Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 769 The Greedy Human Race

Once Xia Huaiying leaves, there is a high probability that he will not come back.

Then there is no point in staying here and continuing to ambush.

He first searched all the corpses, especially the cloth bag brought by Qin Bingkun. He originally wanted to find the secret method of catching the blood dragon fish, but in the end he found nothing.

However, he did remember that the other party said that the blood of the Grandmaster could be used as attracting bait.

There are currently six Grandmasters in total, so you can give it a try.

But how to try it?

Could it be that the blood flows directly into the blood pool?

After thinking for a while, he could only come up with this solution.

Then he used his magic power to continuously extract blood from those people.

Before long, there were only shriveled corpses left in the cave.

Putting aside those that were lost, there were several barrels.

This was the first time Mo Xun had used such a cruel method. No matter how you looked at it, it seemed a bit like an evil cultivator.

He then set up a spirit-calling blood formation in the cave.

After the spiritual energy was full, he fired several restrictions in succession, so that if a blood dragon fish really appeared, he would be able to know in advance.

Early warning formations were also simply arranged around the blood pool.

He didn't want to be disturbed in the process.

After doing this, he took out half of the smelly blood and poured it into the blood pool, then sat cross-legged and waited quietly.

But after waiting for a long time, the beast cores that maintained the blood formation were consumed in an unknown amount, but there was still no movement in the blood pool.

Is the method wrong?

Mo Xun let out a long breath, and his face slowly turned gloomy.

There are only two explanations for this situation.

Either Qin Bingkun deceived him, or his method was inappropriate!

The possibility of the latter is obviously greater.

Looking at the remaining half of blood next to him, he secretly frowned.

He didn't use up the blood all at once just now to prevent this situation from happening, but even so, he had no other method available.

After thinking about it, he had no choice but to pour the remaining blood in again.

This wait is another half an hour.

Mo Xun was somewhat unwilling to accept it. Could it be that this life-extending treasure was really not destined for him?

Not to mention the Huanyang Zhenshui, the Bailing Fruit back then was also blown up under my nose, and now it’s the Blood Dragon Fish again!

He stared intently at the pool of bright red blood.

Although he couldn't see through it at all, he still wanted to find the crux of it.

Qin Bingkun said that there are holes underneath, and those blood dragon fish usually hide in them.

The last solution is to drain the pool water and take a look.

Thinking of this, he immediately took out the green gourd.

No matter what, he had to give it a try, and since this blood pool was good for body refining, it was logical to collect it.

Then in a burst of continuous green light, the blood in the pool seemed to be boiling, flowing into the gourd continuously.

But the strange thing is that after a while, the water level dropped a little.

It seems that just as Qin Bingkun said, the blood pools in these dozens of mysterious caves are all connected together.

Once he extracts it, the amount from others should also decrease accordingly.

Naturally, Mo Xun didn't care about this. With his magic power condensed, he drew blood at a faster speed.

As for the other masters in the mysterious cave, they soon discovered the abnormal drop in blood water.

But apart from being suspicious, they couldn't find out what went wrong.

It wasn't until more than half of the water in the pool had gone down that someone ran out of the cave.

At this time, many masters have gathered in the outside world.

Everyone stared with big eyes and small eyes, looking confused and confused.

Mo Lingyun and Qiao Cang looked at the people around them and immediately guessed what the problem was without thinking too much.

Because among the people who came out, there was no one from Shangwu City.

If you say that this matter has nothing to do with Shangwu City, I’m afraid even a fool won’t believe it!

"Xia Huaiying!"

Qiao Cang gritted his teeth bitterly and spat out these three words with his eyes cracked.

Mo Lingyun raised his eyebrows and said, "Could it be that Xia Huaiying knew about our plan and drained the water from the pool to prevent me from advancing to the master level of the two cities? But how did he do it?"

"No matter how he does it, I must make him pay the price!"

Then, Qiao Cang turned around and ordered everyone: "Everyone, go to various caves now to search for the whereabouts of the men in Shangwu City. Once you find them, don't do anything. Wait until we are all gathered before making plans!"

Even though he was furious, City Lord Qiao still didn't lose his composure.

According to his guess, all the masters in Shangwu City must be in a mysterious cave right now.

If you do it rashly, one of you will go in, and the other will be left behind.

It didn't take long for the feedback from everyone to reach the ears of the two city lords.

At this time, the number of Grandmasters in the two cities was already one less than before.

Everyone's eyes were immediately locked in front of Fangxuan Cave.

The other caves were all empty, and no one was found.

Only here, the people sent in have not come out.

Mo Lingyun and Qiao Cang glanced at each other, but neither seemed to have any intention of stepping in.

They knew that if all the masters of Shangwu City were really gathered inside and guarded by the narrow passages, it would be difficult to catch them all!

But they don't need to go in. As long as they wait here, those people will come out sooner or later.

Under the arrangement of the two people, the masters of the two cities immediately ambush around.

Whether inside or outside, it is a terrain that is easy to defend but difficult to attack. As long as someone comes out, they will definitely be killed one by one!

At this point, there is no room for easing.

Today, either Shangwu City will be destroyed or the other two cities will be destroyed!

The three cities that have been in the Tiankui Realm for who knows how many years will finally come to an end soon.

But what they don’t know is that Shangwu City is actually dead in name only!

After killing an intruder, Mo Xun continued to extract the blood inside.

He couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. This is really a good place. The narrow passage in front of him has become a means for him to rely on.

Just as the blood in the pool gradually dried up, a pair of eyes slowly opened in the darkness.

Then an old voice said "Huh".

"It feels familiar!"

After the last drop of blood was collected in the gourd, the situation under the pool was completely exposed to Mo Xun.

There are indeed many small holes under the pool, like a honeycomb.

To Mo Xun's disappointment, he still didn't find any trace of the blood dragon fish.

Could it be that after leaving the blood water, the fish can still survive?

This is a bit troublesome. You can't dig through the ground and look for them one by one, right?

Just as he was worried, a low voice suddenly came to his ears!

The voice was old, distant, and carried the vicissitudes of ancient times.

"What a greedy human race!"

Mo Xun was shocked, and before he could react, the whole person disappeared on the spot!

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