Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 758: Cunning and cunning

He even secretly visited the bookstore where secret documents in the city were stored two days ago.

But the Nine Peaks Blood Pool seems to exist only through word of mouth, and not many words have been left in writing.

This is basically consistent with the information Qi Ruyan helped him find.

Who would have thought that this secret realm in the mortal world would be even more mysterious than the world of immortality.

The day after Zhao Qiyuan left, Huangfuxin came to the door.

In the living room on the second floor, Mo Xun was still served with a chair, not even a cup of tea.

This made the old man in black who followed him frown, seeing such hospitality, and also entertaining a strong master, not to mention Huangfu Xin, even he had not encountered him for many years.

Fortunately, the two of them came here not to ask for water.

"Pavilion Master Mo, you and I don't speak secretly. Was that person in my mansion taken away by you?"

Mo Xun frowned and did not answer.

"Whether you admit it or not, since this matter has happened, I won't say anything more, but please come out and see Mr. Cheng. There is still an unfinished deal between me and him."

Mo Xun sat there quietly, still not speaking.

"Pavilion Master Mo, you don't want me to report your identities to the City Lord's Mansion, do you?"

Hearing this extremely threatening tone, Mo Xun's eyes suddenly froze, and he secretly clenched his fists in his sleeves.

I was too busy during this period, so I didn't bother to settle the score with this old guy.

He didn't care how many masters Shangwu City needed to support its appearance, so he would just kill them.

Moreover, Miss Huangfu came to his door again and again, which had long made him extremely annoyed.

Maybe he wasn't sure he could keep the other party before, but it's different now.

This kind of person gives him the feeling that a toad is lying on his feet. He is not afraid of being bitten, but it is disgusting!

Just when he was about to take action, Huangfu Xin suddenly spoke again.

"Pavilion Master Mo, I advise you not to act rashly. Once there is any sound of fighting here, your good disciple Qi Ruyan will be buried with me, as well as the girl downstairs. If I haven't guessed, If you are wrong, he should be someone you care about very much. Unless you can help these two people at the same time as you kill me, you can give it a try. "

In an instant, Mo Xun's body exuded a suffocating chill.

Now he finally understood why Qin Bingkun gave this old guy a "treacherous and cunning" comment that day.

This person is truly despicable and extremely cunning.

After a while, Mo Xuncai asked in a deep voice: "Master Huangfu, what exactly do you want to say?"

Huangfu Xin knew that since they had broken up with each other, there was nothing to beat around the bush.

"I want to know how to become an immortal!"

These words made Mo Xun amused. It seemed that this was a man who had been deceived by Cheng Mu.

Although he didn't want to talk nonsense with this person, he also didn't want to make fun of Qi Ruyan's life.

As for Yun Niang, he was not too worried.

At such a close distance, if the opponent still takes advantage of him, he will not attack Nascent Soul in the future.

"Cheng Mu is indeed in my hands now, but there are some things you don't know!"

Next, Mo Xun briefly told him the general situation of Tiankui Realm. Although it was a huge secret, it had no value in hiding it.

What he needs to do is to stabilize the opponent first.

In his mind, this person was already on the must-kill list, and he just wanted to let him live a little longer.

Huangfu Xin and the old man in black were extremely shocked by Mo Xun's plain story.

Anyone who hears that the place where they live is actually an ancient prison of exile will probably find it difficult to accept it for a while.

"Pavilion Master Mo, how did you know about this?"

Looking at Huangfu Xin who stood up suddenly, Mo Xun's mind was spinning, weighing whether he was sure he could capture these two old guys in one fell swoop without alerting anyone.

A Sixth Realm Grandmaster is roughly equivalent to the cultivation level in the early stage of pill formation.

The five realm body refiners are probably in the late stage of foundation building.

If he had divine consciousness, he could give it a bold try if he used the divine consciousness thorn.

"Master Huangfu, all you need to know is that this matter is absolutely true. As for the rest, Mo has no comment."

At this moment, Huangfu Xin's face was almost full of disbelief.

"If that's the case, why can you use magic?"

A sneer curled up at the corner of Mo Xun's mouth.

"No comment either!"


Huangfu Xin stared at Mo Xun, choked by these words and became angry, but his reason told him that he needed to calm down at the moment.

"Pavilion Master Mo, as long as you tell me how to practice, not only will I not be your enemy in the future, but I will also follow your lead. Even if I rebel against the City Lord's Mansion and follow you, it is not impossible, and I won't hide it from you. , I have a total of seven daughters in my life, and I still have two who are waiting for marriage. If you like them, I can give them all to you. Even if I am attracted to those who are married, I will find a way to give them to you. I even said that this poster How about I give you my position as well?”

Huangfu Xin's words were really not adulterated at all.

In his opinion, what is everything he has in front of him compared to eternal life?

Perhaps as long as Mo Xun opened his mouth to accept a disciple, he would show off his old face and kneel down to serve tea on the spot.

"Master!" Even the old man in black on the side seemed a little frightened by Huangfu Xin's madness.

Do you want to say that he is crazy now? He is indeed crazy!

But he knew that if he didn't go crazy now, he would regret it for the rest of his life.

In Huangfu Xin's eyes, now there is nothing else except immortality!

Mo Xun knew that there were not many people in the world who could resist the temptation of the Great Dao. Huangfu Xin's persistent mind was undoubtedly born in the wrong place.

If he were in the world of immortal cultivation, he would definitely be able to achieve something.

"Master Huangfu, you can't copy my experience, and it doesn't mean much, but I can show you a way."

Huangfu Xin frowned. Although he knew that Mo Xun was making an excuse, he hurriedly asked, "What way?"

Mo Xun spoke slowly.

"I'm now looking for a way to leave this place. I have already got some clues. If you can help me find it, I can take you with me when I go out in the future. Once you are in the outside world, you can naturally practice the skills given to you by Cheng Mu. Isn't this better?"

Huangfu Xin fell silent immediately. He felt that Mo Xun's words were not a lie.

Mo Xun continued, "The reason why I can use my magic power is because I have cultivation, but you are different. Even if there is some spiritual energy in the Tiankui Realm, it can't support your entry-level cultivation at all. By then, let alone building a foundation, I'm afraid you won't be able to cross the Qi Refining Stage even at the end of your life."

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