Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 761 I want to cultivate immortality


In the huge city lord's mansion, there was only suffocating silence!

More than 30 pairs of eyes, as if agreed, all focused on the tip of the silver spear.

A breeze blew, and a solitary fallen leaf swayed in the air and slowly fell.

Along with it, a drop of blood on the tip of the spear also slid down.

Then, the headless body fell to the ground with a bang.

No one noticed where Mo Xun took the silver spear from, but it was in his hand at the moment.

No one saw how he appeared there, but he stood there.

It was too fast, so fast that the head seemed to fall from his head.

At this moment, the only ones who could see Mo Xun's movements clearly were the three city lords.

But it was precisely because of this that it was even more frightening!

He is not a sixth-level master!

It seemed like a long time had passed, but it also seemed like just the next moment. A middle-aged strong man in Zhenwu City suddenly woke up and roared with anger.

"You dare to kill my sister!"

As soon as the voice fell, the man jumped up, swung a pair of purple-gold hammers, made a sound of breaking through the air, and smashed directly towards Mo Xun's head.

"I want your life!"

Each of these golden hammers was about a foot in size.

Together, they weighed at least six or seven hundred pounds.

If you were hit by it, you would definitely end up with your skin and flesh torn and your bones broken!

When this man came out in anger, not many people reacted.

But Mo Xun, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Under the gaze of everyone, he suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already above the strong man's head.

The silver spear shone white, and everyone's ears seemed to ring with the sound of a dragon's roar.

The sharp spear tip suddenly thrust out, colliding with the golden hammers from both sides, and a dazzling spark burst out.

But the golden hammer was torn apart like paper under the attack of the silver spear.

The spear force did not decrease, and it still went to the center of the brow of the strong man.


This sudden shout did not make Mo Xun hesitate at all!

He even injected a spiritual power into the Tongbao spear again under the operation of the Tongbao Jue in his body.

With a sizzling sound, blood splashed out!

The entire spear tip almost passed through the forehead of the strong man, piercing a big hole in his head.

Seeing that the scolding was ineffective, the Lord of Zhenwu City flew towards Mo Xun in the air and slapped him.

After seeing that another person died on his side, the man's whole face became distorted.


The moment this curse came out, the palm wind that could almost shatter the void had already arrived beside Mo Xun.

Mo Xun snorted coldly, took back the silver spear, turned around and kicked out.

With a loud bang, a fist and a kick met in the air.

The two powerful forces set off a wave of air, which shook the people who approached without any defense.

And the two men flew back after this fight.

However, Mo Xun only retreated five or six feet, while the Lord of Zhenwu City Qiao Cang retreated eight or nine feet.

Even so, it was still the result of Mo Xun's hasty response and deliberately restraining his strength to prevent the leakage of mana.

If it was said that Madam Qi's death due to carelessness just now, everyone was just shocked.

But now, it was horrified!

This person was able to fight against the Grandmaster of the Seventh Realm, not only not at a disadvantage, but also slightly better.

As for the life and death of the golden hammer man, it was only a brief shock, and then it was forgotten by everyone.

How difficult is it for a strong man who can fight Qiao Cang to kill a master of the sixth realm?

In front of the palace, there was a deathly silence again.

This is probably the most sensational thing in the three cities in recent decades.

Everyone has a sense of unreality in their hearts!

But they saw it with their own eyes!

"He... He is actually a master of the seventh realm!"

The elder Fang who provoked the whole incident was already stunned by this scene. The whole person was like falling into an ice cave in the dog days of summer, and his body couldn't help shaking.

His head was buzzing, and even he himself couldn't believe that he had just provoked a master of the seventh realm who was not inferior to the three city lords.

At this moment, when he looked at the silver spear in the other party's hand, he couldn't help feeling a chill in his neck.

Among the people present, Huangfu Xin was probably the only one who knew the inside story!

Unlike others, his eyes were not shocked, but hot!

"Is this the method of a cultivator?"

Huangfu Xin seemed to be able to feel his heartbeat rising and falling in his chest.

He wanted to cultivate immortality, he must cultivate immortality!

This was the most sonorous voice in Huangfu Xin's heart at this moment.

He also silently swore that even if Mo Xun asked him to be a slave or a grandson, he would learn the method of cultivation from this person.

Mo Xun had a gloomy face, and then raised the tip of his gun and pointed it directly at the Zhenwu City Lord in the distance.

"Do you dare to take my shot?"

The voice was not loud, but it was like a huge bell, which made Qiao Cang's heart tremble.

He had a sullen face and didn't say a word for a long time.

For how many years, when has he been so cowardly that he dared not speak?

But after the fight just now, even if it was just one move, he had already felt deeply afraid!

This person is invincible!

This was the humiliating cry in his heart at the moment!

He also couldn't believe it. How could the young man in front of him make him feel fearful?

But the fact was in front of him.

He suddenly thought that in addition to the condensed blood and energy, the kick from the other party just now seemed to contain some strange fluctuations.

But he had no way of judging what this fluctuation was.

Seeing Qiao Cang remained silent, Mo Xun jumped up and stabbed with a spear in his hand.

Everyone was stunned again!

I thought, is this world crazy?

Not long ago, this person was ridiculed and mocked, and was even forced to kneel down and abandon his cultivation.

But now, he is killing a city lord!

"Master Mo, please stop first!"

Xia Huaiying and Mo Lingyun jumped out at the same time and blocked Mo Xun.

In fact, Mo Xun just wanted to scare the other party. Seeing someone come out to play peacemaker, he naturally stopped.

No matter from which angle, the Lord of Zhenwu City cannot die, or cannot die now.

First, this person is related to the specific location of the Nine Peaks Blood Pool.

Before entering the blood pool, the three city lords cannot afford to make any mistakes.

Second, now that he has exposed his strength, everyone will definitely regard him as a dangerous existence.

If he shows his murderous side again, it is hard to guarantee that these people will not panic and join hands to deal with him.

Perhaps now, some people are ready to make a move!


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