Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 763 Yuanshi Sanqing Pan

Mo Xun didn't care about the other party's rhetoric and asked quickly: "How do you say it?"

"The full name of this thing should be Yuanshi Sanqingpan. It was indeed in the hands of the Chiyumen in the early years, and it was a treasure of the town. However, there was a fight at the Chiyumen hundreds of years ago, and it has been lost since then. I also found out that the name of the sect leader at that time was Ke Fenghe. As for the cause of the incident, it was the work of an enemy known as Six-Fingered Chang Xiao. However, in that incident, Ke Fenghe died on the spot, and the six-fingered Chang Xiao has been missing since then. "

"Six-fingered Xiao?" Mo Xun raised his eyebrows in confusion.

Huangfu Xin nodded slightly.

"Yes, this person has six fingers on both hands, and he is good at using a long sword. His origin is also quite mysterious. Because he was wearing a mask at the time, no one has ever seen his true appearance, so even if Akabanemon wants to To take revenge, the murderer has never been found, and this is probably all that can be found so far. "

Mo Xun fell silent secretly. If he followed these words, things would become a bit troublesome.

Can he find the person whom no sect could find at the beginning?

Besides, hundreds of years have passed, and I'm afraid this person's grave has long since disappeared.

And with his face covered, he is as clueless as looking for a needle in a haystack.

"Can you find any clues?"

What Mo Xun is concerned about right now is not who's whereabouts, but the compass.

"I'm looking for someone to check the written records in various places. Since this person was able to kill the leader of the Red Feather Sect, he should be at least a grandmaster or above. Logically speaking, such a person will not remain unknown."

Mo Xun actually thought of another possibility.

Is that six-fingered Xiao also a cultivator from the outside world like him?

Only in this way can we explain why the other party wanted to take away the compass.

Perhaps this person's experiences were similar to his. First, he discovered the secret of Tiankui Realm, and later investigated the use of the compass.

If so, this would be a dead end!

And judging from what Huangfu Xin found, the chance is quite high.

Whether it was the sudden appearance of a mysterious powerful man or a long sword that looked like a magic weapon, all pointed to this speculation.

After all, among body-refining cultivators, who would use something like Chang Xiao as a weapon?

Although he felt that what Huangfu Xin found was of little value, he was somewhat interested in the person in front of him.

From a certain perspective, this person still has a certain use.

"You might as well start from these angles. First of all, this person has six fingers on both hands, which may be just a kind of confusion. After all, it is rare in the world for people with two fingers to have different fingers. In addition, his long Xiao may be just for... The real weapon is probably something similar to Chang Xiao. Finally, since this person is so mysterious, it means that no one has seen him, so why should he be masked? "

Huangfu Xin's eyes suddenly lit up.

"You mean this was probably done by an acquaintance?"

Mo Xun nodded slightly. This inference was only based on the premise that this person was not an immortal cultivator.

When it comes to finding people, he has almost no other options except Qi Ruyan.

Qi Ruyan's energy was obviously not as powerful as Huangfu's.

"Absolutely. We can check one by one among the strong men of the year. It may not be limited to the grandmaster. If it is someone close to the leader of the Ke family at that time, it is not without the opportunity to kill and seize the treasure."

Under Mo Xun's delineation, it can be said that the target range has been greatly narrowed.

The only trouble is that it took too long and many things cannot be traced out.

Huangfu Xin opened his mouth, and for a moment he felt that his life, which was more than a hundred years old, seemed to be in vain.

With so many clues, he was not as clear-minded as a young man who looked to be in his twenties.

By the way, he almost forgot that immortal cultivators can keep their appearance forever.

Perhaps the person in front of him is already an old monster who has lived for who knows how many years.

At this moment, the tense nerves in his heart slowly relaxed.

Since Mo Xun allowed him to continue the investigation, it meant that he was recognized. Not only could his life be saved, but he might also be able to board this boat and go to the mysterious world of immortality.

Huangfu Xin immediately clasped his fists seriously.

"I know what to do!"

A smile appeared on Mo Xun's lips. He was not a rigid person.

If this person can really find the positioning compass, it will give him a future, so why not?

Time went by in such a calm manner, and finally it was the day when the competition started.

When the masters from several cities saw Mo Xun again, the fear that many people had that day seemed to have not dissipated.

Especially that Elder Fang!

Mo Xun originally thought that someone would come to cause trouble in the past few days, but to his surprise, it turned out to be surprisingly calm.

One of the original thirty-two arenas was vacated by his shot.

At this time, the spectators and contestants on site almost filled the thousands-foot-long competition venue.

The crowd outside was very noisy.

Mo Xun followed the instructions and came to the arena where he was to be judged.

Probably for the convenience of viewing, the entire arena is only a few feet high, and there is a crescent-shaped platform on the periphery, which is used for masters like them to rest.

It is said that he is judging, but in fact he does not need to do anything.

There are those in charge of drawing lots, there are teams that maintain order, and there are also those that record wins and losses.

The purpose of having them sit here is mainly a symbolic deterrent.

Or if the outcome is difficult to determine, or if there are violations of the rules, the judges will need to take action.

As a judge, he has absolute discretion and no reconsideration is required.

All contestants are divided into two groups, A and B.

Theoretically, Group A is for the fourth and fifth realms of body refining cultivators, and Group B is for the first to third realms.

But which one to sign up for is decided by the contestants themselves.

During the competition, it is said to be a martial arts exchange, but it can kill people!

Almost every conference, thousands of people died in the battle, and these have long become commonplace in everyone's mind.

After Mo Xun got on the high platform, he sat there quietly, looking at the noisy crowd in his field of vision.

Huangfu Xin was also not absent. No one expected that they, who were still on edge before, would actually talk about cooperation calmly.

In the face of interests, how many grudges can't be let go?

Just like the current Shangwu City, I'm afraid that few of the masters hope that he can live.

But because he could bring benefits to the city, these people temporarily turned a blind eye to his actions.

Of course, there was also the factor of strength.

As the bell rang, the host on each stage went up to read out the rules, and then the first fight began according to the order of the draw.

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