Mo Xun thought that there should be a ceremony after the end, at least to honor the winners.

Who knew that the three city lords would gather all the masters together.

Then, with an order, they set out to an altar.

This suddenness somewhat disrupted Mo Xun's plan.

More than 30 masters, together with 20 promoted body refiners, traveled for two days before reaching the vicinity of the altar.

Only three city lords entered the altar, and the others all stayed outside waiting.

After asking, Mo Xun learned that the three people went in to sense the location of the Nine Peaks Blood Pool through secret methods.

While waiting, he was curious and released Zi Yu Qing Fu to secretly explore inside.

After a long time, he figured out what was going on.

It turned out that the so-called secret method was to use essence blood and three different secret medicines to summon a blood beast that looked like a fox.

This blood beast was only the size of a palm and was hidden in the cuffs of one of them.

For a moment, Mo Xun wanted to sneak in and steal the thing.

But then he thought about it and felt that it was not safe. Perhaps only blood beasts fed with blood essence could obey their masters.

Half a day later, the group mounted their horses again and galloped towards the east.

More than half a month later, they stepped into a deep mountain forest, which was already a gathering place for monsters.

Not long after, they really encountered some low-level beasts.

However, the group of people were extremely powerful, and Mo Xun didn't need to take action at all, and they pushed them directly.

As they went deeper into the dense forest, the number and level of monsters became higher.

There were even a few times when they encountered groups of high-level blood beasts.

In the end, they passed through this dense forest at the cost of the death of four contestants.

Later, they experienced towering snow-capped mountains and swamps, and finally arrived in front of a very vast salt lake about a month after leaving Shangwu City.

Here, the three city lords issued an order to station.

Mo Xun was also feeling emotional. He had to travel so far just for a day of blood pool training.

If this place didn't have the legendary effect, it would be a bit disappointing.

He was extremely cautious along the way. Even when he was resting, he was always on guard.

Especially in Zhenwu City, he didn't believe that the city lord Qiao would be so willing to suffer the previous loss.

As for Xia Huaiying, he couldn't be careless either.

Who knows what the city lord who seems to be taciturn on weekdays has in his mind?

And the smiling tiger in Xuanwu City, it can be said that none of these people are good people.

While Mo Xun was thinking about the other party, others were secretly paying attention to him.

While everyone was resting, Xia Huaiying and Zhao Qiyuan stayed away from the crowd.

"City lord, what if the people from the two cities suddenly get involved?"

Xia Huaiying looked into the distance.

"I will have my own way to get rid of them then. How are the others preparing?"

"No problem, but Huangfu Xin..."

Xia Huaiying showed a disdainful sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"Since he is looking for death, let's bury him together. The more Grandmaster's blood and qi, the more useful it is. I thought that kid was only in the sixth realm, but who knew he would be not weaker than me. But this is good. Our chances of success are a little higher. And that Fang Yizi, I'm afraid he is still naive and thinks no one knows his identity. This time, we will solve it together to avoid leaving a root of trouble in the future."

Zhao Qiyuan hesitated slightly.

"In this case, we will lose three Grandmasters in a row, and the other two cities may take this opportunity to take action."

Xia Huaiying waved his hand.

"As long as we get that thing, why would we be afraid of a few people?"

Zhao Qiyuan nodded gently, but there was still some worry on his face.

This desperate plan is really risky.

Fortunately, Huangfu Xin was not brought in before, otherwise it would be difficult to end it now.

While the two were secretly planning, the two city lords on the other side were also secretly talking.

"Hmph! I have endured for more than two months. Once this matter is resolved, I will definitely skin this guy alive!"

The Xuanwu City Lord smiled slightly.

"Brother Qiao, why are you angry? I believe that the people we sent should have captured the two women. After killing this person, you can vent your anger on his women. Isn't it better?"

The face of the Zhenwu City Lord showed a twisted and hideous look.

"And Xia Huaiying, this old man, thinks that he dares to ride on our heads by relying on a kid of unknown origin. When he comes out of the blood pool this time, I will definitely bloodbath Shangwu City!"

Mo Lingyun smiled without saying a word, as if he was also imagining that moment.

What not many people know is that among the masters of the two cities who came this time, three have reached the peak of the sixth realm!

Just waiting to be promoted directly to the seventh realm master in the blood pool.

In this way, the two cities together have five seventh realm masters.

This is the prosperity that has never been seen in the two places since the city was built.

So they are waiting, waiting for their own strength to improve.

Now they did not take action against Mo Xun, but they were worried that Shangwu would obstruct and cause large-scale casualties.

"We were careless this time. I didn't expect that there would be a seventh realm master among them."

Qiao Cang sneered.

"So what?"

Mo Lingyun put away his smile and said solemnly: "This person's body movement is weird, it's better not to be careless."

"Brother Mo, don't worry. Qiao is not a reckless person. I have fought with him before, so I know his background. For this operation, you and I have both spent all our money. No matter how powerful he is, how can he resist the siege of so many of us? But we need to pay more attention to Xia Huaiying. This old man has entered the seventh realm for many years. If you say that he has no tricks, you and I will definitely not believe it. Since we have decided to take action this time, we must do it thoroughly..."

After resting for half a day, the three city lords gathered together again and said something that surprised everyone.

The Nine Peaks Blood Pool is at the bottom of the lake ahead!

Even Mo Xun was a little surprised.

If he hadn't heard it with his own ears, he would never have thought that this name that looked like a mountain appeared under the lake.

But it's easy to understand. Since the blood pool is moving, it seems possible no matter where it appears.

"Wait a minute, everyone will follow us three. As for how to hold your breath, I think everyone has their own methods."

After a brief discussion, everyone quickly followed the three people into the lake.

Mo Xun casually performed a water-avoiding spell and fell to the back.

After diving for about a quarter of an hour, Qiao Cang shook his sleeves, and a palm-sized blood-red fox emerged from it.

In the blink of an eye, it paddled away.

Everyone hurriedly caught up, and soon, they saw the fox following a whirlpool at the bottom of the lake and rushed directly into it.

There are only a few chapters left in Tiankui Realm, thank you for your support!

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