Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 754 Great Changes in Nanshan

The reason why Mo Xun suddenly made this change was because he saw that Yunniang was practicing a kind of immortal cultivation technique instead of the body-refining technique he taught.

Without thinking, he could guess that this technique must have come from Xiaobai.

He had given the spoils of killing those low-level cultivators before, including the storage bag, to the little girl.

It was normal to think that there were some ordinary techniques in it.

Seeing that he was not to blame, Bai Ze quickly explained: "It was Sister Yunniang who heard that she could live as long as you after learning the immortal technique, so I taught her. It's just strange that she has practiced for so long, but there is still no spiritual energy in her body. But I told her not to be discouraged and gave her some Qi-boosting pills!"

Mo Xun sighed again in his heart.

He had been trying to avoid this question, but Yunniang still knew it after all.

Seeing Mo Xun's ugly face, Bai Ze hurriedly said: "How about... I take back the skills and let her stop practicing?"

Bai Ze was also curious, thinking that for a good person like Sister Yunniang, why did Mo Xun only teach her to practice body cultivation instead of cultivating immortals?

Is body cultivation more powerful than cultivating immortals?

Mo Xun shook his head.

"No, let her practice like this!"

At this point, Mo Xun took out a pill of anti-aging pill.

"Give this to Yunniang. She should be the most beautiful age now!"

After saying that, Mo Xun returned to the barrier again. Since he found a way to overcome the dissipation of spiritual power, he naturally had to search for chaotic turbidity with all his strength.

Since then, Mo Xun's life has become extremely busy.

During the day, he would go to the surrounding mountains to look for raw stones containing chaotic turbidity. At night, he would hide in the green gourd and seize every opportunity to practice body cultivation.

Every few days, he would show up in the shop to reassure those who were monitoring him.

The purpose of doing this is just to hope that he can enter the Nine Peaks Blood Pool smoothly.

He had asked Qi Ruyan to help him find out about this secret place before, but he didn't know whether it was because the interval between opening was too long or it was too mysterious, so he didn't even find out the specific location.

If he knew the place, he would have gone there alone.

He knew that someone would definitely suspect him of the incident at the City Lord's Mansion last time, and the suspicious surveillance found around the shop later also confirmed this.

He also knew that those old guys...

Well... to him, they should be called little guys.

These people are just thinking about his Grandmaster quota so that they can get more benefits for Shangwu City.

I'm afraid that once this incident is over, the real purpose will be revealed immediately.

Every time he goes into the mountains, Mo Xun will bring Yunniang with him.

The little girl is talking better and better now.

But Yunniang seems to know the difference between herself and Mo Xun. Although she has not sensed the spiritual energy, she still insists on practicing every day.

Mo Xun didn't say anything about this matter, and Yunniang didn't ask the reason either.

The two of them were running around in the mountains every day, and Yunniang smiled more than before.

She might have been a mountain elf, and she would be particularly happy when she saw the mountains.

The harvest of chaotic turbid air was also huge.

With the tips given by Cheng Mu, he could harvest some chaotic aura almost every once in a while.

Even Sanqing was surprised that this place that seemed to be abandoned by the world of immortal cultivation could have so many supreme treasures.

The only pity was that Mo Xun had not yet discovered other uses for this turbid air.

He even buried the gray air in the black and white soil, or used the gray air to promote the growth of spiritual herbs, but nothing was gained.

However, being able to use magic with this breath was enough to satisfy him.

As long as he had spiritual power, he was not afraid of any body cultivator in Shangwu City, including the city lord.

As for his body cultivation, it was also rapidly improving.

Under the guidance of spiritual power, he was like cheating when absorbing blood!

Now that the gray gas gathered spiritual power, he could practice body refining smoothly even outside the gourd.

In just over a year, he broke through to the fifth level of body refining, and practiced the first chapter of the Golden Body Art.

Whenever he condensed blood, his skin would emit a faint golden light.

With the power of a punch under the flesh alone, he could easily smash the boulder.

In this realm, it is roughly equivalent to the strength of the late stage of foundation building.

Now, he doesn't need to use the wind control technique, and he can jump several feet high, and his running speed is like a strong wind.

Of course, such a rapid advancement consumes an astronomical figure for beast cores and beast blood.

Before, when he didn't have spiritual power, he often needed more than half an incense stick to absorb a beast core, which is only a dozen breaths now.

And as the body refining realm improves, this time is still shortening.

Now, in addition to the beast core, there is also beast blood to help him reshape his skin and flesh, and his training speed is advancing by leaps and bounds.

According to the Dharma Golden Body Art, after the first chapter of the skin refining is completed, he is not afraid of water and fire, and his fist can collapse the mountain, and he has the magical power of Arhat.

After entering the fifth realm, he has learned a move to shake the back of the mountain, and when he hits it, the earth shakes!

In addition to the beast core, he also insists on taking Qianyuan fruit every day.

In other words, he now has top-level skills, spiritual power assistance, body refining holy fruit, and a large amount of beast cores and beast blood.

If he still improves slowly, then he doesn't need to practice.

"Mo, I want to go back to Nanshan Village to take a look!"

This was the only request Yunniang had made in more than a year.

Mo Xun nodded gently.

At the beginning, they left to avoid the accountability of the City Lord's Mansion, but now, there is no need to do so.

The two walked along the riverside with knee-high grass, and the setting sun cast a long silhouette in the river.

But when they returned to Nanshan Village, they were stunned.

The peaceful and peaceful small mountain village was almost ruined.

There were collapsed walls and dilapidated huts everywhere.

Of the hundreds of villagers who originally lived here, only a few old, weak, women and children could be seen now.

Seeing this scene, Yunniang immediately ran towards her home anxiously.

The bamboo house courtyard where the two had lived for a long time was only left with traces of burning.

The yard was full of crazy weeds.

The vegetable garden and farmland they had opened up were also abandoned.

Yunniang's tears immediately flowed out.

Her home was gone!

At this moment, an old woman trembled out of the thatched shed next door.

She was wearing a coarse linen shirt, leaning on a wooden stick, with a head full of silver hair, and looked very old.

"Yun Niang!"

Hearing the old woman's weak voice, Yun Niang turned around suddenly.

This old woman was their former neighbor Jiang Po.

It was only more than a year since they last met, but the old woman looked more than ten years older than before!

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