The first to take the stage were two strong men from around the third realm of body refining.

One person held a knife and the other used a stick. After the host left the stage, the two parties simply held fists and quickly started fighting.

As for Mo Xun, he closed his eyes slightly, took out the beast core in his hand and started practicing.

He wanted to advance to the peak of the five realms before entering the blood pool, so that he could rely on the blood in it to break through to the Grandmaster realm in one fell swoop.

But right now, it’s probably too late!

Tens of thousands of people competed, but not even a tenth of it was completed on the first day.

Mo Xunyu had been practicing almost all the time. Even if he encountered some troubles, he would leave them to the people below to handle them.

Because of his non-interference, the fight in his ring became particularly fierce.

And the bleeding is the most!

Originally, there were almost the same number of spectators around each ring, but on the second day, many people flocked in just to enjoy the bloody scene.

If this happens to other grandmasters, the three city lords may have to be summoned alone.

But no one dared to care about Mo Xun.

However, after the game, Qin Bingkun came over to chat.

Mo Xun did not forget that whether or not he could catch the Blood Dragon Fish might fall on this person.

In the following competition, Mo Xun still came to the platform every day during the day and went to practice in the mountains at night.

Maybe someone has come to cause trouble secretly, but there is no trace of him.

Every once in a while, he would take Yun Niang to visit Jiang Po in the mountains.

Qi Ruyan was also placed there.

The preliminary round lasted for ten days, and then the second round began in full swing. It was not until more than a month later that two groups A and B each produced their final few hundred contestants.

Only those who enter the top ten in each group are eligible to go to the Nine Peaks Blood Pool together.

Mo Xun didn't count how many people died during this period, but the arena he was ruling on was already dyed red.

Sometimes, even he was slightly moved!

Tragic and bloody, this was his most intuitive feeling these days.

The entire Tiankui world probably maintains the survival of warriors in this way.

The continuous daily practice has also made his physical body slightly improve.

In the last two days of the finals, something unexpected happened.

This matter had nothing to do with the conference, but Qi Ruyan asked someone to bring a message, saying that Mr. Jiang was dying.

Mo Xun knew that if it was just him, he would have done enough to the Jiang family during this period of time.

But the problem is that there is another Yun Niang!

The little girl was beholden to Jiang and his wife, so naturally she could not stay out of the situation.

Fortunately, there are not many competitions left, and even if a stage like him is missing, it doesn't matter.

After a brief chat with Xia Huaiying, he hurried out of the city.

The Jiang family temporarily lived in a mountain village. When he and Yun Niang arrived, Mr. Jiang almost breathed his last.

Mo Xun poured some spiritual power into him, but it only lasted until night, when the old man closed his eyes.

For Mo Xun, this was the first time for him to witness this kind of death at the end of his life.

In fact, during this period, he has been cherishing elixirs to extend the life of the old man.

But in front of Shouyuan, even he who could bring the dead back to life seemed pale and powerless.

Perhaps if he had not embarked on the path of cultivation, he would have experienced this scene himself many years ago!

After Mr. Jiang died like this, even if the funeral was kept simple, he would still have to arrange it for a day or two.

He didn't have time to stay here for a long time. After discussing with Yun Niang, the little girl insisted on seeing the old man off for the last time.

In addition, Jiang Po was so weak that she couldn't even get sick due to this blow, and she needed someone to take care of her.

Seeing this, Mo Xun could only keep Yun Niang here.

If he insists on taking the little girl away, I am afraid that this matter will always be a knot in Yun Niang's heart in the years to come.

Fortunately, this place is remote, so he comes invisibly every time, so it is not easy to be discovered.

But right now, he has too many enemies, and he still has to guard against some things.

He dug a passage in the nearby mountains overnight and arranged a blood array and spiritual energy array inside.

Once the blood array is activated, it can support the activation of the spiritual array.

It may not be of great use, but if you encounter a strong person below a grandmaster, it should be no problem if you delay for an hour or three.

Then, he called out Sanqing Lingyu.

“Fellow Taoist Sanqing, I’m afraid I’m going to trouble you with something!”

Mo Xun divided the chaotic turbid energy from his body into more than half of the opponent, thus ensuring that Sanqing could use his spiritual power in this environment.

Then the task of protecting Yun Niang was handed over to this guy.

The moment she got Hongmeng's breath, Sanqing became excited.

Not to mention protecting a person at this moment, even if it means letting him have a head-on fight with Na Chashan, there will definitely be no problem.

Calling Yun Niang outside the yard, Mo Xun said solemnly: "I will put something inside your body. If you are in danger, it can take you away, so if something strange happens later, you don't have to be afraid."

Yun Niang nodded in understanding.

She knew that Mo Xun had some incredible methods, but she didn't reject him.

But when Sanqing entered her body with chaotic turbid energy, the little girl was still shocked.

Because that thing can actually talk!

And when the chaotic aura flowed into her body, she actually had an extremely strange feeling.

This feeling lasted only for a moment and soon disappeared. She thought it was her own psychological effect.

After Mo Xun explained it to her briefly, Yunniang was relieved.

"Sanqing Daoyou, I'll leave this matter to you. If the formation in the cave is discovered or broken, please be sure to take Yunniang away from here. I have marked a few places in the jade slip. You will wait for me there. After this matter is over, Mo will definitely reward you handsomely!"

Sanqing curled his lips impatiently.

"You have explained this several times. Do you really think that this saint has such a bad memory? They are just a group of mortals. Why do you need to be so long-winded! Don't make it like a life-and-death separation. Back then, this saint broke into the land of the dragon clan and killed for three days and three nights, but he still retreated unscathed. Don't underestimate my means!"

Mo Xun shook his head and smiled bitterly.

He knew how capable Sanqing was. Although this guy had little fighting power, his speed was so fast that even Nascent Soul cultivators would be amazed.

Although he was greatly restricted here, he was not something that those body refiners could handle.

But when he heard the words "parting life and death", his eyelids jumped for no reason.

Alas! Maybe he was overthinking.

On the second day after returning to Shangwu City, the duel had entered its final stage.

After the two groups decided the top ten, the entire martial arts performance conference came to a complete end.

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