Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 762 Weird Huangfu Xin

He was confident of dealing with two, three, or even ten body refining masters.

But there is no confidence that he can fight with thirty or forty people at the same time!

The point is, there’s no need for that!

Mo Lingyun, the Lord of Xuanwu City, cupped his hands and smiled.

"Pavilion Master Mo, please calm down. It was just a misunderstanding. Our three cities have always shared weal and woe. Now we are facing such a grand event as the martial arts competition. It is really not appropriate for you and me, Grandmaster, to go to war. Just now, the Li brothers and sisters were offended because of their ignorance. They deserve to die, Lord Qiao, there is a reason for this, so I hope the Lord can forgive me!"

As Mo Lingyun spoke, he quietly winked to the side.

Qiao Cang's face turned red. Although he was unwilling to do so, he still reluctantly hugged Mo Xun.

Sometimes admitting defeat does not necessarily mean cowardice.

It should be noted that only those who can bend and stretch can become a hero!

Nothing is more important than life.

If you lose face, you can earn it again, but if you lose your life, you have nothing.

"Yes, Pavilion Master Mo, now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, there is no need to embarrass City Master Qiao anymore!"

Although Xia Huaiying's words were a plea for mercy, in Qiao Cang's ears, it hurt more than a slap in the face.

Qiao Cang felt even more secretly depressed. When would he be reduced to relying on the pity of others to survive?

Ordinarily, after this incident, Xia Huaiying should be the biggest beneficiary.

Two grandmasters died in Zhenwu City in a row. Although there were still a few more than Shangwu City, the disparity was not that big.

But only he knew that the crisis had just arrived.

If the ones who killed the Li brothers and sisters were Zhao Qiyuan or Huangfu Xin, he would definitely not be worried at all, and would even secretly applaud them.

Because no matter how powerful these two people are, they are still within his control.

But if someone like Mo Xun suddenly appears, even him will be threatened.

So he wants to intercede for Qiao Cang!

On the one hand, they were worried that after killing Qiao Cang, the twenty-odd grandmasters from the other two cities would turn their anger on Shangwu City.

More importantly, he was worried about Mo Xun's threat.

Presumably after this incident, the entire Zhenwu City will regard Mo Xun as a mortal enemy!

His martial city needed a master, but it didn't need such a strong master.

Mo Xun put away his spear and snorted coldly, then turned around and walked towards the camp in Shangwu City. When he passed by the troublemaker Elder Fang, his eyes stopped for a moment on him.

Just one glance made the other party shiver unconsciously.

Returning to where he was standing before, the people next to him were far away from him.

As a result, the original three parties on the field turned into four parties.

It was the killing just now that shocked everyone.

Mo Xun didn't care about this. Anyway, he was used to being alone and didn't need anyone to take care of him.

But in this weird atmosphere, there was a person standing next to Mo Xun in full view of everyone.

No, I shouldn’t say around me, but behind me!

This person is none other than Huangfu Xin.

The positioning presented by the two people actually gave people the feeling of a master and a servant.

At this scene, many people were shocked again.

Everyone knows who Huangfu Xin is.

The entire Tiankui world is so big, and all the masters combined are only the dozens in the field.

Even if they are not familiar with each other, they definitely know each other.

But it’s precisely because of the recognition that it’s surprising!

Everyone quickly realized that Huangfu Xin had defected to Mo Xun.

The expressions shown by everyone are different.

For example, Xia Huaiying is so gloomy and scary!

He didn't know exactly when Huangfu Xin colluded with Mo Xun, but this was definitely not a good sign.

Mo Xun frowned slightly. He never expected that Mr. Huangfu would come to the door of his own accord.

What on earth is this old guy planning?

Soon, this unpleasant welcome ceremony ended.

The master of this city will go back temporarily, and the other two cities will have their own people to entertain him.

Originally there was going to be a drinking party in the evening, but it seemed like it was unnecessary!

Two days later, the martial arts competition will officially begin. During this period, everyone can freely move around the city.

But now that something like this has happened, some people may not dare to act alone.

But some people, with their eyes wandering, don't know what they are planning.

Mo Xun knew that the next step might not be peaceful, but now that it had been done, there was nothing to worry about.

Now, he has basically figured out the general strength of the Seventh Realm Grandmaster.

As long as he doesn't reach the eighth realm, there shouldn't be a fatal threat to him.

After leaving the city lord's mansion, what puzzled Mo Xun was that Huangfu Xin was following behind him and never left even half a step.

"Master Huangfu, you have made it easy for me to find you during this time!" Mo Xun suddenly turned around and looked at him coldly.

Huangfu Xin turned around and looked around.

"This is not the place to talk. Can we move to the first floor below to talk in detail?"

Seeing that Mo Xun was silent, Huangfu Xin continued: "Pavilion Master Mo, please rest assured that I don't have any ill intentions. On the contrary, I have a secret to share with the Pavilion Master. I believe the Pavilion Master will be interested in it."

Mo Xun was really confused.

What this person is showing now is completely different from before.

It's like a different person!

He didn't see any trace of hypocrisy on the other person's face.

Moreover, even the self-titled name was changed from "I" to "I" in a humble manner.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

Huangfu Xin replied calmly: "If the Pavilion Master still has the killing intent after hearing this, I can only accept my fate!"

Mo Xun looked at this man up and down, wondering if this guy had taken the wrong medicine?

Or did the other party have something to rely on?

Not to mention, the abnormality shown by Huangfu Xin at this time really aroused Mo Xun's curiosity.

He looked up at the street and pointed casually.

"Go there and talk!"

The two then walked into Jiaxi Building one after the other.

Although he was not afraid of any traps and ambushes, it would not hurt to be careful.

In the box, Mo Xun did not need to speak. As soon as the door was closed, Huangfu Xin immediately took out a piece of white paper from his sleeve.

"Pavilion Master, you can take a look at this first!"

After dealing with Mo Xun several times, Huangfu Xin already understood the other party's character, so he didn't say any nonsense at the beginning.

Mo Xun took it in his hand with doubt, and when he unfolded it, his eyes widened immediately.

There was no text or anything like that inside, but a simple drawing.

The drawing outlined a strange disc with something similar to a rune on it, which looked like both a formation disc and a magical tool.

"What is this?"

Although he had a rough guess in his mind, he still asked.

Huangfu Xin said solemnly: "This thing should be the positioning compass you told me about last time. I haven't been in the building for some time, so I have been looking for the whereabouts of this thing everywhere. Now I have some clues."

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