When he reappeared, he had been transported to a strange place.

It was pitch black all around, except for what seemed to be a blue lantern hanging in the mid-air in the distance!

No, that's not a lantern, that's an eye.

Because he clearly saw the thing and it actually flickered.

At the same time, a slight gasp came from his ears.

"Who are you?"

After a brief moment of shock, he suddenly became on guard.

The spear in his hand flashed with silver light, ready to attack at any time.

In these years of wandering around, he has seen countless weird things. At this moment, although he was a little surprised and uncertain, he was not afraid.

He was probably in an open and closed environment at the moment. After he asked these words, there was an echo from all around.

"What a gun!"

After a while, he finally heard the old voice again.

Mo Xun frowned.

"Are you a human or a demon?"

From the moment he was brought to this place without noticing, Mo Xun already knew that this guy was something special.

Ordinary body training masters simply do not have this ability.

Space transfer!

Either it was a formation, or it was a great magical power that he had never been exposed to before!

The voice came again, but with a bit of disdain in his tone.

"How can a demon compare to me!"

Mo Xun quickly thought of the difference that came along the way.

There are huge skeleton-like rocks along the way, and a hole that looks like a bloody mouth when you enter.

Could it be that this place is really the dojo of some kind of ancient beast?

He was silent for a moment. This kind of thing happened only once or twice.

In all these cases, either he has offended the other person, or the other person has something he wants.

But the former seems more likely.

After all, just now, he had done something disgraceful that destroyed a person's foundation.

Perhaps it was because of draining the blood pool that he angered people.

"Junior, don't look for it. If you have offended me before, please forgive me once for the sake of not being blamed. As for what the senior has ordered, I should try my best to do it!"

Mo Xun's words were extremely open.

He lowered his posture and expressed his apology at the same time, leaving some room for maneuver in his words.

At this moment, a red light suddenly emitted from the darkness.

Then, a huge body gradually appeared in front of him.

This is a strange beast that looks like a dragon but not a dragon. It has dragon beards and horns on its head, but its body is like a lion, and its whole body is covered with dark red scales.

The blue "lantern" I saw just now was indeed its eyes.

But strangely, the second pupil of this beast was completely dark, as if it had been dug out.


This was the first thought in Mo Xun's mind after seeing the face of this beast clearly.

This thing really looks like the legendary unicorn.

The huge body was suspended in the air in a lying position. It was just an illusory figure, giving people the feeling of a soul body.

He immediately understood why.

This is either the primordial spirit, or a ray of divided soul!

Thinking of this, his heart seemed to relax a little.

"Are you a human monk?"

Mo Xun nodded slightly.

"What do you call senior?"

The person on the other side suddenly fell silent. It seemed that after a very long memory, he said, "I forgot my name, just call me Xue Qi!"

Mo Xun's eyelids twitched. It seemed that he had probably guessed it right.

This guy is indeed a Qilin auspicious beast!

"I don't know, senior brought me here, but do you have any instructions?"

Xue Qi did not answer directly, but asked instead: "You are different from those outside, how did you get here?"

Mo Xun slowly put away his spear, and his expression became less wary.

At least from the current point of view, this soul body does not seem to have much malicious intent.

"It's just a coincidence..."

There is nothing to hide in this matter.

Then he briefly recounted his previous experience.

“It’s a blessing to be chased by enemies and exiled to another world!”

Xue Qi pondered, then suddenly changed the topic and said: "The silver gun in your hand is good, but it lacks the weapon spirit. Unfortunately, I am not a dragon, otherwise it would be a good choice."

These words immediately stunned Mo Xun.

He even wondered if he heard it wrong.

Is this guy going to make a weapon spirit for him?

Immediately, a burst of laughter from Xue Qi came to his ears, but there was a bit of loneliness in this laughter.

"Do you find it incredible?"

Mo Xun nodded noncommittally. Anyone who heard this kind of thing would probably be confused.

"It's human nature. There are actually two reasons. One will be discussed later, and the other can be discussed now."

Mo Xun blinked curiously and pretended to listen carefully.

After a while, Xue Qi sighed and said, "My life is approaching and I don't have much time left!"

Seeing Mo Xun's surprised look, Xue Qi smiled heartily again.

"Of course, the time I am talking about may be a hundred years, or it may be a thousand years. For you humans, that is a very long period of time, but for me, it is just a matter of continuing to linger. I am already trapped here. It’s been so long that I even forgot that I was still alive.”

"Senior, could it be that he is imprisoned here?"

Xue Qi shook his illusory head.

"No one can imprison me, but for some reason, I can't leave this area, and my body has long been transformed into mountains and rocks, and merged with this world. It's not an exaggeration to say that I am barely alive."

Mo Xun seemed to understand a little!

But since the other party didn't want to say the details, he naturally wouldn't be curious to ask.

"Then the meaning of the senior asking me to come here is..."

"I'm giving you an opportunity!"

Mo Xun frowned slightly. At this moment, he not only did not show any excitement, but also raised a sense of vigilance again.

Since he started practicing, has he ever encountered a pie in the sky?

There is almost no opportunity that comes to him for no reason.

I only heard Xue Qi continue to say: "You came here just to refine your body. I can help you improve your realm in a short time. Is this a great opportunity?"

Mo Xun pretended to be excited and asked: "How to improve?"

"Go along the road behind you. There is still a little bit of my origin energy left there. Although it is not much, it is enough for you to advance to two or three realms. If you are lucky, it is not impossible to reach the peak of body refinement in this world!"

Mo Xun turned his head and took a look. It was pitch black behind him.

But vaguely, there was indeed a small path leading to somewhere.

But why does this routine seem a little familiar?

He did not move his feet, but said slowly: "Senior is wrong. I came here not to refine my body, but to seek something called blood dragon fish."

The follow-up chapter will be made up tomorrow!

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