.

"Haha... Absolutely right, this must be the chaotic turbid air!"

"Fellow Daoist, calm down first, can you give me a detailed introduction?"

"Don't you know that when chaos first began, the clear air became the sky, and the turbid air became the earth?"

Seeing Mo Xun shaking his head, San Qing cursed "ignorant" in silence, but still explained: "In simple terms, this thing is a mass of chaos when the universe was first created, and it can also be understood as the beginning of all things. Whether it is the spiritual energy you are practicing now, or the vitality required for a higher realm, they all evolved from this chaos."


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