After everyone hesitated for a moment, under the leadership of the three city lords, they got into the whirlpool one by one.

From the outside, the whirlpool didn't look big, but after being sucked into it, it was actually subjected to an extremely powerful suction force.

Everyone almost lost control of their bodies and just drifted away in a certain direction with the water in the darkness.

After about a dozen breaths, the water flow gradually slowed down, and a faint light appeared above.

The range of the light was not large, it looked like it was less than about ten feet.

Everyone hurriedly swam toward the bright light, and then one by one jumped out of the water like a fish and came to a dark red world!

As far as the eye can see, there are red stones above and below the head.

The surrounding stone walls also glowed with a dizzying red light.

But the texture of those stones always gave Mo Xun a strange feeling, like petrified bones.

In fact, he was not the only one. Most of the people who came here for the first time thought so.

"Yes, this is the Nine Peaks Blood Pool!"

In the silence, Xia Huaiying first looked around and then spoke first.

As soon as he spoke, the others were amazed. After all, this man was one of the few dozen masters who had ever been to the blood pool.

The other two city lords looked at each other and said in unison: "Let's go!"

Before coming here, Mo Xun had already learned from Huangfu Xin that apart from the fighting between the three cities, there were no risks here.

The walk through the blood-red cave was not long, only about ten feet.

After leaving the cave, the view becomes wider.

But when everyone looked up, they couldn't help but be stunned.

Because the endless sky is also red.

This world seems to be colored with blood.

What amazed everyone was the row of bloody peaks in front of them, nine in total, the middle one almost towering into the clouds.

All peaks are bare, with no vegetation visible.

At the foot of the mountain, red blood was slowly flowing down from it.

No one could have imagined that under an ordinary salt lake, there would be such extraordinary craftsmanship.

How were the bloody sky, bloody mountains, and bloody streams formed?

For thousands of years, it has always been a mystery in the minds of many people.

Mo Lingyun suddenly turned around, changed his usual gentle and modest smile, and said with a sharp look in his eyes: "Below the Grandmaster, you can only practice in the other eight peaks, and are not allowed to set foot on the main peak. If you are discovered, "Don't blame me for being unkind!"

In fact, everyone has known this rule for a long time.

Now I emphasize again that I just want to scare those body trainers who are lucky.

After all, the person who can win in the martial arts competition must have an uneasy heart in addition to his strength which cannot be underestimated.

Fortunately, even at the foot of the mountain, you can feel the thick blood rushing towards your face.

For body refining masters, this blood energy is enough for them to practice.

Mo Xun's heart moved. It seemed that this place really had some tricks.

Maybe the effect of the blood pool is indeed as wonderful as the outside world reports.

Under the leadership of the three people, the Three Cities Grandmaster quickly set foot on the road to the main peak.

Although this peak is the tallest, to these people, it is not much different from the flat ground.

And in order to save time, everyone moves as fast as lightning, one step at a time!

According to previous experience, once you enter the blood pool, some mysterious power seems to be triggered, so that everyone can only stay for one day at most.

In due time, this place will begin to collapse.

As for who first brought this discovery to the outside world, it is unknown!

Near the mountainside, there is a strange cave.

The entrance to the cave looks like the mouth of some kind of alien beast, surrounded by a circle of boulders that resemble teeth.

I don’t know if it’s the Creator’s miraculous power, or if the hole is indeed formed from the mouth of a monster.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun couldn't help but connect what he saw along the way with what Huangfu Xin had said before.

Perhaps the entire Nine Peaks Blood Pool is in the body of some kind of alien beast, which explains the reason for the movement.

Everyone must have guessed this.

But since it can last for so many years, it should have no impact on the industry.

Entering through the entrance of the cave is where the blood pool really is.

As soon as they stepped into it, many people felt the richer blood energy. While excited, they were also full of expectations for the next blood pool training.

After walking through a rock passage that looked like a throat, we came to a wide space.

Not far away, there are a dozen small stone caves that can accommodate one person.

In the cave, you can faintly hear the sound of water flowing, and in this place, the rich blood energy has atomized. Even if you don't use the technique, the blood energy will slowly penetrate into the body along the skin.

This blood is very different from normal blood and has no smell of blood at all.

This place is simply a secret cultivation realm for body practitioners!

"These mysterious caves are where the blood pools are. It's not easy for us to come here. The concentration of blood energy inside is also extremely limited. Everyone can choose one to enter, but after one day, they have to meet here again. If anyone can It’s best to advance. Even if your income is limited, I hope you won’t be greedy.”

After Qiao Cang spoke on behalf of the three of them, he chose one of the mysterious caves and walked in first without looking back.

Next is Xia Huaiying, followed by Mo Lingyun!

As three city lords, it was natural to choose the three in the middle.

The rest of the people saw this scene and walked over without hesitation.

Some went alone, while others went in groups of two.

At least from the current point of view, only two people entered each cave.

Just as Mo Xun was pondering, Qin Bingkun quietly came to his side.

"Master Mo, let's go too!"

Mo Xun nodded gently. He came here to practice only one aspect, and the more important thing was to find the blood dragon fish.

The reason why he didn't move for a long time was that he was waiting for this person!

The cave was dim, but it was not completely invisible, because only one person could pass through, so the two walked in front and behind.

Of course, with Mo Xun's suspicious character, he would not leave his back to strangers.

Qin Bingkun had to crouch down and move forward during the whole process because of his burly figure.

The passage was not long, it felt like five or six feet, and a pool of blood-red water soon appeared in front.

The pool was surrounded by a circle of dark red rocks, which was not very large, about two or three feet square.

There were many dense holes on the surrounding rock walls.

Just like a honeycomb!

These holes vary in size, some are only about the size of a palm, and some can fit a person.

Mo Xun first circled the blood pool. Although he hadn't touched it yet, he could feel the huge energy contained in it!

This thing is definitely far beyond the beast core!

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