"Blood dragon fish?" Xue Qi's tone was a little doubtful.

"That's right. I heard that this thing can help people prolong their life by fifty years. I came here for it. As for body training, it's not so urgent."

Xue Qi was silent for a long time before he seemed to suddenly realize.

"I know what you are talking about!"

Then, dozens of huge bright red scales suddenly floated in the air. Those scales were like duckweed in the water, slowly swimming in the darkness.

Suddenly, all the scales changed and turned into blood-colored swimming fish.

These fish have slender bodies. Except for the lack of horns and whiskers, they are similar to the legendary dragons.

"This should be the blood dragon fish you mentioned. This thing was originally transformed from my body scales. Since you need it, I will give it to you!"

Mo Xun's face was happy, and he bowed quickly.

"Thank you, senior!"

He flew forward and collected all the dragon fish with the waving of his robe sleeves.

At the same time, taking advantage of the opportunity to get close, he could finally be completely sure that even if this guy was not a soul, he was as illusory as a soul body.

Since it was a soul body, the problem would be easy to solve!

As soon as the blood dragon fish was in hand, he immediately felt relieved.

As he said, the main purpose of this trip was this kind of divine object!

"Now you can go find another great opportunity!"

Mo Xun nodded gently, but just turned around and turned back again.

"By the way, senior, what is the second reason you just mentioned?"

If he was willing to become someone else's spirit or give away the opportunity because he was about to die, this reason was not very sufficient.

At least it couldn't convince him!

Every fifty years, a group of people would come here, why would they choose him?

Is it because he is a cultivator?

If he doesn't clarify the matter, even if it is a Daluo Jindan, he won't be able to hold it firmly.

"You will know this matter naturally after you get the opportunity!"

Mo Xun sneered in his heart, but his face was still excited.

After all, it was a great opportunity. Who could remain calm in such a situation?


Just as he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his hand and a white light burst out from his sleeve.

The light quickly grew in the air, and almost in an instant, it turned into a huge white beast.

This beast was Bai Ze!

The moment Bai Ze appeared, he opened his bloody mouth in a roar, aimed at the bloody unicorn with a strong suction.

The sudden change made the blood unicorn unable to react at all.

With a scream-like exclamation, the huge unicorn body was directly sucked into Bai Ze's belly.

Mo Xun, on his side, spoke quickly.

"Don't rush to kill it, just trap it!"

As the blood unicorn disappeared, the entire space fell into darkness again.

As he turned his palm, he threw several fireballs around.

In the firelight, Bai Ze had shrunk to his normal appearance, but after leaving the gourd, he could not transform due to lack of spiritual power!

He stretched out his hand and patted it gently, passing some of the chaotic turbid air in his body out.

"Maybe you can feel its existence?"

Bai Ze licked his tongue, and his whole body was white and fluffy, which was better looking than before.

When he found that the other party was a soul body, he quietly released Xiao Bai from the gourd.

As for what the guy's intentions were, it was clear after catching him.

"Can I talk to it for a few words?"

Bai Ze nodded his head, then opened his mouth and spit out a ball of white light.

In this white light, there was a strange blue eyeball.

When he saw this thing, Mo Xun couldn't help but move his heart, and he seemed to understand a little bit what the second reason was.

Because he had not only seen this thing, but also had one.


This was also what Gong Yang told him at the beginning, but the strange thing was, how could it appear here?

"Don't you need to explain to me?"

Mo Xun looked coldly at the eyeball that was trying to break free from the white light. He really didn't expect that the main body of this thing was actually an eye.

"I didn't expect you to be so alert. I admit defeat!"

Mo Xun frowned. The tone of the other party's speech at this time was completely different from the ancient and distant feeling just now.

The voice was completely changed.

It was like a teenager of fifteen or sixteen years old, still in the voice change period.

"Who are you?"

"I won't tell you that I am the master's eye, I won't tell you even if you kill me!"

Mo Xun was slightly stunned. Isn't this a fool?

"Is your master the blood unicorn?"

The eyeball snorted coldly, with a bit of a heroic spirit going to die.

"Kill me!"

Mo Xun's mouth showed a sneer, and then he gave a look to Bai Ze on the side.

Bai Ze understood and immediately opened his bloody mouth again to spray white light at the eyeball.

Amid the roar, the bound eyeball suddenly screamed.

"Even if you torture me again, I won't admit that you guessed it right."

Mo Xun raised his hand and asked Bai Ze to stop first.

This guy is either a fool or extremely smart.

If it is the latter, it must be due to some kind of taboo that he had to spit out the truth in this way of pretending to be stupid.

"The strange beast you just transformed is the original body of the blood unicorn, right?"

The eyeball did not speak.

"Is the blood unicorn still alive now?"

"Don't even think about getting anything out of me because your master has already died."

Mo Xun was speechless, thinking how unhappy would the Blood Qilin be if he knew that his eyes were this kind of stuff?

But the divine beast is still a divine beast!

Even if it dies, its eyes can become spirits!

Mo Xun continued to ask: "Is this Nine Peaks Blood Pool the body of the Blood Qilin?"

The eyeball remained silent.

"What happened to the Blood Qilin back then? Was he imprisoned here, or did he die here for other reasons?"


It was not until a full stick of incense that Mo Xun roughly understood the whole story.

As the other party said before, there are very few people in the world who can imprison him.

Once after a war, the Blood Qilin suffered a serious injury and lost an eyeball.

Because the blood here is strong, he chose to heal here.

But later the injury was too severe and he was unable to recover.

After falling, his body turned into nine mountains and his blood became the water of the blood pool.

Only this eyeball, because it carries a wisp of soul, slowly develops intelligence and becomes the master of this blood pool.

As for the reason why outsiders are attracted here every once in a while, it is simple.

It is to find the whereabouts of the other eye!

Because the other party knows that the person who is most sensitive to Qilin blood in this world, besides himself, is the other eyeball.

Unfortunately, man's plans are not as good as God's plans. Not long after the death of the blood Qilin, this place was completely closed by people.

It became the current Tiankui world!

And the eyeball that was wandering outside naturally lost its breath sensing.


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