In fact, according to strict regulations, Shangwu City's statement is reasonable.

But so what about accounting, they were not as powerful as others, so they inevitably lacked confidence. In addition, Xuanwu City was in the middle, and they started to quarrel for a while.

In the end, Shangwu City had no choice but to compromise and temporarily add another arena.

But Zhenwucheng was pushing the envelope even further. Seeing that Mo Xun's face was unfamiliar and he looked extremely young, they suspected that Shangwucheng was exaggerating and looking for someone to pretend to be a master.

This made Xia Huaiying very angry!

But no matter how angry he felt in his heart, he couldn't get angry.

The two cities of Xuan and Zhen have always been colluding with each other. If they were pushed into a hurry, they might even be able to overthrow the city lord's palace.

There is no way, people under the eaves have to bow their heads!

As for Mo Xun, he was happy and at ease. As long as these people allowed him to enter the blood pool, he would rather give up this bullshit job to the old woman.

He even said that even if he disagreed, he would have a solution.

As long as he keeps a close eye on these three city lords from now on, he will know how to enter the blood pool sooner or later.

But that would be a bit tiring.

If you are a little careless and distracted, you might miss this opportunity.

Just at this moment, the city lord of Xuanwu City came out to speak.

This person has a kind-hearted temperament and always has a smile on his lips, but those who know clearly know that this kind of person is a typical smile with hidden dangers.

The next words fully illustrate this point.

"Everyone, please listen to what Mo said first. Since my little brother and Mrs. Li are both new masters and I have never seen their skills, we might as well let them compete. This will not only dissuade us. If you have any doubts, you can also choose the winner to be the judge, isn’t it the best of both worlds?”

When he heard the word "my family", the corner of Mo Xun's mouth twitched.

They are all named Mo, and he is not as sinister as the other party.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes fell on Mo Xun and the heavily made-up Mrs. Li.

Mrs. Li and Lord Zhenwu looked at each other, then smiled brightly and slowly walked out of the crowd.

"I have no objection to what City Lord Mo said."

Immediately afterwards, the woman raised her lips provocatively at Mo Xun.

"This little brother has been promoted to Grandmaster at such a young age. He must be something special. I wonder if I can teach my sister something?"

Mo Xun frowned secretly, thinking to himself that I am enough to treat you as your grandfather, but you actually came to him and pretended to be your sister.

It's okay to have a fight, but once he takes action, he will probably see blood!

After all, against a master-level expert, you must use your magic power.

Once you use your magic power, it is very likely to be noticed by the opponent.

Then the best way is to shut this person up forever!

Perhaps this brief hesitation and frown actually elicited a disdainful sneer.

"Isn't Pavilion Master Mo scared?"

The person who said this was not a person from the other two cities, but a short and fat elder from the Lord's Mansion of this city.

This man Mo Xun had no impression at all. After thinking about it, he seemed to have never offended him.

What he didn't know was that the fire he set when he broke into the city lord's mansion at night was the elder's mansion that burned down.

Therefore, this person has always been in favor of using strong methods to deal with Mo Xun.

Everyone in Shangwu City all looked at the short and fat elder.

Xia Huaiying, in particular, immediately frowned.

He knew the reason, but now it was time to fight for the interests of the city, so how could he mix in personal grudges?

Mo Xun also looked over, but his eyes were more of curiosity.

I wonder if this guy is a spy from Zhenwu City, right?

He didn't want to talk to the other party at first, but this guy seemed to feel that the heat was not enough, so he spoke again.

"That's right. Pavilion Master Mo has always been a thief. Who knows how many things he has done? If he was greedy for life and afraid of death, he would have told her earlier. With Madam Li's temperament, she probably won't be as knowledgeable as you."

Hearing this, Mo Xun's face darkened.

He was sure that he had never seen this person!

Seeing Mo Xun like this, the sneer at the corner of the other party's mouth got even worse, even mixed with a sense of triumph.

Compared with martial interests, this person is obviously more inclined to put Mo Xun to death.

But it seemed that even Xia Huaiying couldn't stand hearing these words, and shouted "Elder Fang" in a rather angry voice!

But Elder Fang turned a deaf ear.

In his opinion, Mo Xun may have some unspeakable means, but they will never be as miraculous as the outside world reports.

Over the past year or so, he has tried to persuade Xia Huaiying to take action more than once, but he has not been adopted.

Apart from the burning of the mansion, almost no one knew that Fang Fengyao, who died more than a year ago, was his elder brother.

In order to avoid revenge, the two were raised separately.

Unexpectedly, the two brothers were extremely talented. Even though they had not had any contact since childhood, they each reached the level of master.

To this day, no third person in the entire Shangwu City knows about this secret.

Just as Shangwu City fell into silence, Madam Li suddenly asked with great interest: "What did Elder Fang say? Could it be that this little brother has done some shameful deeds?"

Elder Fang seemed to be risking his life, and he jumped out of the crowd.

"Not only is he shameless, he is not only treacherous, but also knows how to play tricks in secret. So far, none of us has fought with him, and we don't know how strong he is. The rumors about him being a master are all just rumors, and it is very likely that he has asked someone to spread them. Now is a good opportunity to ask you to help expose his true face."

These words are righteous, and those who don't know would think that this elder is so upright!

But if it is really as he said, then the problem is serious.

Pretending to be a master may be just Mo Xun's personal matter, but involving the martial arts competition involves the interests of the other two cities.

"Oh? There is such a thing, Lord Xia, do you need to explain it to us?"

The one who said this was Qiao Cang, the Lord of Zhenwu City!

Mo Lingyun, the Lord of Xuanwu City, also interrupted and asked, "Yes, Lord Xia, what's going on?"

Almost in an instant, many people reacted.

Elder Fang from Shangwu City probably had colluded with the other two cities long ago.

Otherwise, how could they have cooperated so perfectly?

Xia Huaiying just stared at Elder Fang under repeated questioning.

Everyone in Shangwu City fell silent for a while, not knowing how to answer.

And at this moment of silence, Madam Li suddenly smiled at Mo Xun.

"Little brother, it is not a good boy to deceive the world and steal reputation, but considering your young age and ignorance, as long as you kneel down and admit your mistakes to your sister, your sister will help you to ask the city lords for mercy and spare your death. It is not impossible, but I am afraid that your cultivation will not be able to be preserved, hehe..."

The silver bell-like laughter suddenly stopped, and a head flew out.

Then a faint voice like thunder resounded in everyone's ears.


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