At the same time, a figure flashed in the air, and caught something in his hands.

What was surprising was that this person looked exactly like Mo Xun in the blood pool.

And what he held in his hands was a bloody head.

Upon closer inspection, it was Qin Bingkun who had laughed loudly just a moment ago.

But at this moment, Qin Bingkun's consciousness had gradually begun to fade, and his face was tightly frowned. He seemed to want to figure out what was going on, but he had no chance.

It turned out that the person sitting in the blood pool was Mo Xun's demon incarnation.

And his original body had been hiding in the dark for half a day, and heard the previous conversation clearly.

Mo Xun snorted in his heart, and threw Qin Bingkun's head back to the sturdy body with a casual throw.

Although the head was back, Qin Bingkun had closed his eyes forever after this short separation of body and head.

Then Mo Xun moved and appeared at the entrance of the cave like a gust of wind.

He clearly remembered that Qin Bingkun did not mention "I" but "we" just now!

And he could guess what the arrow light meant without thinking.

Sure enough, not long after he was ambushed, hurried footsteps were heard in the passage.

Perhaps it was because they saw Qin Bingkun standing in the blood pool and Mo Xun facing him.

The voice came before the person arrived.

"Brother Qin, did you succeed?"

But this sentence became the last question this person asked in his life.

But the answer to him was a silver spear!

Then another head flew out without any warning.

And the body, under inertia, ran to the edge of the blood pool before falling to the ground.

When the head stopped rolling, Mo Xun looked closely and found that this person was an elder of the City Lord's Mansion like Zhao Qiyuan.

The two had never had any intersection before, and they didn't even say a word.

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

Could it be that the City Lord's Mansion was also involved in the calculation against him?

He couldn't help but sneer at the corner of his mouth. This possibility was not impossible, but very big!

As the saying goes, the donkey is killed after it has done its job. Now he has no value to Shangwu City, so why keep him?

I guess that old guy Xia Huaiying is the mastermind of the whole thing.

Thinking of this, he jumped up and came to the headless body that fell.

Soon, he found a black box that was exactly the same as Qin Bingkun's before.

He first carried the body to the blood pool and made it stand next to Qin Bingkun.

He picked up the silver spear in his hand and put the head back.

Let the blood pool present the illusion that two people surrounded his demonic incarnation.

After doing this, he shot an arrow into the passage and ambushed again in the original position.

About an incense stick later, five bodies were left beside the blood pool.

These people were all the masters of Shangwu City who entered this place with him.

Zhao Qiyuan, who was quite familiar with him, was also among them!

What surprised him was the elder Fang, because he was not killed by him, but was brought in after his death.

In other words, most of Shangwu City participated in the siege and killing of him.

Only this guy who had a grudge with him was excluded.

Perhaps this person, like him, was used as bait to attract blood dragon fish!

At the moment, no one could have imagined that in just such a short time, more than half of the nine masters of Shangwu City had gone.

He now wanted to see when Xia Huaiying would appear.

After shooting a new light arrow, Mo Xun still hid in the original position.

This time, the waiting time was a bit long. It was not until half an incense stick later that the sound of footsteps was faintly heard.

Mo Xun held the spear tightly in his hand, and the whole person was ready to go, but the next moment, he frowned slightly.

Because there were actually two people coming!

Fortunately, he soon thought of a countermeasure!

The first person to come in was another master of the city.

He had never met this person before, but he had learned a little about him in the previous information. He was the leader of a gang named Zhai Xiuyuan.

In his hand, he was holding a dying guy, who was the seriously injured Huangfu Xin.

Seeing this scene, Mo Xun was really speechless.

No wonder Shangwu City would fall to the level of being inferior to others. Before others took action, they killed their own two masters.

If this kind of internal fighting continues, it would be strange if the city is not destroyed!

Since it will be destroyed sooner or later, it is not unfair to die in his hands!

Mo Xun did not rush to take action, but waited until the second person stepped into the cave before suddenly appearing.

The one who followed behind was naturally Xia Huaiying.

But City Lord Xia was still one level higher than the others. When the silver light appeared above his head, he reacted suddenly and instinctively raised his hand to block it. A blood mist emanated from his arm.

At the same time, the Tongbao Spear also fell.

With a clang, the silver spear seemed to have chopped on the pig iron, which made Mo Xun feel a tingling sensation on his wrist.

Xia Huaiying groaned and took advantage of the situation to retreat back into the passage.

Mo Xun couldn't help but stare at him. This guy actually cultivated his body to this level!

But when he took back the silver spear and prepared to stab it again, Xia Huaiying disappeared completely in a blood mist.

And where he disappeared, a large pool of bright red blood was left!

What kind of method is this?

It seems a bit similar to the blood escape in the world of immortal cultivation!

Mo Xun shook his head secretly. He knew that this was definitely not an escape technique. It was probably a means of confusing people by emitting blood.

At the moment when the two fought, the man who had entered before naturally noticed the movement behind him.

But this man was far behind Xia Huaiying in terms of reaction and strength.

After Mo Xun gave up the pursuit, there was another head on the ground in just a few breaths.

In this battle, he directly killed five masters. Together with Elder Fang, Shangwu City was equivalent to the death of six generals.

As for Xia Huaiying who escaped, he could be said to have become a complete commander without troops!

Mo Xun looked at the scattered corpses with cold eyes. Although his purpose of joining Shangwu City was not pure, he never thought of calculating anyone.

But this group of ignorant guys treated him as a lamb to be slaughtered.

Not to mention being used, he would be surrounded and killed in the end!

Fortunately, he was more careful, otherwise he would not know how he died in the end!

He looked back at Huangfu Xin again. He was covered with wounds and blood. It seemed that all his bones were broken and he was as soft as a ball of mud.

Despite this, he was still alive!

After a brief hesitation, Mo Xun threw him into the green gourd.

He also collected Mo Hun in the blood pool.

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