Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 756 Murder on a Rainy Night

Not long after, Mo Xun took Yunniang away.

Yunniang wanted to stay here to take care of him for a while, after all, the Jiang family now only had the elderly, weak women and children.

But Mo Xun knew that he was now the target of public criticism, so he would not feel at ease to leave Yunniang alone.

The sky was gloomy, and it should rain.

Sure enough, with the dusk, there were dense dark clouds.

When the heavy rain fell, Mo Xun had returned to Shangwu City.

He first went to Qi Ruyan's shop, and waited until late at night to find out everything he wanted to know.

Lightning flashed across the void, illuminating most of Shangwu City.

In a fairly lavish mansion, a shrill scream suddenly came, but this scream was soon drowned out by the rumbling thunder.

In the dim room, Mo Xun just looked at the man stared at on the bed by the silver spear.

He had seen this man before, and he was an elder of Nanshan Village.

Thinking back to when he fought the monster in the ancestral hall, he could be regarded as saving the other person's life.

At the corner of the bed, there was a young woman who was shivering and half-naked, but Mo Xun didn't even look at her.

"Yang Xing, do you know your crime?"

This man is still very skilled. He is over 60 years old, but he sleeps with a girl of 17 or 18 years old.

I think he got his wealth and fame by betraying the whole village.

"Who... who are you?"

Mo Xun sneered.

"Since I don't know you, I don't need to know!"

Yang Xing's eyes suddenly condensed.

"It's you..."

But he stopped talking before he finished, and then a head splashed with blood rolled off the bed.

The woman next to him fainted without even screaming when she saw this scene.

For most people, this night was just an ordinary rainy night.

But for some people, it was extraordinary.

There were twelve people in the Yang family. Except for women and children, the heads of all the adult males were taken away by Mo Xun.

The rain washed away the blood on the silver spear, and he looked up calmly into the distance.

I didn't expect that the first blood sacrifice after the change of ownership of this spiritual weapon was actually a group of ordinary people without any magic power.

What a great irony!

Then he flashed and disappeared on the spot.

Not long after, he appeared in a military camp.

And in his hand, he was holding a burly man who was dying and covered with wounds.

This is one of the garrisons of the Wuling Army.

He first cast an invisibility spell, and then went straight to a tent.

In just one stick of incense, he left again, and there were thirty more heads in the storage bag.

These people were all the culprits who set fire in Nanshan Village that day.

If he didn't want to make things too big, he would have wanted to massacre the entire Wuling Army.

Ever since that day when the Wuling Army asked for benefits and then bullied Yunniang, he had no good feelings towards this private army of the City Lord's Mansion.

The rainy night was still pouring, but Mo Xun still had no intention of going back.

He flew up directly on the wind, turned into a rainbow light in the air, and flew towards the place where the villagers were detained.

Since entering the Tiankui Realm, he has never experienced this feeling of flying a sword in the air.

But at this moment, it is not flying a sword, but a spear!

Wrapped in the chaotic turbid air in his body, he is no different from the outside world except that he cannot let his consciousness and spiritual energy leave his body.

Now, let alone a master like Fang Fengyao, even if the city lord comes in person, he has no fear at all.

Moreover, his current physical strength has reached the fifth realm strength.

At the foot of a barren mountain.

Although this place is far away from Shangwu City, it is not uninhabited. Instead, there is a row of wooden houses not far away.

This is a mine controlled by the City Lord's Mansion.

There are 40 or 50 Wuling soldiers stationed in the mine.

In just one stick of incense, all the guards were killed by him.

When he kicked open the door of a dungeon below, even though he was usually as hard-hearted as a rock, he couldn't help but get angry.

In the dark cell, there were dozens of disheveled women imprisoned.

Each of them was locked in a separate cage with iron chains like a house dog.

In this dark and gloomy place, I don't know how long they have been tortured.

The purpose of these people being detained here is probably to satisfy the desires of the Wuling soldiers.

When they saw Mo Xun, everyone's eyes were blank, except for dullness.

Perhaps they mistook Mo Xun for a Wuling soldier and had expected what would happen next.

But what else could they do besides accepting obediently?

Mo Xun walked along, opened each cage with his silver spear, cut off the chains on them, and then threw a piece of clothing to each of them and fed them a pill.

After doing this, he stood outside the door with his back to them.

"Put on your clothes, and leave this place as soon as possible except for the people from Nanshan Village."

Soon, someone reacted, and bursts of crying came from the cell, not knowing whether it was joy or pain.

After that, he found the strong laborers who were miners and released them all.

After gathering the Nanshan villagers detained here, each of them was given a war horse and silver money, and at the same time they were asked to go home to pick up their parents and children and stay away from this place of trouble.

This night, such scenes continued to appear in various mines and garrisons.

Mo Xun killed a total of six or seven hundred Wuling soldiers, and the number of people he rescued was as many as several thousand.

There were three or four hundred women alone!

The heavy rain finally stopped, but Mo Xun still had no intention of stopping.

He did not return to Nanshan Village until he had gone through the entire list given by Qi Ruyan.

He came here to pick up Jiang Po's family.

Jiang Po's daughter-in-law was found. Although she was humiliated, she survived.

But Jiang Dalang had already died in the mine.

He settled his family in a mountain village, and then returned to Shangwu City.

As for the rest of the villagers in Nanshan Village, they would probably leave with their children after they were captured.

That was probably all he could do.

He knew that it would not be long before the news reached the ears of the elders in the City Lord's Mansion.

He will once again become a suspect.

And this time, I'm afraid no one will pay attention to him like last time.

But even so, what can we do?

Let alone the fact that this matter must be done, just with his current strength, even if someone wants to cause trouble, they have to think twice.

He must go to the Nine Peaks Blood Pond.

It's just a matter of whether everyone goes together in peace or fights their way in.


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