Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 753 I don’t know

Mo Xun nodded secretly.

The beginning of the universe? Isn't that the source of all things?

Although he still didn't quite understand what this thing was, he was no less shocked than San Qing.

It seems that this Tiankui Realm is not necessarily a barren land!

"What is the use of this thing?"

This is also what Mo Xun cares about the most. If it is true as San Qing said, this thing may be more powerful than the treasure of the immortals.

I thought that San Qing would tell him a shocking reason, but who would have thought that the other party just said three words very straightforwardly.

"I don't know!"

Mo Xun almost fell down.

"What do you mean I don't know?"

"I don't know, I don't know!" This tone actually gave people a very natural feeling.

Mo Xun stroked his forehead speechlessly. After talking for so long, it turned out to be a useless thing.

"Hehe, although this saint doesn't know, but in the upper realm, this thing will make even the Mahayana cultivators salivate when they see it!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

"So, you haven't reached the Mahayana realm yet?"

This sentence immediately choked Sanqing.

"What do you think Mahayana is? Is it like here, with Yuanying everywhere and Jindan as many as dogs?"

Mo Xun thought, that's because you usually brag too much about yourself. People who don't know would think you are going to transcend the tribulation and ascend to the fairyland!

The two stared at the gray gas for a long time.

"Let's not talk about the rest. Do you know how to absorb this thing?"

San Qing asked in confusion: "Can't this thing be absorbed?"

After saying that, the feathers that had turned red and white rolled towards the gray gas, but the breath could only float on the surface and could not be absorbed into the feathers.

"It seems to be true!"

Seeing this scene, Mo Xun was speechless again. It turned out that this guy only knew what this thing was called, and didn't know anything else!

"I say, are you bullying me because I don't know you and making up stories to deceive me?"

Sanqing snorted coldly: "Who has the time to deceive you? If this thing is taken to the upper realm, it will be the top natural treasure. It's a pity that it's a little less and not enough to fill the gaps in my teeth!"

Mo Xun was about to despise it, but a flash of inspiration came to his mind.

Speaking of filling the gaps in my teeth, he suddenly thought of a way.

He saw his fingers sighing lightly, and Sanqing was directly bounced away by a spiritual power with a "ouch".

"You dare to sneak attack this saint!"

Mo Xun ignored this noisy guy, hesitated for a moment, and then opened his mouth and sucked, swallowing the gray air into his stomach.

Since this turbid air cannot be absorbed into the meridians, try to enter the lungs.

Of course, he is not a reckless person. Before trying, he used spiritual power to protect the internal organs.

After a moment, he couldn't help but smile.

Although this turbid air is strange, it is harmless to the body.

He then slowly tried to move the turbid air to the vicinity of the golden elixir.

Since this thing could not penetrate into the dantian, his idea was to use it to wrap around the golden elixir to form a coat of chaotic turbid air.

Seeing that it worked, he immediately took out the dozens of crystals, crushed them one by one, and released all the gray air inside.

Sanqing was stunned for a moment.

"How lucky are you to find so much chaotic turbid air?"

Mo Xun had no time to respond to it at all. He opened his mouth and sucked all the gray air into his stomach.

"Hey, hey, hey, leave some for this saint!"

As soon as Sanqing finished speaking, Mo Xun reached out and grabbed it, and took it out of the green gourd together.

In the dim cave, Mo Xun was stunned for a long time, and then his face slowly showed a look of surprise.

He even whispered, "It really works!"

The speed at which the golden elixir wrapped in gray gas dissipated its spiritual power was slower than before. Unfortunately, there was too little turbid gas. Otherwise, he could wrap the meridians of his whole body, and then he could cast spells in the outside world even without the blood array.

Then, he took out the three green feathers and shouted.

Disappointingly, because the three greens were souls residing in the natal feathers, they were almost dead in an environment without spiritual energy.

Then, he opened his mouth and spit out the gray gas, attaching it to the feathers.

Then he took out the gloves with the blood array, and after recovering some spiritual power, he injected some into the feathers.

Soon, the voice of the three greens appeared in his ears.

Just after spitting out a few words, it stopped abruptly.

Mo Xun nodded secretly. This chaotic turbid gas seemed to be able to resist the swallowing of spiritual power here.

The key to the problem was that there was too little, which led to the fact that the three greens were drained of spiritual energy again after only recovering for a moment.

After completing these two experiments, Mo Xun hurried back to the green gourd.

He wanted to find Cheng Mu immediately to ask where he found this thing.

But when he entered the barrier, he was almost suffocated.

The filthy feces on the ground were constantly excreted from Cheng Mu's body. The Cheng clan leader, who had already fainted, looked like he had crawled out of a cesspool.

In this situation, if Mo Xun still didn't know what happened, he would have lived in vain for hundreds of years.

He snorted coldly, flicked his fingers, and quickly fed Cheng Mu a pill.

But how to deal with these dirty things inside?

In desperation, he could only take out an empty storage bag and clean it up despite the stench.

He cast a water spell on the other party, but as for whether it was clean, there was no guarantee.

"Fellow Daoist Cheng?"

Mo Xun called out several times in a row, but Cheng Mu seemed to be exhausted, mumbling incoherently.

After coming out of the barrier, Mo Xun's gloomy face was almost dripping with water.

Bai Ze, the instigator of this matter, seemed to have been paying attention to the situation here for a long time. As soon as his eyes met Mo Xun's, he shrank his neck and turned away quickly.

The little girl curled her lips and muttered something.

"I helped him out of kindness because he had poor digestion, and I wasted several of my pills!"

Listening to Mo Xun's footsteps getting closer and closer, Bai Ze's heart almost jumped out of his throat.

He knew Mo Xun's temper. It was okay to beat someone, but if he cut off her food supply, she would have to cry.

But what surprised Bai Ze was that she waited anxiously for a long time, but she didn't wait for the expected anger.

She turned her head secretly and saw Mo Xun standing not far away, staring at Yun Niang in a daze while practicing.

After a while, the anger on Mo Xun's face gradually faded, replaced by an indescribable complexity.

Mo Xun did not disturb Yunniang, walked to Bai Ze, and did not allow the little girl to explain, and took her by the collar and walked to the corner far away.

Bai Ze covered her head with both hands, as if she was afraid that Mo Xun would suddenly hit her.

But after waiting for a while, she only heard Mo Xun sigh.

"You taught me the cultivation method, right?"

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