Next, Mo Xun deliberately didn't go anywhere and stayed quietly in the city for a few days.

He thought that someone would come to him after doing such a shocking thing, but his appearance was like a stone thrown into the sea, and it didn't cause any waves in Shangwu City at all.

This made the many coping methods he had prepared have no room for development.

It was as if he was going to complain to his neighbor, but the door was closed and he didn't pay any attention to him at all.

What should he do? Should he go to the door himself?

So many Wuling soldiers died at once, which is definitely not a trivial matter.

But the City Lord's Mansion was quiet as if nothing had happened!

Mo Xun shook his head depressedly, and took Yunniang into the mountains to look for chaotic turbid air again.

Every few days, he would go to Jiang Po to take a look.

What he didn't know was that the City Lord's Mansion almost fought because of differences of opinion on this matter.

In the end, it was Xia Huaiying who came forward to suppress everyone's anger.

The reasons are nothing more than the same few.

First, no one can produce direct evidence to prove that it was Mo Xun who did it.

All the Wuling soldiers who saw him that night were beheaded, and those prisoners who escaped, although some were caught, no one could see Mo Xun's appearance clearly.

But all the strange things almost all point to Mo Xun.

First of all, the tragedy of Yang Xing's family happened on the same night, and the death was exactly the same as that of the Wuling army. It must not be a coincidence.

And Yang Xing, and Mo Xun came from Nanshan Village.

That night, many people heard the three words "Nanshan Village".

Secondly, all the villagers in Nanshan Village disappeared for no reason. Doesn't it just prove Mo Xun's motive?

The second reason is the Tiankui Martial Arts Competition. Shangwu City needs a master quota like Mo Xun.

Before the dust settles on this matter, it is not good to make enemies with him.

And what they have to do now is to endure!

The last point is that Mo Xun's methods make those people afraid.

What he feared was not how many people he killed, but that he actually raided more than a dozen places in just one night.

Each of these places was at least a thousand miles apart.

What kind of means could allow him to travel to so many places in such a short time?

Could it be that he could split himself?

Even the city lord Xia Huaiying found it a bit incredible.

At present, the only people who can figure this out in the entire Shangwu City are probably Huangfu Xin and Qi Ruyan.

All the information about Mo Xun's big move this time came from Qi Ruyan, so she naturally knew it clearly.

In addition to being shocked, this person could not help but yearn for the world of immortal cultivation that Mo Xun talked about.

She even wondered if she should prepare a generous gift and formally worship him as a master since Mo Xun asked her to take shelter as a disciple.

At least make this matter a reality to prevent others from denying it in the future.

As for Huangfu Xin, in addition to being shocked, he also felt a strong sense of unwillingness.

Cheng Mu had told him about the outside world, so he also knew that immortal cultivators had the ability to fly in the clouds.

But he thought that this was most likely done by Cheng Mu.

Because according to what was said that day, Mo Xun was only at the foundation-building stage, while Cheng Mu was a Jindan cultivator, a full realm higher.

Huangfu Xin had seen Mo Xun's skills.

In fact, the two were roughly at the same level.

If he were asked to raid so many places overnight and kill hundreds of Wuling soldiers at the same time, it would definitely be impossible.

Since he couldn't do it, Mo Xun should not be able to do it either.

Based on this inference, the only one who could have such means was probably Cheng Mu.

The reason was simple!

Although Cheng Mu was at a high level, he had lost the thing that restored his mana, and Mo Xun happened to help him steal the huge stone from the City Lord's Mansion.

Cheng Mu was grateful and then helped the other party to get revenge.

Whenever he thought of this, Huangfu Xin's face would become extremely gloomy.

If these two people join hands, who else in the Tiankui Realm can subdue them?

Where should his longevity path begin?

With this in mind, Huangfu Xin immediately made up his mind that it was necessary to talk to Mo Xun again.

This time, he was ready to take the initiative to go to the door and give the other party enough face.

But before he left, another person took the lead and entered the Southern Xinjiang Weapon Pavilion.

The person who came was the inner hall elder of the City Lord's Mansion, Zhao Qiyuan!

This person also came for the second time. The last time he came, he also gave Mo Xun a guest order of the City Lord's Mansion.

This time he came mainly to inform Mo Xun of the specific date of the martial arts competition.

In fact, it was not a secret. Since a few days ago, the entire Shangwu City has been decorated with lights and colors, and the venue has begun to be arranged.

People outside the city also entered the city one after another. For a while, whether on the streets or in various shops, many unfamiliar faces appeared, making the already lively Shangwu City even more crowded and noisy.

The two of them were still talking in the reception room on the second floor.

It seemed that there was not much change here compared to more than a year ago, except that the two chairs became clean.

This was since the last time she entertained guests. Yunniang cleaned the shop every time she returned to prevent any more guests from visiting.

"Elder Zhao, do you need me to do anything?"

Zhao Qiyuan smiled kindly and said, "That's not necessary. Brother Mo just needs to attend the competition on time. As for other things, the people below will arrange it. For people like you and me in the city, it is more of a deterrent."

Mo Xun nodded in understanding.

A Sixth Realm Grandmaster is almost equivalent to a senior elder in a sect of immortal cultivation. He does not need to participate in sect affairs on weekdays, and he also has very considerable offerings to enjoy.

"By the way, I heard that there was a problem in the mine outside the city some time ago, and many people died. Did you encounter any trouble?"

Zhao Qiyuan's face changed slightly, but he quickly covered it up.

"I know something about this matter. It seems that it was harassed by bad guys, but the specific reason is still under investigation. What, does Pavilion Master Mo know the inside story?"

Mo Xun sneered in his heart, but his face was expressionless.

Since he is pretending to be stupid, then continue!

"I don't know, I just heard some rumors, but don't blame Mo for talking too much. The City Lord's Mansion still needs to strengthen its vigilance in this regard. For example, this martial arts competition can be said to gather heroes from all over the world. Don't make any mistakes, which will make people laugh at my Shangwu City for being alone."

Zhao Qiyuan smiled and arched his hands.

"Thank you, Pavilion Master Mo, for reminding me. I will pass this suggestion on to City Lord Xia."

Looking at Zhao Qiyuan's back as he left, Mo Xun put his hands behind his back, not knowing what he was thinking.

In fact, he had sent Zixun into the City Lord's Mansion to eavesdrop every night these days, but he never got any information about the Nine Peaks Blood Pool.

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